7 steps to natural slimness

We used to think that weight loss is always about overcoming: a rigid diet, calorie counting, grueling workouts. Psychologist Anastasia Ryazanova claims that being slim is natural, she tells what habits will help you gain a beautiful figure without much effort.

1. Give your body natural food: raw vegetables and fruits

When the body receives the necessary nutrients, it does not ask for extra food. For example, fruits satisfy the need for sweets. For proper assimilation, they must be consumed in a separate meal or an hour before a meal, but never after.

The more natural the products, the better they nourish the body. The body needs fiber. A salad of fresh vegetables with greens saturates the body with essential microelements, goes well with any main course, and improves the digestion of meat. Salad takes up a lot of space in the stomach, so there is less space for heavy meals. No wonder vegetables are considered the best dish for losing weight.

With natural nutrition, the receptors are cleared and the need for unhealthy foods is naturally reduced. Old eating habits that weighed down the body disappear. There is no need to fight with yourself. The secret is to gradually switch to more natural food until it reaches 30-50% of the total diet.

2. Drink clean water

We know that drinking sweet soda is bad, so we prefer tea. As a result, we force the body to do double work – to extract water from tea in order to nourish itself. We just need water. It removes toxins, cleanses of toxins, participates in metabolism, breaks down fats. A glass of water on an empty stomach immediately after waking up stimulates intestinal peristalsis and “turns on” the body. Drinking water during the day can help to quench the false feeling of hunger, and a glass of water before meals speeds up metabolism and prevents overeating.

To accustom yourself to the use of healthy fluids, it is recommended to drink half a glass every hour during the entire period of wakefulness. The body quickly gets used to the good and soon begins to “demand” its 2 liters of water per day.

3. Get enough sleep

To tune in to natural biorhythms, go to bed before 22:XNUMX, follow the regime and ensure complete silence and darkness in the bedroom. If these rules are observed, the hormonal balance and the work of the endocrine system will stabilize, and the state of the psyche will improve. During a full night’s sleep, the hormone melatonin will be produced, which prevents the accumulation of fat and fights stress. The body does not need additional calories if it has rested at night.

4. Listen to your body

There is a lot of conflicting information in the world. Some advise vegetarianism, others argue that one cannot survive without meat. It remains only to test the effect of the product on yourself. If bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, or irritable bowel syndrome appear after eating, then the body has difficulty digesting food. It is worth observing the reaction to animal protein, dairy products, soy, gluten. Also pay attention to the compatibility of ingredients in one dish. For example, not everyone can easily digest carbonara pasta, because it contains dairy products, gluten, and animal protein at once.

The process of losing weight will be a pleasure if the body itself refuses inappropriate food and wrong combinations. Often, housewives replace certain ingredients in the recipe, making the dish healthier, but retaining its taste.

5. Enjoy the process of eating

This is the main secret of harmony, according to many. We are satisfied when we experience the pleasure of food. One and the same dish can be eaten and not noticed, or you can feel its texture, taste, smell, enjoy the view. It does not hurt to set the table and decorate the food, as if for a royal reception. If you decide to eat a forbidden dish, don’t steal your feelings, savor every bite. It is important to satiate yourself, to get full satisfaction from the taste that you have been craving. It is contraindicated to eat on the go or in a hurry.

Every little joy helps to balance the psyche and get closer to harmony.

The mindfulness technique has long been known. Its task is to teach you to fully live the present. Eating with your eyes closed sharpens the senses and enhances the pleasure of eating. This technique will help you establish contact with yourself, teach you to be aware of when a feeling of hunger appears, and to capture satiety signals.

6. Use the right to rest

Everyone has an activity that fills him to the brim: drawing, dancing, knitting. If you live in pleasure, then you don’t have to eat up a lack of impressions or a lack of interesting communication. 20 minutes of relaxation in the bath can get rid of a chocolate bar. Going out into nature helps someone, someone meditates in the evenings. Every little joy helps to balance the psyche and get closer to harmony.

7. Express love for the body

Put this feeling into every touch to you. When you smear your body with cream, dry yourself with a towel, feel gratitude to your body. He works so hard. No need to wait for ideal forms, you need to fire your poisonous critic, replace negative internal dialogue with self-admiration and compliments. Praise the body for every occasion. It’s about your relationship with your body. As soon as they become favorable, the body will begin to change, you will look great.

Building is natural. In order for the forms to be always graceful, you need to lose weight for pleasure. Enjoy food, restorative sleep, quality time, feel the harmony in the body and improve the relationship with the body.

About the Developer

Anastasia Ryazanova is a counseling psychologist specializing in weight loss and family therapy. Her blog.

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