Today the most vociferous celebrity Mariah Carey turns 50 years old.
The singer has never hidden that she has been struggling with excess weight all her life. And sometimes with varying degrees of success. Now Keri has managed to lose more than 20 kilograms, but the star is not ready to stop at this mark.
1998 year
2018 year
Keri has always been distinguished by an extremely defiant style of clothing – mini-skirts, shorts, corsets, tight dresses. All this, undoubtedly, looked gorgeous on the chiseled figure of the singer – about 35 years old. Now the star is not ready to put up with age, and weight, too. Years go by, kilograms are gained, and Mariah is still in miniskirts, but not as chic as in her youth.
In 2017, Keri’s weight reached a critical mark and stepped over 100 kilograms! Doctors have already sounded the alarm – they even considered the threat of obesity, hypertension and the risk of cardiovascular disease. That’s when Mariah took over and dropped a couple dozen.
The very shots that surprised the fans
Throughout her life, Keri’s weight fluctuates – either she is a slender beauty, or a donut with curvaceous shapes. She is just as charming and beautiful. But, unfortunately, the inability to dress and the unwillingness to believe that excess weight is still, so to speak, there (and not only), exposes the star in an absurd form. Keri herself, in the opinion of her relatives, suffers greatly because of an imperfect figure, she dries herself up with rigid diets, which give only a temporary result. And the star again breaks down to gluttony. Such changes brought Mariah to a nervous breakdown, she abandoned diet and training, starting to seize and wash down depression. And if not for the doctors, it is not known how the story would have ended.
Carey helped a protein diet, which, as Mariah herself admits, she simply hates. There are only two products in the star’s diet – salmon and capers. And that’s it! And how can you not get depressed …
Now in this overweight woman it is difficult to recognize a sexy blonde with a graceful figure and long tanned legs. But how can you condemn a mother of three children for not being as slim as before? For Jessica, all three pregnancies were very difficult, and especially the last one. The singer shared photos of her swollen legs, and her stomach in the last stages completely shocked fans. Considering that the weight of the newborn girl (Simpson became a mother on March 19) is 4,5 kilograms, it is understandable why her mother suffered so much.
After the first birth, Jessica said with might and main that she was proud of her “new” body, they say, she always dreamed of curvaceous forms. But everything turned out to be wrong. In fact, the girl thus calmed herself and made excuses in front of the fans – she was terribly shy about the plump body. After the second birth, Jessica seemed to have a roof blown off – she did not get out of the gym, trying to get in shape. And this, too, was superfluous: photos of pumped legs shocked fans. Although Jessica herself was pleased with herself. The singer’s husband Eric Johnson always supported his wife, trying to compliment him more often, and more than once admitted publicly that he was married to the most beautiful woman with an amazing figure. Apparently, this approach was successful, and Jessica decided to focus on motherhood, forgetting about the battle with being overweight.
But depression for Kesha caused weight gain. For everyone around, the singer was a kind of eccentric, cheerful, slender girl, who is always doing well and does not care about everything. In fact, Kesha’s fate is not so cloudless – on the way to success, she faced harassment from her own producer, and later threats. When Kesha published the whole dirty story, her career, unfortunately, began to decline, and at the same time, the girl fell into such a terrible depression that only specialists could help. Kesha could not find support among her loved ones and for a long time saved herself with the help of alcohol and illegal drugs. Taking up the treatment, Kesha coped with addictions, but not with the gained 30 kilograms. But the girl is now not afraid of anything, and two years ago she resumed her singing career.
Transformations and transformations of the singer no longer shock anyone. Everyone was satisfied with her insane act, which led to a psychiatric hospital. No one condemned the unfortunate girl, she became a hostage of the situation, realizing that even her closest ones see her as an opportunity to cash in and earn thousands of extra dollars. Even the parents divorced at the peak of the singer’s fame: they could not share the daughter’s multimillion-dollar royalties. And husband Kevin Federline, a former dancer with empty ambitions and lack of any talents, turned out to be a fan of squandering his wife’s millions on his many girlfriends. Actually, it is understandable why Britney could not stand it and snapped. And she fell so hard that then she could not come to her senses for more than one year. The performance of the plump singer at the awards aroused pity and sympathy from her stellar colleagues. Squeezing herself into tight shorts and a short top, having recovered more than a dozen kilograms, Britney performed for the first time to the soundtrack. She simply could not sing, and she was particularly good at dancing. Constant drinking, spree with girlfriends led to the fact that Spears almost sank to the bottom. But on her way there was Jason Travik, who later became her agent. He really helped the singer, and she, seeing in him that very saving beacon, allowed herself to be taken care of. And I fell in love. Perhaps the new love became salvation for the singer, and she, taking up herself, practically revived. Although the couple’s romance did not receive a continuation, Britney still fondly remembers Jason. Now the singer is happy to show pictures of training sessions and their results. And she is happy with her new lover Sam Asgari.
At the dawn of her career, Aguilera, on the contrary, frightened her with her slenderness. Petite, very thin as a reed, the teenage girl did not fit the standards of the rising young singers of the era. Even the most sexy outfits looked less seductive on a girl than on her colleagues. Pregnancy changed everything – in 2008 she gave birth to her son Max. And noticeably rounded. At first, her forms were really transformed, adding to the figure that femininity that was lacking. But then the forms only became larger and more voluminous, and soon Aguilera’s donut appeared on the red carpet. And then it began. Even the most devoted fans attacked the singer with criticism – they say, she got fat like that and let herself go, stinging ridicule and reproaches poured down. Of course, Aguilera had a real nervous breakdown. Hard diets, exhausting workouts, fasting diets led to the fact that in less than a month she threw off a dozen kilograms. And this seemed to her not enough, she continued to torment herself. Which, in fact, led to another nervous breakdown. Then the girl had to turn to psychologists.
Judging by the confessions of the “selfie queen” herself, she is just a list of complexes. While most admire her most prominent body part, she hates that part. And she is even ready to pay the paparazzi for a photoshop of random shots, if only her ass looks perfect. After those memorable photographs from Mexico, in which everyone saw the real forms of Kim without retouching, the girl became a victim of ridicule.
We will not argue with critics and prove that glossy pop does not exist in nature, but everyone has cellulite. As it turned out, so did Kim. So this cellulite has become a real tragedy for the star. Kanye West’s husband also added fuel to the fire – he expressed his dissatisfaction and grief. Like, Kim put him in a bad light and tarnished his reputation as the husband of an ideal woman. Delirium, in a word, but Kim fell into a prolonged depression, and the paparazzi more than once caught her leaving the gym.
Kirsty is a real heroine! She lost 75 kg. The star of films of the 90s was never famous for slenderness and was inclined to be overweight. But a temporary downtime in her career led Kirsty to the fact that she gained 150 kg. Seizing stress, the actress did not notice how she reached a critical point. The doctors were already bustling about and advised Ellie to go to a specialized clinic. In the first months of treatment, the actress threw off almost 40 kg. The success of the former star impressed the creators of the show “Dancing with the Stars”, and they invited the actress as a participant. Then Christie took up the figure with greater strength and brought the weight to 90 kg. Then another couple of dozen minus! And soon Ellie took to the catwalk as a model and made a splash.