Sometimes we feel miserable and empty for no apparent reason. We have neither the strength nor the desire to do anything, and we wonder how others manage to do everything. Blogger and journalist Emma Wolf suggests seven ways to deal with apathy and change your life for the better.
We all want to find one universal way to become happier, more active and healthier. Unfortunately, it doesn’t exist. However, every day you can take one small step towards feeling better, getting rid of fatigue and starting to live life to the fullest.
1. Become a perpetual motion machine
obesity after smoking is the most common cause of cancer, so make physical activity an integral part of your daily life. Cycling in the summer, skiing and skating in the winter. At any time of the year, practice Nordic walking. Walk more and walk more.
If you do not like sports and fitness clubs, just try to be active. Go up and down the stairs instead of the elevator, get off public transport one stop early and walk, park in the farthest corner of the hypermarket parking lot, carry shopping bags in your hands instead of using the cart, regularly do general house cleanings – in short, come up with any physical activity. The main thing is not to sit still.
2. Meditate
Make it a rule to devote 10 minutes to meditation every day. Let this be a sacred time for you when you can exhale, calmly think things over or read something inspiring. Just not social media. Hunched over a smartphone causes headaches and back pain. Try to spend 10 minutes on positive thoughts – listen to your inner voice, think about how to become a better person and help others. Change the negative perception of the world and others to a positive one. Thank the world, friends and loved ones for all the good things that happened to you.
Meditation has been proven to help fight depression and reduces the risk of a heart attack by 15%. Try yoga. You can do it at home and spend the same 10 minutes on it. The practice of relaxation clears the mind and promotes positive thinking. A few simple asanas (Sun Salutation or Downward Facing Dog) will strengthen the muscles and help maintain flexibility.
3. Eat right
Healthy eating requires a thoughtful approach. Most of the breakdowns in the diet is due to the fact that there was no useful way to satisfy hunger at hand. Let you always have fresh fruits and vegetables in your refrigerator, and nuts and dried fruits in your desktop drawer. Don’t order pizza or sushi for a friendly party. Better buy healthy snacks – berries, carrots, celery and hummus, farm cheese and whole grain bread.
Eliminate store-bought sauces from your diet semi-finished products, sausages and carbonated drinks. Pure, unprocessed foods are better digested, provide more energy and a longer feeling of satiety. By switching to a healthy diet, you will notice that you sleep better and it is easier to concentrate. The complexion will become fresh and radiant, and extra pounds will go away by themselves.
4. Look for the good
In addition to giving up junk food, you need to fill the diet with healthy foods. For example, fatty fish, rich in omega-3, protects blood vessels from aging and takes care of youthful skin. Legumes and whole grains activate the synthesis of the happiness hormone serotonin, thus they resist bad mood and apathy. Dark bitter chocolate (contains magnesium) fights irritability.
5. Sunbathe
Try to spend at least 15 minutes a day in the fresh air. It has been proven that vitamin D, which is synthesized in the body under the influence of sunlight, protects against depression. UV rays pass through the clouds, so a cloudy day does not exempt you from obligatory walks. Well, in sunny weather, do not forget to use a cream with an SPF filter to protect your skin from premature aging.
6. Go to bed earlier
Lack of sleep makes us feel overwhelmed in the morning. Trying to fool the body with coffee and high-sugar chemical energy drinks is futile. They give a temporary surge of strength, and then the reverse reaction occurs.
Lack of sleep is not only bad for performance, but also on immunity, leading to colds, obesity, heart disease. Try to go to bed no later than 11 pm, this is required by our natural biorhythms. Before going to bed, do not surf the Internet and do not watch TV. Make your bedroom a digital-free zone.
7. Do a digital detox
Social networks and virtual communication will not replace the real one. Try to reduce the use of your smartphone on weekends, always turn off your phone during lunch and dinner and when meeting with friends. Think about what you can do with loved ones and family members in the evening. For example, play board games, cook something together or discuss books you read. It’s better than sitting in different corners with tablets and laptops.
For those who maniacally check email every five minutes, there are applications that completely block the device for a selected time – 30 minutes, 2 hours, a day, a week or even a month.
About expert
Emma Wolf(Emma Woolf) is a TV presenter, journalist, critic, columnist for The Times and author of books on nutrition and healthy lifestyles.