7 simple rules to keep your face and body youthful

7 simple rules to keep your face and body youthful

Finding out how to slow down aging and look significantly younger.

After 30-40 years, we begin to examine ourselves more closely in the mirror, counting each new wrinkle and gray hair. We are increasingly tormented by the question: “What age do I really look like?” To reduce biological age and slow down the natural aging processes, blogger and mother of many children Alsu Kopylova advises to adhere to several rules.

Blogger, specialist with five years of experience in managing a beauty salon, mother of many children, expert on federal TV channels on family, motherhood and healthy lifestyles

1. Sleep prolongs youth 

Everyone knows that sleep is the main medicine, but very few people take this “medicine” at the right time and in the right dose. Lack of sleep always leads to overeating and malfunction of the body at all levels. Without good sleep, we are unable to recover, which means we wear out our body and brain faster. We rarely adjust our regime to the biological clock, according to which our body should live. And he takes revenge on us for this with wrinkles, lethargy of the mind and weakness of the body.  

You need to go to bed no later than 23:00, sleep at least 8 hours in complete darkness in a cool, ventilated room… It is also important to exclude gadgets and watching TV half an hour or an hour before bedtime so that the nervous system has time to relax. It is impossible to maintain youth without quality sleep.

2. You need the right fats

The body after 30 without fail needs fats, but the right ones. Of course, we are not talking about fried juicy meat or potatoes, but about foods rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Omega-3 with the addition of other fatty acids promotes cell renewal, takes care of blood vessels and nerves. Therefore, you need to regularly eat fish, in particular salmon, avocados, nuts, all types of vegetables and herbs. But it is better to completely exclude sweets, this will immediately have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.  

 3. Don’t forget about vitamins   

Vitamin complexes must be selected according to indications or analyzes that reveal the lack of certain vitamins and minerals. Although vitamin E, which is responsible for the beauty of the skin, high immunity and prevents the development of certain chronic diseases and aging of body cells, will not be superfluous to anyone after 35 years. It is simply necessary to spend it on a course at least once a year. 

4. We hide the skin from ultraviolet radiation 

Ultraviolet light destroys and deforms collagen and elastin fibers, which are responsible for the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin. Changes in the skin under the influence of sunlight do not appear immediately, as they tend to accumulate over the years. If you do not protect yourself from the sun, then after 40 years you can become a victim of photoaging. Sunscreen is needed at any time of the year. For the face, the optimal protection will be products with an SPF factor of 50, for the body – at least 30.

5. Do not forget about hands and neckline         

Hands and décolleté often give out age, even if you are trying to hide it on your face with all your might. Hands are often overlooked, forgotten to moisturize, nourish and protect. Ideally, to carry out special procedures for them: make masks, wraps, use hot and cold paraffin. But even if there is no time for full-fledged care, do not forget and do not regret spending the face cream on the décolleté and hands. Every time you do a facial, indulge in these areas too. 

6. Activity and inner peace

Regular physical activity and an active lifestyle prolong the youthfulness of the body. But besides charging, walking and training, it is worth improving your inner state. So that stress does not affect beauty and health, you need to train inner calmness, concentration and the ability to keep your energy to yourself, without spraying it on unnecessary things. This is helped by meditation and yoga, aimed at harmony of mind, body and consciousness. 

7. Accept and love yourself

When there is a loving and important person next to you who does not get tired of telling you how beautiful and young you are, no matter how old you are, you will feel young. Self-confidence and self-satisfaction make the face more attractive. But even if your family rarely pamper you with compliments, you can do them to yourself. You need to accept yourself, your beauty and age.

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