It happens that in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we may not notice how something is changing in the behavior of our children. Or brush aside these changes, attributing them to idleness, character traits, or something else. Perhaps this is due to our own busyness and lack of understanding of what to do next? Today, wanting to find answers to questions about understanding their children and building relationships with them, parents can seek advice from a child psychologist. This specialist will help both the child and the adult to understand what is happening. Now let’s look at the main signs in the behavior of children that should alert parents.
Lack of hobbies
Children are characterized by an interest in the world around them, the knowledge of its features and the smallest details. From little “why” we quite reasonably expect a lot of questions on various topics, but there are such moments in a child’s life when he is absolutely not interested in anything. Sometimes the reason lies in the depreciation of the child’s hobbies and the imposition of “suitable” hobbies for him. In this situation, the specialist will help to separate the desires of the parents and the desires of the baby.
Presence of fears
Sometimes children refuse something new. It can be new food, a playground, games with other children. Trying to push to overcome the fear of the new and unknown, such expressions as “Why are you so cowardly? Other guys are playing, and you…”, parents lead only to a feeling of shame, guilt and depreciation of the feelings of a little person. And this only alienates them from the true experiences of the child. More fears can manifest themselves in the form of nightmares, general anxiety of the baby. It is possible that these reactions are caused by severe emotional stress and exposure to certain events that harmed the child’s mental health. In such matters, you should not avoid help, a specialist will help you understand the causes of children’s fears, as well as build a trusting relationship between parents and the baby.
Uncontrollable emotions
Sudden mood swings, manifestation of aggression towards parents, peers, animals, towards oneself (auto-aggression), as well as frequent tantrums and scandals – all this is a sign of a child’s internal trouble. Perhaps in this way he goes through significant changes in his life (for example, the divorce of his parents) or this is how his inability to interact with his own feelings is manifested. There are no bad and good emotions, they are all important for a person, because they reflect his thoughts about himself or the world around him. And if you can’t deal with the child’s emotions on your own, the psychologist will help him open up, and also teach him to understand his feelings and cope with them, and parents to accept and recognize his experiences.
Difficulties communicating with other children
By their nature, people are social and for harmonious development it is important for children to be able to establish contact with others, learn new things with peers and generally develop in society. A kid who knows how to make friends and communicate quickly and easily finds his place in a new team. Thanks to this skill, it will be easier and faster for a small person to be trained than closed peers. But sometimes you may encounter the fact that the child is embarrassed to get acquainted with other guys, does not know how to build relationships with them, make friends. Perhaps this is due to negative experiences in the past, and now he simply avoids repetition. In such a situation, it is important not to put pressure on the baby, but to support him and teach him how to communicate with peers. Some communication difficulties are common to almost all children, but if parents notice clearly defined problems in the behavior and communication of the child, then it is worth contacting a specialist who will help find and eliminate the cause.
Problems with study
It happens that children are passionate about learning or specific subjects in the learning process, but gradually their enthusiasm fades. In such a situation, parents can resort to external motivation – gifts for good grades, money or sweets. Sometimes it even works for a while. But this is not a panacea, but inner motivation is stronger and more useful for a child when he himself is truly passionate. As in other cases, it is necessary to figure out what is the matter – in the initial lack of interest in the subject, in the difficulty of mastering it, in conflict with the teacher or with classmates? If you manage to find the reason, then it will be possible to return interest in learning. When adults fail to understand the child on their own, you can seek help so that a specialist can help find out the essence of the problem and resolve the situation.
Frequent illnesses
Every child can face infectious and other diseases. But, if the symptoms appear at certain times, for example, only on weekdays, and only during school hours, and also if they are difficult to fix, for example, a headache that miraculously disappears when interacting with gadgets, a loud cough or a sore throat without signs of a disease, then it makes sense, together with your pediatrician, to think about whether it is time to turn to a psychologist? Is the child really sick, or can it be to his advantage to look sick? What is behind this desire? Anxiety, fear or something else? This should be discussed with a specialist and worked out with the child.
Changes in life
An adult understands that life inevitably brings changes. For children, any changes in their usual lives are stressful, so parents need to help them adapt to the changes.
Be sympathetic to the fact that it can be difficult for a child, especially with significant changes. Divorce of parents, moving, changing schools, loss – even if the child does not seem to respond to such serious changes, it is important to get a psychologist’s advice, because the baby can suppress difficult emotions for fear of showing them and becoming uncomfortable, unloved, insignificant.
The way each child grows up depends directly on the environment in which he lives and develops. Relationships with parents, grandparents, teachers, classmates, friends influence the baby’s psyche, and it is difficult to keep track of all the events taking place around him. Sometimes, due importance is not attached to what may be really important for the baby. Painful. frightening. But thanks to the help of a specialist, you can learn to build close contact with the child, notice changes in him in time, respond to them and, if necessary, correct them.