7 signs you need a detox

Detox is aimed at cleaning the body of excess waste and accumulated toxins, and after winter, it is most often needed by everyone. You can make sure that you also need to wake up your body, improve your appearance, by these signs.

1. You lack strength

Has the amount of coffee you drink increased in the morning? All day sleepy and lose heart? There is a lack of energy that can be corrected with a detox. To make up for vitamin deficiencies, focus on fruits and vegetables.

2. You are constantly drawn to sweets

Your body is looking for an additional source of nutrition, as it cannot cope with basic functions due to overload. And taste recipes are used to getting something with pronounced flavors. You should get rid of flavor enhancers as much as possible and accustom yourself to more bland and healthy food.

3. Your digestion is impaired

Constant discomfort after eating or discomfort from hunger, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is a reason to think about a detox program. Include a lot of fiber in your diet to quickly cleanse the intestines and relieve the digestive system.


4. You have accumulated excess weight

Extra pounds is a direct consequence of digestive disorders and slagging of the body. A detox cleansing will help you take the first step towards being lean by eliminating fried, salty and sweet foods and increasing the amount of fiber and vitamins.

5. You constantly overeat

You are used to eating boredom and stress with high-calorie meals, which becomes a hindrance to your health and a beautiful figure. Choose a detox to train your body to eat properly and in a balanced way.

6. You have problems with your facial skin

The face quickly reacts to improper nutrition and contamination of the whole body. Acne, inflammation, gray color, wrinkles, oily sheen are the result of improper nutrition, and no cosmetic products will radically correct the situation. Detox will quickly help normalize digestion, which will immediately affect your refreshed face.

7. You are in a consistently bad mood.

As soon as you feel that your mood is constantly on the negative, there is tearfulness, apathy, irritability, aggression – arrange for yourself detox days for unloading. Add more orange fruits and vegetables to your diet, which will bring joy and tone the body.

Okay! Now what?

You can learn more about what a detox is in our article “What is a detox diet”. And for an example of how it works, we advise you to get acquainted with kefir detox, which takes only 3 days. 

Be healthy!

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