The question that torments a woman to the last: is she really ready? Will it cope?
It is not enough just to take and want. After all, the appearance of a small person, for whom you become the whole universe, is a very serious step. Here, not only constant thoughts about children play a special role, but also other factors that must be taken into account. The psychologist told how to understand that you are definitely ready for motherhood one hundred percent.
Willingness to change lifestyle
“Many cannot hide their affection at the sight of a toddler running and blinking his eyes,” says the psychologist. Anna Garsh. – They think that if they have a need to cuddle a child, then that’s all – it’s time to start one! But this is a huge misconception. We must soberly understand that a man is not a toy. You can’t just give it away somewhere when you get tired of enduring his cries, tears, and discontent. “
A child is not only smiles and laughter. For the sake of it, you will have to change your lifestyle, freely give up your needs and adjust to the new reality. The kid will take up a lot of space in this reality.
“It’s also a deliberate rejection of entertainment. If you want to spend more and more evenings at home, then you are ripe, ”says our expert.
Material opportunities
“This is one of the most important points,” says the psychologist. – In our time, all children’s accessories (clothing, food, strollers, hygiene products, etc.) are decent. The fact that now a substantial part of the funds will be spent on the child is true. Moreover, such financial responsibility for him will have to be borne until the age of majority. “
And if we take into account that we now have a flourishing child-centrism and that love for a baby is measured in money, it will not be easy.
Reliable relationship
“As you know, love is tested only by time,” says Anna Garsh. – When you live with your chosen one for a long time, everything in him suits you, you are ready to rely on him, then you can strive for replenishment. A full-fledged family should have two parents who create energy and emotional balance. If a person is brought up with one parent, for example, a mother, then there will be an emotional distortion. It depends on her how the child will look at the world. After all, a woman personifies beauty, visualizes, feels ”.
According to the psychologist, if the mother was hostile to others, then the child can grow up the same. In addition, the absence of a father will affect the ability to socialize.
Relatives and nannies
“In addition to rosy dreams of a cute ‘baby in a blanket’, you need to think about who will deal with him and where he will be while you work. It is important that your parents are ready to volunteer to help you, so that they have the strength and desire for the child, “ the psychologist considers.
And even if you do not plan to leave the decree after a month, assistants still do not hurt. It will take you a while to integrate into a new routine. And sometimes – just to breathe out, drink tea and take a shower.
Baby for baby’s sake
Many women, in order to keep their beloved, often resort to a blasphemous method. They do everything to get pregnant, give birth to a child and thus keep a man. Some are driven by even more selfish impulses – simply to receive additional income from the state.
“Such children are often unwanted. You can carefully hide your irritation from the child, but he will still feel negative towards himself, ”comments Anna Garsh.
Physical and mental health
“Everyone knows the expression: what kind of mother, so is the baby. I noticed an amazing pattern: positive mothers don’t have children at all cry at night. Since the crumbs do not know how to speak, they all very subtly feel, especially the state of the mother. Therefore, it is important to deal with yourself, especially with your personal and professional area. A person feels confident and calm when he is satisfied with his achievements in all areas, ”the psychologist assures.
And, of course, physical health should be up to par. Although pregnancy is not a disease, it is still a hefty burden on the body. Stress, bad habits, lack of sports – all this should remain in the past, and without regrets.
Desire to become a mom
“A child is unconditional love. He will have to be accepted as he is, just the very fact of their existence. If you are ready to give the baby all your time, resources, the last thing there is, then you are really ready, ”the psychologist concludes.