7 signs that something is wrong with your pregnancy

7 signs that something is wrong with your pregnancy

Expecting mothers expecting their first baby are ready to panic because of every “oh, something stung”. But there are not many really serious reasons for concern.

The baby that grows inside you is not yet able to protect itself from ailments. He completely and completely depends on you. It is very difficult to understand how an unborn child actually feels. But there are several universal signs that definitely signal: something is wrong.

1. You can’t hear the baby’s heart

The baby’s heart rate can be heard from the 10th week of pregnancy. You don’t have to go to an ultrasound scan or see a doctor for this. An ordinary stethoscope is enough. Alternatively, now you can buy special home appliances that “listen” to the baby’s heart. If you cannot hear your baby’s heartbeat in the 15th week of pregnancy, you should see your doctor.

The belly of expectant mothers often hurts – about the same as with menstruation. This is normal and should not be worried. Usually, these sensations are associated with how the body changes during pregnancy. But if the pain gets worse or lasts too long, it can signal a problem. In the second and third trimester, abdominal pain can mean a threat of miscarriage, premature birth, or the presence of any pathology. Doctors recommend that any pain during pregnancy be taken seriously and do not hesitate to call your gynecologist again.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, light spotting is most often associated with hormonal changes, and you should not be afraid of them. But if bleeding begins, which cannot be called lung in any way, you need to call an ambulance, especially in the later stages of pregnancy. Problems can range from placental abruption to premature birth. Both require urgent medical intervention.

During pregnancy, the center of gravity of the expectant mother shifts due to the rapidly growing abdomen. Therefore, everyone sooner or later faces back pain. However, if the pain is too severe and does not go away, even if you find a comfortable position, it may indicate kidney or bladder problems. Catching an infection during pregnancy couldn’t be worse.

Anything that does not look like ordinary leucorrhoea, which should not have a pronounced color or smell, is a cause for concern. It may be blood or too much discharge. They can mean anything. For example, that the cervix began to open. And if the discharge has a smell or you feel a burning sensation and other unpleasant sensations, this may be a signal of an infection.

If the belly does not grow, this may mean that you have such a structure of the uterus – it is bent back, for example. In such cases, the fetus develops normally, but the place it occupies “wins” from your internal organs. Another reason is intrauterine growth retardation of the child. In this case, the baby may have problems with breathing, blood pressure and thermoregulation after birth.

From the second half of pregnancy, you will feel as if you are carrying a small karateka inside. Scientists have calculated that the child kicks the mother from the inside on average 5 times an hour. The interval between movements can be up to two hours, but then you will have to endure twice as many kicks. If the baby becomes too calm, this is a reason to be wary.

But never – never! – do not panic ahead of time. This is the most harmful thing you can do for your baby. If something scares you, call your doctor right away. Better to let him calm you down five more times than worrying about nonsense.

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