7 signs of «quiet courage»

A truly brave man — what is he? It’s not about those who jump with a parachute, conquer the mountains or put up a tent where hungry bears walk. We are talking about those who do not accept the injustice of the world and argue with it a little more than the rest. Who are these people and what makes them different from the rest?

“Critics are worth absolutely nothing. All they do is blame when the strong fail or make mistakes, Theodore Roosevelt said. — The one who is in the arena deserves true respect. Whose face is covered with sweat, blood and dirt. Who bravely fights.

Who make mistakes and mistakes, because no work is complete without them. Who knows great enthusiasm and great devotion. Who devotes himself to a worthy goal. Who, at the best outcome, achieves the highest triumph, and at the worst, he fails, but even this is a failure in great daring. He will never be among those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

What qualities are characteristic of people so poetically described by a politician at the beginning of the last century?

1. They make the first move

People who are characterized by inner courage begin to do something, not always fully understanding why and why. They do not wait for the approval and support of society and do not rely on them. It’s just that circumstances change — not always for the better — and they decide not to stand still either.

2. They keep going even when they’re not sure they’ll succeed.

They do not have to be 100% sure of victory: they do something simply because they are sure that this is the right thing to do. They don’t know where the road will lead them, but they keep going. And if there are obstacles on the way, they steadfastly overcome them.

They believe in themselves even when the rest of the world doubts them.

3. They take responsibility for the consequences.

Yes, unlike the reckless, courageous people are aware of the risks and possible consequences of what they do. They continue what they started, even if they know for sure that criticism of those around them is provided. Just because they can’t.

4. They truly believe in themselves.

Of course, they listen to what others say, but they never act on someone else’s orders. They trust themselves and their judgment, and even if they fail or are disappointed, they allow themselves to grieve before picking themselves up and moving on. They believe in themselves even when the rest of the world doubts them.

5. They are well aware of their strengths and weaknesses.

Such people are distinguished by the ability to soberly evaluate themselves: they realize what they are really good at, but do not get hung up on their talents, but continue to develop them. They also know their own weaknesses, and they also work on them, while relying on their pluses.

The secret is that such people know how to get along with their fears.

6. They are driven by curiosity and interest, not fame and money.

They are greedy for knowledge and do not miss the opportunity to learn something new. The desire to become better, hone your skill, achieve more — that’s what gets them out of bed in the morning. This is what helps them to continue to feel alive.

7. They are afraid, and that’s okay.

The secret is that such people know how to get along with their fears: they do not suppress them, but they also do not allow them to grow and paralyze themselves. They know that great things lie on the other side of vulnerability and are willing to take emotional risks.

They agree with the French writer Anais Nin, who believed that «life contracts or expands in proportion to the courage of a person.» And the best thing is that almost every one of us, regardless of starting positions and environment, can become someone whose internal barometer shows a high value of courage. A man whose very life is a real inner adventure.

1 Comment

  1. Dulqaad samir adkaysi qanaaco degenaan naxariis dadkana sharfa marnaba aan ka istaagin go aankiisa (Garanaya)astaamahan waa astaamaha gobonimoda iimaanka leh

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