7 signs of a sociopath

Many of us love to watch movies and series about sociopaths, even sympathize with these heroes, but who would like to face them in real life? Unfortunately, they are more common than it seems, you probably know someone personally. How to recognize danger?

According to the American Psychiatric Association, three out of a hundred men are sociopaths. About 70% of them grew up without a father, 30% were born out of wedlock. It seems that a difficult childhood may be one of the reasons, but you should not write down as monsters everyone who was raised by a single mother or who was not a wanted child. Pay attention to the features in behavior that give out a sociopath in a person.

1. He’s too charming

He always says exactly what you want to hear. You are ready to agree to any of his proposals, because his smile and charm cannot be resisted. Do you know such a character? Stay away from him, there is a high probability that this is not a prince on a white horse, but a real sociopath.

They are incredibly charismatic and seem very sexy to women. This does not mean that all sexy and charismatic men are sociopaths. But if these qualities come with the habit of saying things that “hook” you, you should be wary.

2. He is never ashamed

These people are incapable of feeling guilty for their actions, even the worst ones. Therefore, they are dangerous, lack of conscience makes them capable of anything. “Many people with antisocial personality disorder have no conscience, but not all,” explains psychiatrist Donald Black. “But this statement is true of all psychopaths, which makes them extremely dangerous. When a person does not feel remorse, he can carry out any terrible thought that comes to his mind.

3. He doesn’t have a close relationship

Friends, family, colleagues are either absent in his life, or relations with them are filled with quarrels and scandals. It’s not that no one is able to understand his mysterious and complex nature, it’s that it is very difficult for them to build long-lasting emotional bonds. Therefore, from a person who does not get along with anyone and blames everyone but himself for this, it is better to run away. Until he messed up your life too.

4. He manipulates others

Such a person is looking for an opportunity to gain and will do anything to get his own way. He no doubt uses and sets others up to achieve his goal. This may manifest itself in different ways. For example, if a person is constantly trying to convince you of some issue, think about his motives. And if you suddenly notice that in his company you are changing behavior a lot, and not for the better, think about stopping communication.

5. He is rude and aggressive

Sociopaths are insensitive and cruel. Some do not even hide their aggressiveness and propensity for physical and emotional violence. They don’t care about others, even those they keep to themselves. It seems amazing how they can be both brutal and charming at the same time. As a rule, they use charm at the initial stage of communication to get you caught, and only then show their true colors, making you unhappy and insecure.

6. He makes up fantastic lies.

Imagine that a friend returned from fishing and began to boast that he had caught a meter-long pike, although it was a small fish. This does not count as a fantastic lie.

Sociopaths don’t lie about the little things and don’t accidentally confuse insignificant data. Their lies are large and cumbersome. They literally live in a world of endless lies that replace reality for them. They lie about their experiences and the incredible events that allegedly happened to them in order to look better, smarter, more interesting. They also often lie about their health in order to play on the pity of others and get a benefit.

7. He never asks for forgiveness

Sociopaths are convinced that they are always right. Even if you show proof of their mistake, they will refuse to admit it. Their ego needs constant nourishment, and admitting that they are wrong does not contribute to this at all. Therefore, they never ask for forgiveness. Feeling no guilt for their actions, they believe that they did nothing wrong. Why apologize then?

One or two of these qualities may appear periodically in “normal” people. Someone may commit a cruel act or refuse to admit an obvious mistake, but this does not make him a sociopath. The more similar manifestations you see in one person, the higher the likelihood that you have encountered him.

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