7 Science-Based Benefits of Water

The human body is 60% water. In order not to experience health problems, scientists advise drinking 8 glasses of water a day. This is a well-founded recommendation, since a person needs water in order to live. Below in the article we will tell you in more detail how water is useful for the human body from a scientific point of view, and you will understand why there is a recommendation of 2 liters of water per day.

1 Water helps improve physical performance

7 Science-Based Benefits of Water

If a person suffers from dehydration, then his performance decreases. Therefore, it is so important to get enough fluid during heavy physical exertion and during sports.

It is enough to lose only 2% of water to fully experience the symptoms of dehydration. Some athletes during training spend up to 10% of its reserves in the body. It may be dangerous. Therefore, no professional trainer will allow a person into the gym who does not have a bottle of water with him.

The higher the fluid loss, the more tired the person. It will be difficult for him to engage in both physical and mental labor [1]. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish the water reserves in the body regularly. This rule is especially true with increased physical activity.

2 Water is necessary for the brain

7 Science-Based Benefits of Water

As studies show, it is enough to lose from 1 to 3% of the fluid so that the brain begins to perform its functions worse.

For example, women’s mood worsens, concentration of attention decreases, headaches occur. Such symptoms appear when the body is dehydrated by 1,4%. [2].

In men who have lost about 1,6% of fluid, fatigue increases, an unmotivated feeling of anxiety appears, and memory deteriorates. [3].

It should be noted that it is very easy to lose 1-3% of water even while doing the usual things, for example, when cleaning an apartment. Naturally, exercise or increased body temperature leads to an even higher percentage of dehydration. [4] [5].

3 Water helps relieve headaches

There is scientific evidence that dehydration can cause headaches [6]. A small experiment conducted in the USA found that water does not completely cope with migraines. However, the use of clean water can reduce its duration and intensity. [7].

4 Water helps fight constipation

It is no longer a secret to anyone that a lack of fluid in the body can cause problems with the digestive system. [8]. Therefore, when constipated, you need to drink as much water as possible. This rule applies to people of all ages, including children.

Studies show that drinking carbonated water is beneficial in terms of combating constipation. Although no explanation for this fact has yet been found [9] [10].

5 Water prevents kidney stones from forming

7 Science-Based Benefits of Water

Urolithiasis is a common pathology. Stones can form in both children and adults. Errors in the drinking regime is one of the reasons for their appearance. It has been proven that the more water a person drinks, the less likely they are to form stones in their urinary system. [11].

The fluid passing through the kidneys reduces the concentration of minerals that have the ability to transform into crystals and large stones. Therefore, with a tendency to urolithiasis, it is imperative to drink as much water as possible.

6 Water helps cure hangovers

7 Science-Based Benefits of Water

Drinking alcohol in high doses always leads to such an unpleasant phenomenon as a hangover. Alcoholic drinks have a diuretic effect. Therefore, every feast leads to dehydration.

Dehydration may not be the main cause of a hangover, but drinking clean water helps the body overcome this unpleasant condition faster. The more water a person drinks, the better he feels. It helps to get rid of dry mouth, thirst, fatigue and headaches. [12].

Experts recommend drinking at least one glass of water during a feast. Be sure to take the same amount of fluid before bed.

7 Water helps you lose weight

7 Science-Based Benefits of Water

To lose weight, you need to drink as much water as possible. It muffles the feeling of hunger and speeds up metabolic processes in the body. Experimentally, it has been proven that drinking 0,5 liters of water helps to speed up metabolism by 30%. The effect persists for 1,5 hours. Scientists have calculated that 2 liters of water drunk per day helps to lose up to 100 kcal. [13].

In order to sit down at the table with a feeling of satiety, you need to drink water half an hour before eating. Thanks to water, a person consumes less food. Scientists decided to test this theory. It was noticed that people who drank 0,5 liters of water before meals lost weight faster. The participants in the experiment, who were in the control group, lost weight more slowly (the difference was 44%). The study lasted 3 months. [14].

Scientists claim that it is cold water that helps to lose weight. In this case, the body will spend more energy in order to heat it up.

So, now you know how water is useful for the human body, and why you need to drink it. Finally, an interesting video from Dr. Berg with the answer to the most important question.


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