7 sayings that bring peace of mind

There is something soothing in wise sayings. Thanks to them, we understand that many people happened to experience about the same thing as us, they managed to find solutions to problems that seem insoluble. Psychologist Nadine van der Linden comments on seven phrases that it would be useful to remember in difficult times.

An island of calm – sometimes it seems that this is all we need to recover from shocks, relax and gain strength. But where to find it? At home, naughty children, at work – intractable customers. Instead of peace, we experience more and more stress. At times like these, it pays to listen to the wisdom of others.

“Feelings come and go like clouds in the sky on a windy day. My anchor is conscious breathing.”

Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese monk, author of books on Zen Buddhism

I am a big fan of Thich Nhat Hanh. I like to quote his sayings, which are both inspiring and poetic. The above quote reminds you that mindful breathing will help you find your center of calm and that all feelings and experiences are temporary.

“Will it matter in five years? If yes, something should be done about this situation. If not, just relax.”

Katherine Pulsifer, Canadian writer

How serious is the thing that causes stress? Is it worth spending time and effort on this situation? Have you been cut off on the road or scolded at the supermarket? Yes, it’s unpleasant, but in five years you won’t remember it. I tend to worry about events that everyone will forget not even in five years, but in five minutes, so this phrase helps me a lot.

“Some lessons are best learned in calm times, others in times of storm.”

Willa Cather, American writer

These words will help you realize that your suffering is not in vain. Experienced difficulties will allow you to learn important lessons and grow, although this process can be very unpleasant. Understanding this, you can take a different look at the “black stripes” in life.

“Nature is in no hurry and everything has time”

Lao Tzu, ancient Chinese philosopher, founder of Taoism

Many of us are preoccupied with daily activities and trying to achieve goals. Of course, purposeful action is very important, but this saying reminds us that much can be achieved without haste and the accompanying stress.

“Don’t worry about trifles”

Richard Carlson, American psychotherapist and author

These words remind: it’s time to focus on something really important. The problem is that it is not so easy for many to distinguish the little things from what is truly valuable. But if you know what’s important to you, this tip might come in handy.

“Real things are better than ideal projects”

Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook

The tendency to perfectionism can cause constant stress. By focusing on getting things done in principle rather than doing everything perfectly, we save a lot of time. When the goal is achieved, we rejoice in success, and do not feel like failures.

“No matter how terrible today seems, life still goes on and tomorrow will be better”

Maya Angelou, American writer and poet

Sometimes it is worth remembering that tomorrow will be a new day and new opportunities will open up. When we have yelled at our kids or made a serious mistake at work, these words will help keep us positive.

About the author: Nadine van der Linden is a clinical psychologist.

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