Most parents want their children to do well in school. But expectations are often at odds with reality. What to do? Scold and punish for bad grades? The child will begin to get nervous about studying or completely forget about it. The task of the parent is different: to find out the cause of twos and threes, and then help solve it.
1. Lack of interest in learning
Motivation can be external and internal. For younger students, the external one prevails: it is important for them to be praised by teachers and parents.
If you praise your child, but he still does not want to do homework, try adding elements of the game to the training: do exercises for speed, use your child’s favorite toys, take additional tools at hand, such as a marker board. The more interesting the learning process, the more the child will have a desire to acquire new knowledge.
In adolescence, children are already beginning to think about the future, so intrinsic motivation becomes the main thing for them. But it is not strong enough due to the fact that a teenager wants to spend more time with friends, does not understand the value of education and is simply lazy.
Adolescents already have their own opinions, ambitions and authorities, which parents often do not include, so it is difficult for adults to influence the motivation of older students. In order for the child to start listening to your opinion, you need to regularly discuss his interests with him and focus on the importance of learning.
But the main thing is not to put pressure and not impose your position, but to give weighty arguments and try to inspire.
2. Lack of an individual approach
All children process information differently. Some schoolchildren are auditory and it is easier for them to hear, for others it is important to read the material. And for someone to remember, you need to make sketches and a summary of what you read. Therefore, the task of the parent is to help the child with the choice of a convenient way of learning and teach how to apply it in life.
3. A large number of additional classes
Many parents try to raise their children as versatile personalities, so they send them to numerous circles and sections. Of course, with such a busy schedule, the child does not have time and energy to do homework and prepare for lessons. As a result, performance decreases.
If you see that the child is very tired, give up some of the extra activities and leave only those that he likes the most. He must have free time for a good rest.
4. Fear of bad grades
The fear of twos and threes prevents the student from concentrating and showing a good result. And most often this fear is formed due to high expectations on the part of parents. If a child is taught from childhood that a triple is a disaster, then he will not be able to concentrate on completing tasks and show his level of knowledge – instead, he will be terribly afraid that he will be scolded at home.
Did you recognize yourself in this situation? Then your main task is to reconsider your own behavior and stop demanding perfect grades from the child. It is much more important to explain to the student why he needs to study, how this knowledge will be useful to him in the future.
Don’t scold him for bad grades. It is better to explain how to fix them and prevent them in the future. Such an attitude will allow a growing person to be accustomed to overcoming difficulties. And he will not give up at the first failure.
5. Misunderstandings with the teacher
If there is a conflict between the child and the teacher, the views of both parties should be sought. The conversation with the child should take place at home, in a calm environment for him. Let him talk and don’t criticize the teacher. Communicate with the teacher alone, without the child.
The causes of the conflict can be very different, but most of them can be resolved through constructive dialogue. If this fails, then the next step is to contact the school management.
6. Lack of a role model
Children copy the behavior of their parents at any age. If mom and dad work hard, lead an active lifestyle, go in for sports, read a lot, learn languages, engage in self-education, then it is this lifestyle that becomes the norm for the child, and he strives to be like them.
A similar situation, only with the opposite effect, is observed in families where adult leisure is limited to watching TV shows and addiction to bad habits. Then the child does not see the point in studying well and striving for something more.
7. Conflicts with classmates
If a child refuses to go to class or comes home from school in a depressed state, then he may have difficulties in relationships with classmates. If this is the case, don’t run to the school to personally deal with bullies. Especially when it comes to teenagers – you can further harm his “reputation” in the class.
Sometimes it is useful for a child to go through all the stages of the conflict on his own – so he will learn to solve problems in the future. But in the case when the conflict is not resolved on its own, it is necessary to inform the class teacher and the school psychologist.
To solve the problem of poor academic performance, one should, firstly, understand its true cause and help the child deal with it. And secondly, do not require the student to study exclusively with excellent marks. Try to cultivate in him the right motivation to gain knowledge and achieve results, and do not cultivate fear of bad grades.
About the expert:
Anastasia Nikonova – Methodist