7 reasons why you shouldn’t pour pasta water down the sink

7 reasons why you shouldn’t pour pasta water down the sink

This liquid is even called liquid gold. This is because it can be reused, and not always for culinary purposes.

What do you usually do with pasta when it’s cooked? That’s right, throw it in a colander to let the water drain. And while doing this, you make an unbearable mistake: experts assure that the starchy liquid left after cooking is capable of miracles. And they call seven ways to use “pasta water”.

1. Pasta sauce

Pasta water is the perfect base for pasta sauce. It contains salt, starch, and if you add oil, spices, cheese, you get a great sauce with a silky smooth texture. “This is the difference between pasta from an Italian restaurant and pasta served in the dining room,” the chefs say. True, it is also in the fact that real pasta is durum wheat pasta, which absorbs the sauce so that you get a dish with the richest taste. Cheap pasta is not capable of this.

2. Dishwashing liquid

Yes, this water looks dirty, and so does the pot. But this is only in appearance. In fact, the starch in the pasta water acts as a cleaning agent. It dissolves dirt on plates and pans, you just need to fill them with this liquid and let them stand for a while. And then all that remains is to rinse the starch film from the dishes.

3. Fertilizer for flowers

Natural starch contains many vitamins and minerals. Therefore, water from pasta will be useful for indoor plants as well. Of course, the water must be cooled before watering the flowers. And it is better if there is no salt in this water, this seasoning will not benefit the plants.

4. Hair mask

If your hair lacks shine, use a pasta water mask. Although the word “mask” here sounds even too loud. It is advised to simply moisten the hair with the liquid left over after cooking the paste and hold it for ten minutes. Then wash off with shampoo as usual. Hair will instantly regain shine and shine. In addition, it is advised to rinse the hair with pasta water after washing.

5. Basis for the test

Publication experts The Sun it is advised to start a dough on the water from pasta – yeast or unleavened. In the first case, you will get excellent homemade bread, in the second – the perfect base for pizza. Starch will give the dough a new flavor and make it more fluffy and soft.

6. Pesto sauce

Green aromatic sauce is prepared as follows: grind nuts, garlic, basil, grated parmesan in a blender, adding a little salt and olive oil to make a puree-like mass. Or you can pour in a little water from the pasta along with the butter, so that the sauce turns out to be smoother, thicker and more homogeneous. By the way, this is perhaps one of the easiest sauces in the world.

7. Remedy for tired legs

All day long on their feet, no wonder that in the evening they just buzz and become heavier. It turns out that water from pasta will help to cope with this scourge. All the same minerals and vitamins help to cope with pain and heaviness. You just need to heat the water to a comfortable temperature and lower your feet into it. A few minutes – and the pain in the strained legs will recede.

What to do if pasta is too salted

The situation is fixable. You can get rid of excess salt in several ways:

  • if the pasta is not yet ready, and you know for sure that you have oversalted them, you need to immediately drain all the water and pour in a new one. Salting is no longer worth it. It is better to add salt directly to the finished dish. The water must be hot so that they do not stick together and do not boil;

  • if the dish is already ready and there is nowhere to cook further, then you need to rinse the finished pasta thoroughly and fill it with cold water for 15 minutes. After this procedure, there will be less salt in them, but the pasta will lose its taste. However, at least they can be eaten;

  • so that the pasta does not lose its taste, you can cook another portion, but not salt it. Then mix everything together. It will turn out to be a dish for a large company, but moderately salty;

  • You can fix the situation by preparing an unsalted dressing, such as minced meat or sauce.

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