7 reasons why men like to date captive women

Often a married woman becomes the object of male attention, while her free girlfriends cannot find happiness. And being “married” on social media doesn’t stop anyone… Here are 7 reasons why this is happening.

1.No obligation

A woman who already has a relationship will not make claims, control every step, read sms and make scandals based on jealousy. In addition, a man can easily plan weekends, holidays and vacations at his own discretion – there is no need to adjust to someone else’s schedule and personal preferences.

2. Ease of relationship

Such relationships, as a rule, are easy and positive, as they are not burdened by mutual claims and reproaches. Meetings take place when it is convenient for both partners.

3.Financial freedom

You can not care about gifts for a married woman, and she will not ask for them, because then she will have to figure out how to explain to her husband where the new jewelry or gadget came from.

4. There will be no questions about the wedding

An unfree woman is also attractive because of her special attitude towards men. She already has a husband or a permanent lover, she does not want to get married, and this is captivating. She is confident and self-sufficient. Most likely there will be no talk about a joint future and a possible wedding, and therefore a man can safely enjoy freedom.

5. Open relationship

When dating a married woman, a man can start a relationship with someone other than her. The lack of commitment allows him to meet with several partners, because the woman herself returns to bed with her husband.

6. Lack of domestic problems

Couples often break up due to incompatibility in everyday life. A married woman will not interfere in the daily life of her lover and set her own rules.

No one will insist on repairs or cleaning, make comments about dirty dishes and scattered things. Her own domestic problems are solved by her husband, so there is no need to help her.

7. Self-confidence

A man is sometimes attracted precisely by the fact that a woman is not free, because in this way he has the opportunity to compete. Someone chose this woman to marry and make her his, and therefore in the eyes of a man she becomes even more attractive and desirable.

The desire to win the favor of a woman who belongs to another allows a man to show leadership qualities, increase self-esteem and his own significance.

About the Developer

Victoria Parkhomchuk psychologist, hypnotherapist Read more on her page.

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