7 reasons why I hate relatives visiting

No, I love them very much. But when they arrive and stay for a week or two, I am ready to leave my own house for a hotel.

It so happened that my relatives live in the outback, and I live in a big city. There is no entertainment in their village, there is not even a shopping center, not to mention a cinema or a restaurant. Therefore, sometimes they come to the city. The road is not short, it makes no sense to go for two days – you have to stay for a week or two. Well, do not spend money on a hotel, in a family with two children every penny counts. Therefore, they live with me, since the area allows. And I am glad for them every time, but then I am even more glad when they leave. And that’s why.

1. Queue to the bathroom

I have a shared bathroom. And if in the morning five people begin to gather somewhere, then this is a disaster. And it would be fine if my brother and family adjusted to my schedule – I’m not on vacation, I need to go to work. But they do it exclusively in the way that suits them. They enjoy the benefits of civilization such as unlimited hot water, splash in the shower, and meanwhile I shift under the door and am more and more late.

2. Your opinion

I live alone, so my life is girlish. If something breaks down, I invite a specialist. Well, or not, if the repair is not in a hurry. And then it begins: “Yes, you can see right away, there is no man in the house.” And my knives are not sharpened, and the socket is incorrectly installed, and I cannot hang a wall clock for six months now, because I have to drive a nail into the wall. Or not a nail. All right, he would mumble and help fix everything! No, only mumbles and criticizes.

Once, while I was away, they moved the furniture in their room in a way that seemed more beautiful to them. I had to sweat after their departure and move everything back. But fitness.

4. Household little things

Suddenly someone’s panties and socks appear on the heated towel rail in the bathroom. Well, there is a dryer, guys! The stove was smeared with something greasy, and the apartment smelled of fried smells. The hood was not included. But the milk spilled on the floor was wiped off with water, to which chlorine bleach was generously added. Why, one wonders? So that there was nothing to breathe?

5. Make yourself at home

The universal formula of politeness, which implies that “at home” is still within some limits of decency. You don’t have to scratch at the table, climb into the refrigerator as if it were your own, empty bottles of shampoo and shower gels, borrow my cosmetics. And in some shorts to walk around the house, too, please, do not.

6. Regime of the day

Children tend to wake up early. And it would be fine if the parents woke up with them! But mom and dad are sleeping carefree, and I get up and trudge to the kitchen to cook breakfast for the children. By ten o’clock in the evening I already want to fall exhausted, and my brother and wife demand communication: “Why, if not my own, we see each other once every three months!” Okay, nothing, I’ll sleep when they leave.

I have a cat and a cat. I would have collected all the homeless people along the way, but the landlord is against it, but I still rent. In general, these two are my fur babies, I love them very much and I have a very bad attitude towards attempts to re-educate them. Moreover, they do not climb the tables, they do not beg for food, they do not miss the tray. “I don’t like cats,” my brother frowns. Don’t love them at home, but here you are their guest!

In general, when the invasion of relatives ends, the cats and I breathe a sigh of relief. And then again we are waiting for everyone to visit – after all, a family.

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