7 reasons to take up ballet as an adult

Many girls dream of becoming ballerinas, but only a few realize this desire. However, you can get up to the ballet barre in adulthood. The benefits of this activity are difficult to overestimate.

Ballet for adults, body ballet or barre was invented in the second half of the 1980th century by a German ballerina who needed to get in shape after an injury. She created a harmonious “cocktail” of the basics of choreography with elements of Pilates and yoga. Since the mid-XNUMXs, bodyballet has grown steadily in popularity in the West. This type of activity came to Russia relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity among women of all ages.

Choreographer Ksenia Belaya believes that there are at least 7 reasons to take up ballet as an adult. Maybe they will be convincing for you too.

1. Ability to keep fit regardless of age and fitness level

Bodyballet is suitable for women of any physique and fitness level. They are engaged in girls and women aged 15 to 60 years. Only a few of them attended choreography lessons in childhood. For the majority, this is perhaps the first contact with ballet steps.

A well-thought-out mix of different exercises allows you to become more athletic, fitter and strengthen the muscle corset. Such classes are an original and not boring alternative to boring fitness, as well as the ability to easily do plies, batmans and pirouettes after a couple of lessons.

2. A way to develop flexibility

To get to classes, you do not have to prove to the teacher your suitability for lessons, demonstrating the ability to sit on the twine. On the contrary, if you can hardly reach the floor with your fingertips, while trying to bend your knees imperceptibly, regular choreography is your chance to achieve the desired result. You will be able to stretch your muscles and joints, become more flexible, more plastic, and therefore more resilient and more self-confident.

3. Discipline

Like other types of regular physical activity, bodyballet helps to achieve significant changes not only in the body, but also in character. If you have long dreamed of strengthening or developing willpower, ballet will help with this as well.

No wonder choreography is considered the most disciplined type of sports load. It is worth skipping a couple of classes, and the lack of progress (or even a rollback) will be noticeable to you and the teacher.

4. A way to broaden your horizons

Ballet classes, whether it be classical choreography, body ballet or other variations, is a great opportunity to join one of the most beautiful art forms. So, you can count not only on a beautiful selfie in a tutu and pointe shoes, but also on a change in musical tastes. Do not be surprised if after a month of classes you find that you have become well versed in classical music, plan a visit to the theater or watch ballet on TV.

5. Anti-stress

Classical music and smooth movements, graceful lines and your own reflection in the mirror, which becomes more graceful and slender with each lesson – all this helps to escape from everyday hustle and bustle and relieve stress. Lessons are built in such a way that you can work hard (physical activity reduces anxiety and has a beneficial effect on hormonal levels), and relax with the help of special techniques.

6. Love for yourself and your body

Bodyballet allows you to strengthen muscles without the effect of “pumping”, which is why models and actresses love it so much. Yes, most likely, you will not have cubes on your stomach. But the legs and arms will become more slender, the back – strong, posture – straight. You can expect that part of the problems with the back will go away, the stomach will gradually decrease. Correct posture alone, by the way, can remove a couple of extra pounds in the waist area.

Add to this softness, smoothness, grace – it is simply impossible not to love the body into which so much work and effort has been invested. So an additional bonus from ballet classes is self-confidence, love for your body, a more careful attitude towards it and the development of self-esteem.

7. Changing eating habits

Even modest steps and achievements can make a big difference. By doing ballet, you will gradually learn about the discipline of ballet. So, most likely, you will pay more attention to healthy food, less likely to overeat and eat at night, and more regularly observe the drinking regimen.

The more effort you put in, the more attentive you are to what can nullify all achievements. And it is possible that the craving for fast food will disappear naturally (out of self-love), and high-calorie desserts will lose some of their appeal. Do not be surprised. Just accept this new fact with gratitude.

About expert

Xenia Belaya choreographer, choreographer, director choreographic studio, author of the method of early ballet training for children from 2 years old.

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