7 quotes by Charles Bukowski about motivation

Genius, provocateur, cynic, lover of alcohol and women. About himself, Charles Bukowski said: “I do not like laws, rules, religion and morality. I won’t let society reshape me in its own way.” That is how, by his own rules, he managed to live a bright and successful life. We have selected the most famous quotes of the writer about life and motivation.

The American writer and poet Charles Bukowski was not only a brawler and lover of alcohol, but also a philosopher. So precisely about life, without hypocrisy and embellishment, few could write. His reflections, vivid and precise, immediately scattered into quotations. Perhaps they motivate you to discover as well.

Don’t waste time on small things

“Understand me. I don’t like the ordinary world. I have my madness, I live in another dimension and I don’t have time for things that don’t have any soul.”

All our lives we think about who we are, how we live. Each is unique, each has its own flaws, virtues, talents, fears and oddities. But one day there comes a moment when we no longer want to waste time. Gradually, we learn to love ourselves and not waste too much energy on “toxic” people or things that do not deserve attention. We are becoming wiser and getting to know ourselves better.

Loneliness is not the worst thing in life

“There are worse things than being alone. But it often takes decades to figure it out, and more often than not, when you figure it out, it’s too late, and there’s nothing worse than too late.”

Many are afraid to be alone with themselves, because they are afraid and do not know themselves. Loneliness can be a good companion, it gives you the opportunity to reflect on what is important, to know yourself more deeply. There are many things worse than loneliness, but we usually realize it too late. Therefore Carpe diem. Get to know yourself, enjoy being with yourself, do stupid things, laugh, cry, feel!

Motivation within us

“No one will save you but you, and saving you is worth it. This war is not easy to win, but if there is anything to fight for, it is for this.”

No one will run after us with a request to tell us what we dream about, only we ourselves can create and preserve the reality that we need. Every day is a battle, there are failures, but besides this, success also happens, which strengthens self-confidence. Dreams are always difficult to realize, but without it, there would be no point in dreaming. If you have a question, is it worth it to fight, to try your best every day, to rise from your knees after every failure, to continue to believe in yourself, even if this belief is illusory, it is worth it.

Dare to laugh at difficulties and live life to the fullest

“We are here to laugh at the difficulties and live so well that death fears to take us.”

Learn to laugh at yourself, at the situations that happen to us. This is necessary to be happy. Feel the smile of others and don’t forget that a kind word or gesture can change everything. You need to squeeze everything out of life and be able to enjoy. Every moment counts, good and bad.

All our boundaries are ourselves

“My ambition is limited by my fear.”

We often become the main obstacle on the way to the realization of a dream. Laziness and fear prevent us from moving towards the goal and creating the world around us that we dream about. Ask yourself: what would I do if I wasn’t afraid? Feeling fear is normal, but in most cases it is not justified. We need to learn how to manage our fears and not let them paralyze us.

Do stupid things

“Some people don’t know how to go crazy. They have terribly boring lives.”

Sometimes it’s good to feel that “tickle” in the body that we feel when we do stupid things. Go on an unexpected journey, hug the person you like, go to live abroad, dance in the middle of the street, sing loudly in the shower. In short, let yourself go. Remember, as a child, you were not afraid of anything? Children are constantly fooling around, not worrying about what others will say, they just do what they want. This is what we must strive for, to preserve childish recklessness in adult life.

Help yourself

“To start saving the world, you need to save each person individually, one by one, to save everyone – this is romanticism or politics.”

We often spend too much energy to help others and forget about our own lives. Sometimes, before we can help or save someone, we must first save ourselves. Healthy selfishness in some situations does not hurt. It is necessary in order to “refuel”, reboot and move on.

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