7 quotes about getting up early and life-changing habits / good habits
Claudia Aguirre is a neuroscientist specializing in the connection between the brain and skin. cites seven of her statements about how yoga can help cope with problem skin and why a new habit takes 90 days, not 21.
“Imagine that your brain is a big city. In the city, the air is polluted from exhaust gases, and the brain also needs to be cleared of thoughts, making plans, “playing” situations in a day, – shares doctor, Speaker of the Synergy Online Forum Claudia Aguirrewho has been engaged in neuroscience for over 10 years. “If the brain is not cleared, it is reflected on our skin… To simplify this scheme completely: when you see a few pimples popping up on your face, remember if you had an argument with your husband the day before.”
About brain flu:
– Is there such a thing as brain flu? It turns out that it happens. And this is expressed in a bad mood, depression. How to heal the brain? Sleep. Just as the lymphatic system protects our body from viruses, the glymphatic system clears the brain “from debris” during rest. Hence the saying “the morning is wiser than the evening.” And yes, no daytime sleep can replace a full night’s sleep.
On early climbs:
– Getting up early is fashionable! All bloggers immediately saw this as a huge benefit for the body and gave a thousand reasons. However, few people remember that the body needs recovery.
If you went to bed at 2 am, you cannot get up at 6 am and go for a run. Sleep 8 hours, and get up early only if the schedule allows. It is especially important to get enough sleep after training, because every such activity in the gym is a microtrauma for the body. This means a complete restoration is necessary.
That the skin is the “mirror of the soul”:
– The skin and its condition is a direct reflection of what is happening in the body. The appearance of acne or eczema can be compared to the rise of ooze in muddy water. This means that neurophysiology is disturbed in your body. And yoga will just help to restore these connections.
Yoga is a wonderful example of a holistic approach: you harmonize your mind and your body. All breathing practices are good to help you concentrate. For example, when treating eczema, it is not enough to buy expensive creams and ointments. The problem will not be solved. The primary task is to relieve stress – the cause of skin irritation. But everyone can choose the method himself: meditation, a walk or a warm bath.
About business lady:
– If a woman has her own business or she holds a leadership position, then she has to deal with stress more often than others. This leads to a decrease in mental capacity.
To keep the mind as sharp, it is necessary to train. Aerobic training in the gym helps to improve the state of the cardiovascular system, stimulate the immune system. Strength training helps to develop endurance, which is also necessary in work.
About depression:
– More than 3 billion people on Earth suffer from depression. The world is accelerating and people are not keeping pace with the changes in the world. You shouldn’t wait for the world to slow down. It is necessary to find mechanisms that will allow you to cope with this.
About the new habit:
– It is customary to say that it takes 21 days to develop a new habit, in fact – at least 90 days. I have read a variety of studies by scientists on this subject. And yet I came to the conclusion that 21 days is negligible.
Numerous studies indicate the need for 90 days: after all, we will need not only to get used to new actions, but also to wait until new neural connections are formed in our brain. However, if the habit is simple, you can develop it faster.
On the second wave of COVID-19:
– In some parts of the world, we are already seeing the number of cases and an increase in mortality. And we understand that a difficult winter awaits us.
How to prepare for this? Imagine yourself as an athlete who will run a marathon in three warm months. We must do our best this summer to boost immunity ahead of the flu and coronavirus season.
Will the second wave get through easier for us? I do not think. People are tired and want relaxation, they want relaxation.