7 places in the house, where even cleaners forget to clean

7 places in the house, where even cleaners forget to clean

But sometimes it is still worth getting to them. Especially on the eve of a big holiday.

There are people who are close to them give cute nicknames like “rabid raccoon raccoon.” They wash, clean, clean all the time, and it is possible that even right now they have a melamine sponge in their purse, and their greedy gaze is directed at your stove, which you have not yet had time to wipe off after yesterday’s cutlets. But even such fans of cleanliness and order still sin with forgetfulness, and dust can be found in their homes. And we, mere mortals, should definitely remind ourselves at least once a month of these treacherous places that we always forget to clean up.

Yes, it is clean under the bed, especially under the chairs, no “dusty rabbits”. But if you look at them from below, you will notice that the “wrong side” of the furniture is covered with dust. Especially loves dust to stick to metal bed brackets. And also tiny house spiders like to settle there, who diligently decorate furniture with cobwebs and carcasses of flies. Dust, dirt, cobwebs and (what a nightmare), perhaps, insect eggs under furniture should be disposed of at least twice a year. Vacuum the furniture underneath and wipe with a damp cloth.

Dust can settle not only on horizontal surfaces. It can easily extinguish the gloss of the wall panels, and, of course, stick around the baseboards. And textured wallpapers – there is nothing to say about them. A lot of dust accumulates in the micro-folds on the walls. The walls in the rooms can be simply vacuumed or wiped with a microfiber cloth. But in the kitchen, you may also have to wipe it with a damp cloth – due to the fact that the kitchen is usually warmer and more humid than in other rooms, the dust is cemented and firmly adheres to the surface. And don’t forget switches and doorknobs. We rarely pay attention to them, but it would be worth it.

3. Tops of cabinets, doors and frames

Not many of us are able to easily look at how things are going on the closet or on the top edge of the door. As well as on the mirror frame, paintings, photographs on the wall. Dust takes advantage of this, of course. Hanging kitchen cabinets, a refrigerator – all this on top is quite briskly overgrown with fluffy gray filth. Therefore, all these surfaces must be wiped regularly. And if you have already climbed onto a stool, then wipe the plafond too. By the way, a mop with a telescopic handle is ideal for such needs. Wrap it in a microfiber cloth and secure with an elastic band – ideal for cleaning. If you don’t have such a mop, a regular broom will work too.

Those holes in the ceiling in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, covered with grilles – who is even looking at them? Nobody, right. And it would be worth it. These very gratings quickly become overgrown with dirt – after all, air flows constantly pass through them. Plus a humid environment – voila, all the dust sticks and turns into a dense web. As a result, ventilation does not just cease to cope with its direct responsibilities. Sometimes all this dirt flies back into the room. And if you have a gas water heater, then such experiments with the cleanliness of ventilation are simply dangerous.

Yes, there are usually boxes of shoes or clothes for another season. If you put all these bags, boxes and just shoes outside, you will find that your closet has “sheltered” a lot of dust. And if this is a custom-made wardrobe and is on carpeted floors, then a lot of bacteria must have spawned there. What’s more, carpeting inside a cabinet can be an excellent breeding ground for mold and insects like moths. All this does not in the best way affect your clothes and your health. After all, insects, dust, and mold cause allergies. Experts advise doing a general cleaning of the closet every three months. Plus, it’s the perfect way to get rid of unnecessary things.

How often do you clean your vacuum cleaner, steam generator or lazy mop? No, it is clear that you rinse the foam pad on the mop every time after cleaning, and in the vacuum cleaner you regularly change the dust bag or shake out the container. However, this is not enough. If you do not wash this container and clean the filters inside, do not clean the brush, into which a lot of hair and small debris are stuffed each time, then when cleaning your vacuum cleaner will soon begin to scatter dust and other rubbish instead of cleaning. And sponges, brushes and mops should be washed with hot water and disinfectant after each use.

Favorite ficus faded, and dracaena suspiciously hung leaves? It seems like it’s time for them to take a shower. This part of caring for houseplants is usually not to the liking of creative people. It’s so boring to wipe the leaves of the flowers every time. But still find the strength to do it. If the flower is small, give it a cool shower. If not, wipe with a damp cloth.

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