7 people you will hate throughout your pregnancy

Usually they don’t talk about it. But women in a position experience not only tenderness and happiness “prescribed” by gloss, but also harder emotions.

“She just glows with happiness”, “Look, her eyes have changed, she’s all kind of unearthly.” Don’t forget the touching tone. This is the way to describe any pregnant woman. Even if at this moment she is ready to explode with rage.

Yes, a woman in an interesting position is quite capable of “non-glossy” emotions. Firstly, she is still a person. Secondly, an organism full of hormones can be on the verge of explosion in a split second. Moreover, it will not explode with flowers or butterflies, but what is harder.

The funny thing is, a pregnant woman can hate you for things that would never even occur to you. We have compiled a list of 8 types of people who are guaranteed to infuriate women in position. Try not to be one of them.

1. Happy pregnant women

These terrible women really glow with happiness, their hair is perfectly groomed, their skin is fresh as a peach, there is not a hint of bags under their eyes. They are aliens. Because normal human women swell at this time, they feel sick every morning and not only, they cannot sleep normally, and sometimes they cannot wake up. And after that, how to love these ideal monsters?

2. Own husband

I have a friend who had toxicosis on her spouse. As soon as the future dad approached her at a shot distance, she turned around and rushed to the toilet. He certainly suffered from such a reaction. But she was even worse. In addition, he himself is to blame – after all, it was he who made her pregnant, even if he himself answers! They say my friend is not alone in her grief.

3. The person who sits in the bathroom too long

This is a terrible crime. There is no punishment for him that would be too heavy. A woman who wants a little one every 15 minutes is quite capable of blowing the bathroom door to shreds. And you too. And if the matter is not at all in “a little”, but in an attack of nausea, then we do not envy you at all.

4. Indulgent doctor

Another friend of mine was ready to strangle her gynecologist. Her toxicosis was so severe that no food lingered in her at all. And the doctor either did not believe her, or did not consider her situation serious enough. The mother-to-be worried that endless vomiting would harm the child. And the doctor in response condescendingly dismissed: “Oh, these primiparas” … As a result, my friend needed droppers. And she told the gynecologist everything that she thinks about him.

5. Lover of jokes

You have no idea how a pregnant woman will react to your remark about her appearance. It may well turn out that she has already gotten away with statements about the size of her belly (moreover, the barista in the cafe thinks that it is too big, and the friend – that it is too small). Perhaps she does not want to hear at all that she was simply created to be pregnant – this is how this condition suits her. Keep your comments to yourself. Even if you just want to joke.

6. Chatty girlfriend

No, you still love her. It’s just that conversations are so tiring … In the first trimester, and in the last, more than anything in the world you want to sleep and not to feel sick. And to talk, and even, God forbid, about the latest collection of the Milan designer … No, I don’t want that at all. It’s hard as hell to follow the flight of someone’s thoughts.

7. Laboratory assistant in the clinic

During pregnancy, you have to take so many tests that sometimes you feel like a pillow for needles or a container for urine. And if the laboratory assistant says that the analysis must be retaken, because something did not work out there, you want to stick all these needles into him. And shout something more offensive about the hands that do not grow from there.

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