7 nutritional rules in the fall

Autumn is a test of the body’s strength: cold snap, stress, lack of vitamins, attacks of infections – all this leads to a natural decrease in immunity. Food is an important part in the formation of immunity and preparation of the body in the winter cold. How to eat in the fall to get less sick?

1. Proper nutrition

The basis for proper nutrition is the choice of foods and how they are cooked. Nothing fried, fatty, semi-finished products, eat natural meat, fish, side dishes and vegetables, steamed or cooked.

Pay attention to foods containing vitamins A, B5, C, D, F, PP – carrots, red peppers, tomatoes, lemon, rose hips, sea buckthorn, citrus fruits, nuts, legumes, apples, herbs, fish.


2. Stop dieting

Autumn is not the time for experiments and dietary restrictions: a weakened body will be more susceptible to virus attacks. Play sports and eat well, be sure to add a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals to the diet.

3. Products with zinc and selenium

Sources of zinc and selenium are legumes, seeds, whole grains, herbs, fish, nuts, garlic, and seafood. These products will help you fight infections. Just 100 grams of lettuce leaves or greens – and your body will receive the daily requirement of these trace elements.

4. Eat vegetables and fruits

A long period of meager selection of these products lies ahead. Plant foods contain many antioxidants that protect the body from harmful environmental influences. What can we say about the amount of vitamins and nutrients. 500 grams of plant foods a day – and be sure of your immunity.

5. Avoid coffee, alcohol and sugar

These foods significantly weaken the immune system, slow down the body’s responses to recognize danger in time, and block the production of antibodies during illness. Use honey instead of sugar, green tea instead of coffee, and drink alcohol only occasionally and in limited quantities.

6. Eat honey

Everyone knows the healing properties of honey. It is anti-inflammatory, soothing and wound healing agent. Honey mildly stimulates the immune system, and in combination with herbs and berries, it is an excellent remedy for treating complications of the disease.

7. Cleanse the body of toxins

A clean body does not have to spend extra energy on neutralizing toxins, toxins, so the entire defense mechanism will be directed to the external environment. You can cleanse your intestines with a glass of water on an empty stomach, plenty of water throughout the day, and diuretic foods. Do not forget about short detox programs to help you deal with excess weight.

We will remind, earlier we told how to prepare tasty and bright autumn salads, as well as what kind of foods strengthen the immune system the best. 

Be healthy!

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