7 nutrients most often lacking in the body

They are absolutely essential for good health. Most of them can be obtained from balanced meals.

Here are 7 essential nutrients that are incredibly common in deficiencies.

Iron is the main component of red blood cells, in which it binds to hemoglobin and delivers oxygen to cells. There are two types of iron in the diet:

– heme iron (iron-porphyrin complex): this type of iron is very well absorbed. It is found only in animal products, and its maximum amount is in red meat;

Non-heme iron: This type of iron is more common and is found in both animal and plant foods. It is more difficult for the body to absorb it.

Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world and affects over 25% of people worldwide. This number rises to 47% in preschool children. 30% of women with regular menstrual cycles may also be iron deficient due to monthly blood loss. As well as 42% of young pregnant women. In addition, vegetarians and vegans are at increased risk of deficiency. They only consume non-heme iron, which is not absorbed by the body as well as heme iron.

Anemia is a consequence of iron deficiency. The number of red blood cells decreases and the blood is much less able to carry oxygen throughout the body. Symptoms usually include fatigue, weakness, a weakened immune system, and impaired brain function.

The best food sources of heme iron include …

Red Meat: 85 grams of ground beef provides almost 30% of the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance).

Offal: One piece of liver (81 g) provides over 50% of the RDI.

Seafood such as shellfish, mussels and oysters: 85g of cooked oysters provide approximately 50% of the RDI.

Canned Sardines: One 106g can provides 34% of the RSD.

The best dietary sources of non-heme iron include …

Beans: Half a cup of cooked beans (85 g) provides 33% of the RDI.

Seeds such as pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds: 28 g of roasted pumpkin seeds provides 11% of the RDI.

Broccoli, Kale and Spinach: 28 grams of fresh kale provides 5,5% of the RDI.

However, excess iron can be harmful too. Therefore, do not add anything extra to your diet unnecessarily.

By the way, vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron. Therefore, consuming foods rich in vitamin C such as oranges, cabbage, and bell peppers, along with foods rich in iron, can help maximize iron absorption.

Iodine is an essential mineral for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and the production of thyroid hormones, which are involved in many processes in the body, including growth, brain and bone development. They also regulate the metabolic rate.

Iodine deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world. It affects nearly a third of the world’s population, writes Healthline. The most common symptom of iodine deficiency is an enlarged thyroid gland. It can lead to an increase in heart rate, shortness of breath, and weight gain. Severe iodine deficiency can also cause serious adverse effects, especially in children. These include mental retardation and developmental abnormalities.

There are several good food sources of iodine …

Algae: Just 1 gram of kelp contains 460-1000% of the RDI.

Fish: 85 grams of baked cod provides 66% of the RDI.

Dairy: One cup of plain yogurt provides about 50% of the RDI.

Eggs: One large egg provides 16% of the RDI.

However, keep in mind that these values ​​can vary greatly. Iodine is found mainly in the soil and the sea, therefore, if the soil is poor in iodine, then the food growing in it will also contain little iodine.

Several countries have responded to iodine deficiency by adding it to salt, which has successfully alleviated the problem.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that works like a steroid hormone in the body. It travels through the bloodstream and into cells, telling them to turn genes on or off. Almost every cell in the body has a vitamin D receptor. This vitamin is made from cholesterol in the skin when it is exposed to sunlight. Thus, people living far from the equator are more likely to have a deficiency, as less sunlight gets on their skin.

Vitamin D deficiency is usually not noticeable. Symptoms are not visible and can develop over years or decades. In adults, muscle weakness, bone loss, and an increased risk of fractures are observed. In children, this deficiency can cause stunted growth and soft bones (rickets). In addition, vitamin D deficiency may play a role in lower immunity and an increased risk of cancer. Unfortunately, very few foods contain significant amounts of this vitamin.

The Best Food Sources of Vitamin D …

Cod liver oil: One tablespoon contains 227% RI.

Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, or trout: A small portion of cooked salmon (85g) contains 75% of the RI.

Egg Yolks: One large egg yolk contains 7% RI.

People with these deficiencies should spend more time in the sun as it is very difficult to get enough vitamin from diet alone.

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin. It is essential for the functioning of the brain and nervous system. Every cell in our body needs B12 to function properly, but the body is unable to produce it. Therefore, we must obtain it from food or supplements.

Vitamin B12 is only found in animal foods, so people who don’t eat animal products are at increased risk of a deficiency. Studies have shown that up to 80 – 90% of vegetarians and vegans suffer from this deficiency, as well as about 20% of older people, this is due to the fact that it is absorbed less with age.

One of the common symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency is megaloblastic anemia. Other symptoms include impaired brain function and elevated levels of homocysteine, which is a risk factor for several diseases.

Dietary sources of vitamin B12 include …

Seafood, especially shellfish and oysters: 85g of cooked shellfish provides 1400% of the RDI.

By-products: One slice (60 g) of liver provides more than 1000% of the RDI.

Meat: A 170g beef steak provides 150% of the RDI.

Eggs: Each egg contains about 6% of the RI.

Dairy: One cup of whole milk provides about 18% of the RDI.

Large amounts of B12 are not considered harmful because it is often poorly absorbed and excess BXNUMX is excreted in the urine.

Calcium is essential for every cell. It mineralizes bones and teeth, especially during rapid growth. In addition, calcium plays the role of a signaling molecule for the whole body. Without it, our heart, muscles and nerves would not be able to function. The concentration of calcium in the blood is tightly regulated, and any excess is stored in the bones. With a lack of calcium in the diet, it is excreted from the bones.

This is why the most common symptom of calcium deficiency is osteoporosis, which is characterized by softer and more fragile bones. Symptoms of more severe calcium deficiency include soft bones (rickets) in children and osteoporosis, especially in the elderly.

Dietary sources of calcium include …

Fish with bones: One can of sardines contains 44% of the RI.

Dairy: One cup of milk contains 35% of the RI.

Dark green vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli.

The efficacy and safety of calcium supplements has been debated by scientists in recent years.

Although it is best to get calcium from food rather than dietary supplements, calcium supplements are beneficial for people who do not get enough of it in their diet.

Vitamin A is an essential fat-soluble vitamin. It helps shape and maintain healthy skin, teeth, bones and cell membranes. In addition, it produces the eye pigments necessary for vision.

There are two different types of getting vitamin A

Prepared Vitamin A: This type of vitamin A is found in animal products such as meat, fish, poultry, and dairy products.

Pro-vitamin A: This type of vitamin A is found in plant foods such as fruits and vegetables. Beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A, is the most abundant form.

More than 75% of people who eat Western foods get more than enough vitamin A and do not need to worry about being deficient. However, vitamin A deficiency is very common in many developing countries.

Vitamin A deficiency can cause both temporary and permanent eye damage and even lead to blindness. In fact, vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of blindness in the world.

Food sources of finished vitamin A include …

By-products: One slice (60 g) of beef liver provides more than 800% of the RDI.

Fish liver oil: One tablespoon contains approximately 500% RI.

Dietary sources of beta-carotene (provitamin A) include …

Sweet potatoes: One medium boiled potato (170 g) contains 150% RI.

Carrots: One large carrot provides 75% of the RDI.

Dark green leafy vegetables: 28 grams of fresh spinach provides 18% of the RDI.

Magnesium is a key mineral in the body. It is essential for the structure of bones and teeth and is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions.

Low blood magnesium levels are associated with several medical conditions, including type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and osteoporosis. Low magnesium levels are especially common among hospitalized patients. This could be due to the illness itself, a decrease in digestive function, or simply insufficient magnesium intake.

The main symptoms of severe magnesium deficiency are abnormal heart rhythms, muscle cramps, restless legs syndrome, fatigue, and migraines. Less noticeable, long-term symptoms that may not be visible include insulin resistance and high blood pressure.

Dietary sources of magnesium include …

Whole grains: One cup of oats (170 g) contains 74% of the RI.

Nuts: 20 almonds provide 17% of the RI.

Dark Chocolate: 30g dark chocolate (70-85%) provides 15% of the RDI.

Leafy, green vegetables: 30 grams of raw spinach provides 6% of the RDI.

Summarizing the above, it can be argued that children, young women, the elderly and vegetarians are at greatest risk of certain nutrient deficiencies. And the best way to prevent it is to eat a balanced diet that includes both plant and animal foods. However, supplements can also come in handy when it is not possible to get enough vitamins from diet alone.

Sergei Agapkin, rehabilitation physician:

– To preserve youth and beauty, make sure that your diet must contain at least 5 essential vitamins. This is vitamin A – it affects many major organs, from the skin to the reproductive organs. Contained in liver, egg yolk, butter. These foods also contain vitamin D, which is important for bones and muscles, the immune and nervous systems. It is vitamin C – makes the skin elastic, prevents wrinkles. Contained in black currants, rose hips, bell peppers. This is vitamin E – the most important vitamin for beauty and youth. Contained in unrefined sunflower oil. And finally, it is vitamin B, it plays an important role in cellular metabolism. Contained in buckwheat, beans, vegetables.

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