7 myths about aging

Living organisms had to work hard to learn how to age: initially, the simplest unicellular organisms did not have an aging mechanism, they lived forever. Given the fact that evolution has made all life on earth mortal, aging and dying is beneficial to the preservation of life in general. But aging and old age are phenomena that many people treat with great fear and prejudice. Business coach and coach Igor Dubinnikov helps to debunk the most popular of them.

1. Aging is inevitable

Indeed, we are all getting old. But age is not a diagnosis. To a greater extent, it is our own attitude to this issue that makes us old or not old. And a young person can actually become an old man, but at the same time, any of us is free to live without looking at the passport and not thinking about the numbers. Many of us live within certain social limits, patterns, following patterns that supposedly correspond to a particular age. Retirement has a detrimental effect on many: people stop feeling needed and fade away.

2. Older people are more conservative and categorical in their views

For the most part, this is so. To blame for this, again, should be the pattern that society imposes on us. And yet, in recent years, many manage to overcome this stereotype. Some, crossing the threshold of half a century, begin to live a new rich and active life, become bolder, learn, create, travel, fall in love, share experience and motivate the young.

3. If you didn’t play sports in your youth, it’s too late to start after 60

There is a big difference between sports and small physical activities to keep fit. If a person has never done exercises, and in adulthood he was told that it is necessary to improve his condition, then, of course, you need to start it. But do not throw your chest into the embrasure. Any process should be started dosed and measured.

It’s never too late to change your lifestyle and try something new. You can introduce physical activity into your life from any age, the main thing is to choose the right level for yourself personally. This will help qualified doctors and trainers.

I will give an example from life. My father at the age of 66 radically changed himself and his habits. After the death of his mother, he experienced great stress, experienced grief, but he was not alone: ​​we all supported him. It was this moment that became a turning point for him: he stopped drinking, began to exercise, set up a garden in the country and completely devoted himself to caring for his family. He found a new meaning in life. A person can realize, understand and change his life at any age.

4. Decrease in sexual activity and desire or complete disappearance of sex

This question is individual for everyone, and such changes in the functioning of the body, of course, are biologically determined. But for those representatives of the older generation who live, but do not survive, strive for new knowledge and impressions, there is no such problem.

A decrease in sexual desire occurs due to hormonal changes in the body and slowing down processes. But in most cases, a decrease in libido is due to external circumstances: chronic diseases, side effects of drugs, family problems, boredom, stress. At an older age, a decrease in desire is as natural a phenomenon as, for example, the difference between the need for sex in 20-year-olds and 35-year-olds.

Desire and sex itself do not disappear with age, just society imposes a stereotype that older people simply do not have such needs or they should not exist at all. It’s like a myth that there was no sex in the Soviet Union.

5. Everyone is afraid of old age

Any fears must be dealt with, regardless of age. They need to be recognized, understood and accepted. Everything that can be changed needs to be changed, and what is not – just accept. There is a beautiful phrase: “Whatever you fear will happen to you.” What we think about, happens to us. Therefore, you need to be careful with thoughts, desires and even fears. If you are afraid of old age, it is worth taking care of your own health, physical fitness and everything that can prolong youth not only of the body, but also of the spirit. This can reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack and other diseases.

6. Brain activity decreases, which leads to impaired memory and other processes

Old age is not necessarily a bad memory, dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Yes, many studies show that diseases related to memory and other brain functions are more common in people over 70 years of age. But they do not come from old age, but from previous diseases, lifestyle and other circumstances. You should not bother yourself with such stereotypes – it’s better to walk in the park more often, read, solve problems, crossword puzzles, do yoga, lead an active and eventful life. Do not waste time thinking about old age and illness.

7. The immune system of older people weakens, the person “fades”

This is not entirely true. Indeed, the body of older people resists new viruses worse, because all processes in the body begin to slow down. However, over the years of life, the immune system of an older person manages to overcome a huge number of viruses and infections, which means that it develops effective protection against them in the future. The older we get, the fewer potential enemies we have.

About expert

Igor Dubinnikov — business coach, coach, founder of the Players&Coaches educational platform, 10incubator business incubator, U+ open university and Favorite Partners consulting company.

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