Leading a healthy lifestyle is considered fashionable today. By the concept of “healthy lifestyle” most people understand proper nutrition, giving up bad habits and keeping the body in good physical shape. One of the most popular ways to keep fit is to exercise. Women often go in for fitness also in order to lose weight and correct their figure.
Fitness itself is a rather intense rhythmic exercise designed to increase the overall physical fitness of the body. In order for classes to be beneficial for the body, they must be carried out regularly, with an adequate load and accompanied by proper, and most importantly, safe nutrition.
Many fitness enthusiasts in pursuit of an ideal figure, following the advice of the “yellow press”, begin to adhere to strange diets that do not have any hard evidence of their effectiveness and safety. The most common foods that are recommended by such “special” sports diets are easily digestible (“fast”) carbohydrates, white rice, oatmeal, low-fat dairy products. However, in reality, these products are neither dietary nor healthy. In addition, there are a number of products that are harmful to fitness fans, and which should be avoided: fast food, mayonnaise and sauces, carbonated drinks, alcohol.
“Fast” carbohydrates
“Fast” carbohydrates are recommended for breakfast pseudo diets. “Fast” carbohydrates include white sugar, bakery products made from premium wheat flour, sweets, potatoes, sweet fruits and berries (grapes, watermelon, melon, bananas, dates, candied fruits, dried fruits). 100 g of these products contain a lot of glucose, fructose or sucrose, which are absorbed in the digestive tract within a few minutes after eating, causing a sharp increase in blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia). On the one hand, this is good for the body, because it has a lot of energy: muscles contract more intensely, the brain works faster, mood and well-being increase.
However, “fast” sugars deal a powerful blow to the pancreas: a sharp increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood requires the release of a large amount of insulin for it to enter the cells of the body (utilization). If the hormone from the pancreas has not entered the bloodstream enough, the body literally begins to “drown” in sugar, while the cells still experience energy hunger.
According to the recommendations of fitness trainers, “fast” carbohydrates can only be used during the “carbohydrate window” (30-40 minutes after an intense workout) and in a very limited amount – no more than 100 g. The use of easily digestible sugars at this time reduces the recovery time of the body and promotes a rapid decrease in the level of stress hormones (adrenaline, cortisol) in the blood.
Instant oatmeal
Oatmeal is without a doubt healthy and recommended for almost any diet. But this applies only to porridge prepared by boiling oatmeal. Instant oatmeal, according to the technology of its industrial production, is devoid of useful substances: instant flakes are prepared from hulled and polished oat grains. Together with the shell, the oat grain is deprived of vitamins and minerals, and in flakes made from such oats, only starch and mucus remain.
For those who are fond of fitness, such cereals are of no use, because, apart from empty calories and an increase in the glycemic index, they do not give anything. Moreover, porridges from bags initially, as a rule, contain auxiliary components, such as sugar, berries, fruits, or, conversely, salt and spices.
To make oatmeal useful for fitness admirers, cook it yourself from the well-known Hercules flakes, adding, if necessary, fresh (frozen) berries or fruits. It is advisable to consume oatmeal in the morning, since it is still a carbohydrate product and increases blood glucose levels.
White rice
White rice is a grain of rice that has been peeled. The benefits of this type of rice are doubtful, since it lacks the main nutrients. In the shell, which is removed during the production of white rice, useful vitamins (groups B, E, nicotinic acid, biotin) and minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, iron, iodine, sodium) remain. Carbohydrates (starch, fiber), proteins (except gluten) and fats in small amounts remain in the polished grain itself. Since there are few vitamins and minerals in it, you should not expect to make up for the deficiency of these compounds from eating white rice dishes.
Soaked white rice gives a good effect for fitness lovers. In the process of soaking, starch is washed out of it, as a result of which the calorie content is reduced. The fiber remaining in it adsorbs toxins and toxic substances from the intestines, and due to the high content of potassium, rice removes water from the body well.
The best option for those on a special diet while exercising is to eat red, black, or wild rice instead of white.
Skimmed dairy products
Dairy products are very useful for everyone, including fitness enthusiasts. Dairy products contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts, which are vital for maintaining normal human life.
In whole dairy products, these substances are in a balanced state. However, after the extraction of fats from milk (defatting), the bioavailability of vitamins and minerals decreases sharply. The energy value of products also decreases. At the same time, the biological value of dairy products also decreases. Milk fats contain polyunsaturated fatty acids belonging to the omega-6 group, which are indispensable for the human body, so their sufficient intake is very important. In addition, the absorption of organic calcium depends on the fat content in dairy products: the lower the fat content, the worse it is absorbed in the intestines.
In order not to gain too much, but at the same time to take all the most valuable from dairy products, you cannot refuse products of normal fat content:
- cottage cheese not lower than 5% fat;
- milk and kefir – not less than 2,5%;
- sour cream and cream – at least 15%.
Dairy products do not burden the digestive system, but at the same time support local intestinal immunity. Also, for people who keep themselves in shape, it is important that the “sour milk” they use is not sweet.
Fast food
For people who are in love with fitness, there are a number of unconditionally harmful products, which are generally undesirable to use. This is, first of all, any fast food. It includes:
- street food (belyashi, pasties, hot dogs, pies, puffs, buns);
- bistro dishes (dry grill, french fries, shawarma, hamburgers, pizza, beets);
- various frozen semi-finished products intended for warming up or quick cooking (cutlets, zrazy, cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers, dumplings, dumplings, khinkali);
- dry breakfasts (chips, snacks, cereals, nuts, crackers).
Fast food is food with a lot of fat, “fast” carbohydrates and salt. The fats contained in such products are most often dangerous trans fats, the use of even a small amount of which is harmful to human health, as it worsens the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, contributes to obesity and disruption of metabolic processes in the body.
Fast food is also rich in preservatives, flavor enhancers, flavors and other food additives. Monosodium glutamate (E621) is the main food additive in fast food dishes. In the crushed raw materials used for the production of fast foods, there are practically no vitamins and minerals that the body needs little (except for table salt). The absence or minimum amount of fresh vegetables in these dishes is fraught with a deficiency of fiber necessary for normal digestion.
For people who are fond of fitness, you should absolutely forget about fast food and fast food. To keep themselves in shape, such people need to eat healthy protein-containing animal products, such as rabbit, skinless chicken or turkey breast, fish, and seafood. At the same time, you should cook them yourself by boiling, baking or steaming.
Carbonated drinks
Carbonation of soft drinks and mineral waters is carried out with carbon dioxide. By itself, carbon dioxide is a preservative, acidity regulator and antioxidant (E290). Carbon dioxide is an absolutely unstable compound that quickly breaks down to form water and carbon dioxide. Despite the harmlessness of carbon dioxide in the environment, carbon dioxide in the human body exhibits a number of undesirable effects:
- causes bloating;
- increases the acidity of gastric juice, which irritates the gastric mucosa;
- makes it difficult to digest food in the intestines;
- disrupts the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, causing the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus and dyskinetic diarrhea;
- flushes calcium salts from the body;
- destroys tooth enamel.
In addition to these actions of the dietary supplement E290, there is also information in the scientific literature about the stone-forming effect of carbon dioxide on the urinary system.
In order not to expose the body to the unnecessary harmful effects of carbon dioxide, fans of various types of physical activity should avoid carbonated drinks in general. We are talking not only about sweet “soda”, but also about mineral water.
Only pure non-carbonated water has a positive effect on metabolism. Mineral waters do not belong to everyday consumption products, so their drinking should also be limited to 0,5 liters per day, regardless of whether they are carbonated or not.
Alcohol with a low alcohol content
Fitness lovers need not only to change their entire diet, giving preference to healthy foods, but also to give up alcohol. A complete rejection of alcohol is not required of them, but it should be consumed in moderation and no more than once or twice a month.
The detrimental effect of low-alcohol drinks (cocktails, low-alcohol drinks, beer) on the body should not be underestimated. Despite the low content of ethanol in them, this alcohol is very high-calorie, as it contains sugar, yeast, hops, all kinds of flavoring and aromatic additives. Moreover, it is better to drink a couple of glasses of high-quality strong alcohol at the table than to be satisfied with a few bottles of “weak” alcohol. However, we should not forget that pure vodka, although similar in transparency to water, also contains many calories: 100 g of 40° vodka is 230 kcal!
Sauces and ketchups
Commercially produced sauces and ketchups are harmful not only to fitness enthusiasts, but to every person. Their composition is just enough to read on the packaging to think about their harm: from the list of all components, applesauce, egg powder and vegetable oil are useful. The rest of the ingredients are harmful to the body: vinegar, flavorings, preservatives, emulsifiers, stabilizers, acidity regulators, thickeners, acidity regulators and a large list of flavoring food additives. The calorie content of industrial sauces and ketchups is literally going through the roof.
The desire of fitness fans to make healthy food taste better is understandable. This issue is especially relevant for all dieters. To satisfy your desire to add “sweets” to fresh but healthy food, you need to prepare sauces based on sour cream, vegetable oil with lemon juice, herbs and herbs. And it is advisable to do this on your own and only for one serving.
Dosed and regular physical activity is good. But while doing fitness, do not forget about the diet and drink: they mean no less than a sports regimen. Any sports activity should be complex and include physical exercises, daily routine, nutrition, evening walks.