7 Life Lessons We Learn Too Late

Someone else’s experience, as a rule, does not teach. We can be endlessly persuaded, dissuaded or warned, but we will still make our own mistakes. And at the moment of insight, we will definitely say the banal: “But they were right!” Maybe you should try to learn from others? Last time.

Usually we realize mistakes after the fact, and this, unfortunately or fortunately, does not depend on age. But nothing prevents us from learning our lesson before we mess things up. Sometimes for this it is enough just to remember wise folk proverbs and sayings.

1. You can’t even pull a fish out of the pond without difficulty

“Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” The famous phrase of Confucius sounds beautiful, but is not at all suitable for modern life. Living life doing only what you love is not as easy as it seems.

It is enough to look around and understand that there are too few people who have managed to turn a hobby into a job. It’s not because we don’t have the desire or we’re not smart enough, it’s just that it’s much harder to make a living as an artist, musician, or athlete than it is to be a manager or an accountant.

Those whose dream has come true are lucky, but talented athletes, businessmen and actors have been working to achieve their goal since childhood. Do you want to make your hobby your main occupation? Do not waste time on anything else, constantly train, improve, and become the best.

2. There is always fear behind anger.

As the wise Master Yoda said: “Fear opens access to the Dark Side. Fear breeds anger, anger breeds hatred, hate breeds suffering…”

When we suffer, it seems to us that the cause is in something or in someone, but not in ourselves. And only having coped with this delusion, we realize that anger is hidden in us. Its source is the fear of losing what we love, the fear of vulnerability, the unknown. If you manage to realize this, you will be able to deal with negative emotions.

3. Our habits are our future

What you do today, you will do tomorrow. Our future self is the result of today’s habits and daily actions.

If you repeat the same thing day after day for a week, you most likely will not notice any changes. If you continue to do this for a month, small changes will be visible. But if you turn an action into a habit and follow it for a year, two, five years, you will not recognize yourself. Never underestimate the power of small steps, even if you don’t see immediate results.

4. Emotions also need to be trained

We train to play football, we learn scales, but emotions also need to be trained. Humility, empathy, forgiveness, kindness, sense of humor and self-irony, empathy, love, tenderness and many other feelings can be practiced. Our character is not inert, it is formed during life. We can get better every day – if, of course, we make an effort to do so.

5. Trust in God, but do not make a mistake yourself

Nobody owes us anything: even parents and partners are not obliged to live for us. No one will take care of us but ourselves, and that’s okay. It’s great to have someone you can rely on in a difficult situation.

But you should not rely on chance and on the fact that friends will definitely rush to the rescue, and your interests will be put above their own. We cannot blame others for our problems.

6. It’s the journey that matters, not the destination.

Often, having achieved what we want, we are faced with inner emptiness. We are so arranged: we value the obstacles that we had to overcome in order to get something more than the final result. André Gide expresses this idea very accurately in the book “Foods of the Earth”: “Every desire made me richer than the possession (always false) of the object of my desire.”

Other examples can be cited: we truly appreciate only what we got with great difficulty, sweat and blood, or what we have already lost. If you get what you want, what will you dream about then? So enjoy the road, even if it is difficult.

7.Business time, fun hour

Some people think that rest and work are incompatible concepts. But often the best thoughts come just in those moments when we are relaxed. And what could be better rest and relaxation than laughter? It makes us happy and therefore productive.

Regardless of who you are, a simple manager or a big boss, you need to learn how to relax: take time to relax, talk with friends, and you will see how things will go uphill.

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