
The epistolary genre is a thing of the past. We rarely write real letters — with a pen on paper, according to all the rules, with a thoughtful greeting at the beginning and warm words at the end. Meanwhile, experts consider it an excellent psychological exercise.

A blank sheet of paper on which you have to write a letter is a kind of challenge. You need to gather your thoughts, choose the right words, analyze events and form an attitude towards them. Writing letters is an art. Modern electronic communication: e-mail, chats in instant messengers, video calls and audio messages are much simpler in this sense.

Of course, traditional correspondence will no longer replace online communication. On the other hand, e-mails will never convey all the warmth of feelings and will not cause as much joy as real letters.

In addition, classical writing is a wonderful psychological exercise, a way to learn how to express feelings and emotions, as well as analyze events.

Here are seven letters to write at least once in your life. Better yet, write them regularly.

1. Congratulatory letter

A cousin got a promotion, a nephew defended his diploma, an uncle won an amateur chess tournament — all these are reasons for warm words. Let others see that you are proud of their success.

When we reach an important goal, we feel proud. And when this achievement is appreciated by others, the victory becomes even sweeter.

A letter of recognition of merit and congratulations on success warm the heart of the recipient, and help the addressee to move more boldly towards their goals. It is also a way to strengthen business and personal relationships.

2. Letter to father or mother

Relationships with parents are often so confusing, and feelings are multifaceted, that we ourselves cannot figure them out. Relationships with our mother and father shape our personality in many ways, and yet as adults we often do not find time to talk to our parents about our experiences, to thank them for everything they have done for us, or to discuss the pain they once caused us. Without analyzing your relationship with your parents, it is impossible to fully understand yourself.

A letter to a mother or father is an occasion to reflect on these questions, dot the i’s, sort out your feelings. Such a letter is important first of all for you. Write even if the recipient can no longer receive it.

3. Condolence

The most difficult letter on our list. There are situations when it is difficult to find the right words, almost impossible. Everything seems silly and lacks weight. Just convey to a loved one the thought: «I know that you are suffering, and it hurts me that this is happening.»

It is important for the mourner to know that he is being sympathized with. Write what the deceased did for you personally or for others. Tell us an interesting story from your experience with him. From your words, the addressee of the letter will become a little easier. Support during such periods of life is very important.

4. Letter to the future

Have you ever wondered what the child you were would say to the adult you see in the mirror today? Perhaps a letter from that child now would help you make an important decision or change your life. But even today it is not too late to write a letter to your future self, which you will open in a few years or even decades.

Write what hopes you have for the person you will become. Where do you see yourself? Are you/are you married? Do you have any children? Are you true to your habits? Goals? Ideals?

When you open this message, you may be surprised to find that your goals and ideals have changed. Is this good or bad? Perhaps this letter will make you return to your old dreams and finally realize them. After all, it is never too late to do so.

5. Love letter

A love letter seems to many to be a relic of the past, those times when people, going to war or on a long journey, took a message from a dear person with them. Then romantic letters were kept all their lives and re-read in difficult times. Today, we are used to expressing feelings with a “heart” in a message.

We find it hard to find words when it comes to true feelings. It is much easier for many to put them into action — to give a gift or to commit a crazy act. And yet, if you can’t gather your thoughts to tell your love object about your emotions or can’t choose the right moment, just write a letter. This beautiful gesture can be the beginning of a relationship. Or maybe not … But at least you tried.

6. Motivational letter

Not the most popular genre. Usually, a motivation or cover letter is written to a potential employer, the university admissions committee, the organizing committee of the conference, and the committee for the distribution of grants. This is a kind of supplement to the resume — an essay in which you freely describe why you are worthy of this scholarship, position or place at the university.

It makes no sense to list lines from the resume in this message, it is inappropriate to joke, be modest, and even more so try to pity the addressee.

Your task is to «sell» yourself. Analyze your biography, highlight and emphasize strengths. For example, you are quite a few years old, and you already have two diplomas and work experience. Tell us what you can contribute to the project or how you can change the world for the better with this grant. Don’t be afraid to make the most ambitious predictions!

7. Thank You Letter

The ability to thank not formally, but wholeheartedly is an important skill. The practice of thank you letters helps us to realize how much we depend on the help and participation of other people. It makes us more generous and kinder.

Thank you letters as often as possible. You can, of course, just limit yourself to messages with the word “thank you”. It’s better than nothing. But, of course, it is more pleasant for any person to receive a postcard or a real letter with warm words.

Psychologists generally recommend finishing every day, mentally thanking those who were there and helped, even in small things.

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