7 key foods to avoid heat stroke
When temperatures rise, thirst soars and appetite decreases.
Staying hydrated is essential to stay safe from heatstroke. However, it is not enough to drink water, it is also important to take solid food, capable of protecting you from sunstroke
Every year, as the sun begins to warm up, the newspapers, websites and newscasts are filled with news and reports on the heat waves, the importance of do not play sports or expose yourself without protection during the central hours of the day, drink water and eat fresh food.
Within the recommended liquids alcoholic beverages are not found, since, although at the moment it seems that they refresh you, in reality, produce dehydration. In fact, a hangover is nothing more than suffering from the effects of said dehydration. Instead of alcohol, you can resort to slushies, horchata, Water, natural juices…
Regarding food, you have the typical that come to mind for this time, such as watermelon, melon, gazpacho… and yes, they are beneficial, but if you want to prevent, with all your might, a heat stroke, there are many more. So stay and read this article. You are interested!
Symptoms of heatstroke and what to take when you have them
There is false belief what heat strokes are slightly strong dizziness, that they leave you something touched for a few minutes, but nothing more.
False! In fact, sunstrokes are serious because, with the body over 40º, the heart, the brain, the kidneys and the muscles are damaged.
If not treated urgently, heatstroke can cause a multi-organic failure and, behind him, in many cases, death (In August 2018, 18 people died in Spain from heatstroke).
Of course, calm down! We do not want you to be alarmed, but to give heat strokes the importance they deserve and, as such, you are informed of how to prevent or stop them, in the same way that you would do with a gastroenteritis or bronchitis.
So without further ado, these are the symptom that you are facing a heat stroke:
- Body temperature superior a 40 °C
- Perceive that your behavior or mental state presents alterationssuch as irritability, seizures, confusion, or restlessness
- Cramps, trouble articulating words and feeling disoriented
- Skin dryness, accompanied by high temperature (if the blow is a consequence of heat) or moisture (if the blow is a result of exercise in hot weather)
- Feeling like vomiting, nausea and, in general, an absolute state of jumble
- Redness of the skin
- Heavy breathingas well as the heart rate
- Notice that your head beats and it hurts at the same time
If you have all these symptoms together, ask for help and call XNUMX. While they arrive, get in the shade, take off as many clothes as possible, try to cool your body (gently. A sudden change is disastrous when you suffer from heat stroke) and drink water sip by sip.
Top 7 foods to avoid symptoms or heat stroke
Besides drinking up to 3 liters of water per day (It is not recommended that you drink less than a liter and a half), the best prevention against heat stroke is to have the following foods on hand:
- Salmon. The salty does not take away the moisturizing and if not they tell the salmon, sardines, tuna and hake.
- Summer fruits. Is it so, of course, watermelon and cantaloupe, as well as strawberries, Paraguayans, peaches, nectarines and plums. You can take them in juice, separately or!in a delicious fruit salad!
- Milk or yogurts. Without cream, that is, they are not whole, so in addition to refreshing you, you will put less fat to the body and much more calcium.
- Cucumbers. Although you see cucumbers very compact, the truth is that the 96,70% of them is, plain and simple, water. Therefore, by taking them, you are already increasing the water reserves of your body.
- Tomatoes. With 93% water, tomatoes are one of the most hydrating foods around. Besides, his characteristic flavor makes it perfect both for salads and to mix in a fruit juice. Test it!
- Spinach. 91% of a spinach leaf is water, so, in addition to benefiting from its low caloric load, You will hydrate your body to the fullest!
- Hot infusions. When traveling outside of Spain, it is discovered that in many countries they drink warm soft drinks or beer. This means drinking cold liquids to quench thirst. it’s something cultural. Therefore, it is not surprising that hot infusions are essential in a diet that is anticipatory against heat stroke. You know why? Very easy, promote thermal equilibrium, as well as the rapid evaporation of sweat.
Now that you know what to do and what to drink in the event of heat stroke, there is no excuse!enjoy the summer to the fullest!