7 jobs of the future that will pay well

Experts – about which specialties will be in demand in the coming years and bring good money

Andrey Melnichenko, leader of the methodical center “Yandex.Practicum”:

Data journalist / Information designer

Our world is already complicated and will only get more complicated. Long chains of interactions involving parties with different interests who perform many actions with their own consequences. This is backed up by a 24-hour news cycle constantly obscuring a clear view of the world.

In this flow, people are important who will help us find the meanings necessary for making decisions, and will be able to effectively convey them so that everyone can hear. I have included under one heading two professions that solve this problem from different angles, but in general with one goal – to make the world clearer.

This specialist finds meaning in data and shows and tells about it to everyone else by means of design and visualization. Along the way, he finds data and prepares it for analysis (cleanses, combines different sources into one), finds patterns and puts forward hypotheses, and then visualizes them in diagrams and graphs.

  • Where and how to learn

Data journalism: Learn the basics and see if this profession is right for you with a Google or Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas course. Strelka and Netology have courses in Russian. There is a master’s program at the Higher School of Economics. A lot of information (from definition and tools to courses) can be found on the portal of the same name.

Information design is one of the disciplines of the School of Designers Bureau Gorbunov.

  • What salary to expect

It’s hard to name. While there are not so many vacancies (those that are, without a salary). There are even fewer of them in the public domain – often such specialists are found through friends on Facebook (abroad – on Twitter).


The reason for the popularity here is the same – the world is becoming more complicated, new threats are coming into play. This makes us more anxious and exacerbates problems, traumas and fears that could remain unresolved for a long time: anxiety, loneliness, fear of intimacy. Therefore, the psychotherapist will be an increasingly relevant assistant, navigator for the people of the future.

  • Where/how to learn

Unlike many other professions, here you still need a fundamental university education. In order to get into a person’s head and not break anything there, you must first spend several years to figure out how it works.

  • What salary to expect

From 1-2 thousand rubles. per session at the start in private practice.

IoT developer

Developers of devices and applications for the Internet of things will become more and more in demand. For the first time in 30 years, the world has become so significantly disconnected. This not only closed, but also opened up many opportunities and needs for the development of digital services that help interact with physical objects without this very interaction.

When creating such services, the developer both writes the application code and creates physical objects.

  • Where and how to learn

I have not yet seen full-fledged programs. Therefore, you can study separately IoT as a concept, then programming and electronics. You can find out if the role of a developer suits you at the free introductory part of the professions “Web developer” and “Python developer” in Yandex.Practice.

  • What salary to expect

So far, there are not so many vacancies, and those that are, often without salary indication (as is often the case with middle and senior level vacancies).

Elena Vitchak, Professor of Business Practice at the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, Academic Director of the HR as a Partner for Business program:

Head of Digital Transformation

This position is originally called Chief Digital Transformation Officer, CDTO (and also Chief Digital Officer, CDO).

The demand for talent for digital transformation is even greater than the supply, and the current crisis following the pandemic has confirmed this. At the same time, being a digital leader can be a very difficult job: you need to be responsible for the digital transformation of your organization for its productivity and viability in the future.

  • Where and how to learn

You can study on the Digital Transformation Management program at the SKOLKOVO Business School.

  • What salary to expect

The monthly salary of the director of digitalization varies from 750 thousand to 1,5 million rubles.

Mobile Application Developer

The development of mobile communication continues to create innovative “traction” in all industries. And as more companies rely on mobile technology to reach customers quickly, the demand for app developers will continue to grow. These professionals are in the driver’s seat when it comes to developing and improving software based on smartphones and tablets, working on application coding, testing and debugging.

  • Where and how to learn

For example, on the course “Android developer from scratch” from “Netology”.

  • What salary to expect

The salary depends on the number of projects and their complexity and varies from 50 to 250 thousand rubles. per month.

Data Architect

While data collection can be automated, the ability to translate, analyze and make business recommendations based on this data is in high demand by employers. As the Internet of Things evolves and more devices and sensors become interconnected, the amount of data available will only grow. For IT to benefit from it, companies need skilled people who can translate information into specific database solutions.

These professionals require analytical and creative skills as well as deep knowledge of database systems and methodology.

  • Where and how to learn

This profession involves obtaining a technical specialty at a university and extensive experience in development. The necessary skills can be gained at various courses, for example, at Yandex at the courses for front-end developers.

  • What salary to expect

Salary per month 200-250 thousand rubles.

Doctors from different professional fields

Today, the role of doctors comes to the fore and is even more visible than ever. And most likely this will not change after the pandemic. In addition to traditional specialties, hybrid professions will appear at the intersection of biohacking, dietetics and preventive medicine. Digital literacy and stress management, as well as analytical skills, will be added to the skills normally required.

  • Where and how to learn

You need to master the profession at a medical university and in practice.

  • What salary to expect

During the pandemic, certain categories of doctors, for example, anesthesiologists, received 450 thousand per month. But they also worked very hard.

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