7 investments in yourself that will change your life

You have probably come across the same tips on how to take care of yourself more than once: get enough sleep, eat right, do not forget about physical activity, say “no” more often to what you really do not need. All of them are very effective, but let’s add to the list with new, in some cases very unexpected recommendations.

1. Pay attention to your legs and lungs

The older we get, the more our body needs care and attention. This is especially true of the lungs, which saturate our blood with oxygen, and the legs – thanks to them we move. Care in this case is the most obvious – quitting smoking, proper breathing and regular exercise.

2. Communicate with those who disagree with you

It’s not about sharing your thoughts and the results of your work with “haters” and getting involved in disputes with them. Your task is to expand your own horizon, to listen to points of view different from yours. We are surrounded by people whose “optics” are different from ours, and the best way to learn to understand others and cultivate tolerance for everything else is to listen.

3. Soak up information outside of your main area of ​​interest.

Doing your job brilliantly and being savvy in your field is wonderful. But it is equally important to have a variety of interests, as well as to be able to apply approaches and ideas from other areas in your work. It’s about expanding horizons and consciousness. Bonus – you will always be an interesting conversationalist at parties.

4. Do things you’re not normally drawn to.

Love non-fiction? Read a historical novel. Are you into crossword puzzles? Try Sudoku. Do you consider yourself a completely uncreative person? Sign up for a master class in an art studio. The idea that all the fun begins outside your comfort zone is a well-traveled, but no less true idea.

5. Look at yourself in the mirror more often

But at this moment, do not criticize yourself, do not look for “flaws”, do not spin in new clothes, but try to understand whether your appearance reflects who you are and what you want to tell the world. Ask yourself: what else can I do to make myself look real?

6. Relax without anxiety and guilt

Most people feel the need to constantly be in motion, to achieve and achieve something. It is psychologically difficult for us to slow down and rest – we immediately begin to feel guilty for wasting precious time “wasted”. This approach is not only wrong, but also dangerous: the body and psyche simply need proper rest and reboot.

7. Laugh more, love more

Appreciate the beauty of every moment, look for pleasure in simple things. Invest in friendship, in relationships with those around you. Learn to see the good in others. Share. Try to leave behind a world a little better than it was before you.

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