7 interior trends that will go out of style in 2021

During the time spent in quarantine, the familiar home environment is already tired of it. And then the interior designers also threw in an extra reason to update it.

On a pleasant note: new trends will not require large investments. The maximum that home fashion requires is to repaint the walls – perhaps the most labor-intensive item. True, if you have completely outdated furniture, it would also be good to part with it. But this is not certain – even retro furniture can organically fit into the setting. But these 7 trends have gone out of fashion completely and irrevocably.

1. Velvet or velor upholstery

She was at the height of fashion in the last two years, but now everyone is tired. Designers note that more textured upholstery – bouclé or velveteen – is in trend now. They are almost as soft, but much more textured than velvet. In addition, there is a clear trend towards a return to retro interiors. People remember the past as a time when it was good and calm, and they try to recreate, at least partially, the atmosphere that guarantees peace of mind.

2. Dark blue walls

This color has been incredibly popular over the past five years – all walls in the room or at least one accent have been painted in dark indigo. Combined with gold and paintings, the effect was amazing, which is why the trend on dark walls lasted so long and does not even think about giving up. However, now completely different colors have come into fashion – more earthly. People have started to gravitate towards green, so if you want an accent wall, opt for dark green. Designers believe: the whole point is that people miss nature, locked in four walls.

3. Furniture with clear lines

Strict geometric shapes are a thing of the past. Minimalism began to lose ground, now on a wave – the desire to make the house as cozy and comfortable as possible, so that you do not want to go outside. Softness that you want to plunge into, no hard and sharp corners – this is how fashionable furniture should be.

4. Chrome taps

It was once a sign of luxury – a shiny polished kitchen faucet. But now this is not a luxury, but a standard: such taps are found in most kitchens and bathrooms. Therefore, the popularity of brass, copper and matte faucets is growing – many people want to add uniqueness to the atmosphere.

5. Geometric patterns

They are gradually disappearing from the catalogs. Wallpaper with “geometry” was replaced by wall painting and wallpaper with a floral pattern. But designers believe this trend won’t last long. The pandemic will pass, the turmoil will subside, and geometric patterns will return to fashion again. In the meantime, everyone is ruled by the desire to bring more natural motives into the atmosphere, even if in the form of ornaments on the walls.

6. Ilyich’s bulbs

They look very stylish – lamps stylized as factory lamps. Deliberately rough or metal lampshades, or even just a lamp with an intricately twisted filament, adorned almost every cafe, all ultra-fashionable kitchens. And now the trend has turned towards more homely, cozy solutions, the kind of light sources that can provide a natural relaxing atmosphere. Industrial touches in the interior fade into the background.

7. Tropical prints

It was a rather fleeting trend: fluffy leafy prints burst into fashion and just as quickly go out of it. Designers say they have been replaced by country-style floral ornaments. Yes, yes, that same grandmother’s calico – and all because he looks so soothingly nostalgic.  

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