It has long been known that many factors affect the atmosphere in a home. Some people, in order to attract prosperity and luck to their family, acquire all sorts of symbols, others arrange feng shui furniture. However, sometimes it is enough just to buy a few plants that can become your companions of inexhaustible wealth.
Many people know about the miraculous magnetism of this tree, which the common people call the Tolstyanka. In China, it is believed that the rounded large leaves of the plant bring prosperity (according to the same principle, the ficus is referred to as “lucky”). The fact is that when they fall off and dry out, they begin to resemble silver coins in appearance.
To enhance the effect, you can bury a small coin in the plant pot. Some people also hang Chinese coins on the leaves, which looks pretty. By the way, the money tree has a scientific name. So if you see Crasulla Ovata on the counter, this is it. Taking care of Krasulla is quite simple: just water as needed and give access to sunlight for several hours a day.
The fame of this plant is not so well spread. However, along with the money tree, it attracts good luck and prosperity to the owners. In fact, the dollar tree is called Zamioculcas. Many people associate its long leaves with banknotes. Zamioculcas is an excellent solution for the interior. It fits perfectly into almost any environment. The only negative is that all parts are quite poisonous, so it is worth keeping the tree away from children and pets.
Do not be surprised, but it is this banal thorny plant that can become your reliable guide to the world of wealth. It is believed that it enhances the masculine character traits of the owner, develops the flexibility of the mind, and allows you to find new opportunities to improve the financial flow. Also, a cactus saves the house from the penetration of thieves, and the owners from such an unpleasant quality as squandering. Solid pluses! In addition, the plant is completely unpretentious in care.
The Uzambara violet, or saintpaulia, is a flower that should be in almost every home. Firstly, it is considered a symbol of eternal love, allowing you to preserve the family hearth and comfort. For a plant to bring financial success, you need to place it in the southeast, and then it will turn into a real magnet for money.
The only drawback is that the violet is capricious in its care. It requires a lot of light and gentle watering. All you need is sediment water, preferably with mineral additives. In this case, it is important not to flood the flower, otherwise it will simply disappear from an excess of moisture. The violet must be transplanted several times a year.
Also, this plant is called Dracaena Sander. It is one of the most popular symbols in feng shui that can bring positive energy and well-being to the home. If you are striving for financial wealth, locate it in the southeast, if you want family members to get sick less, in the center of the apartment.
Indoor bamboo is easy to maintain. And it turns out that it is quite simple and quick to grow it at home.
The plant is also called Plectranthus, or Swedish ivy. It brings good luck, well-being to the owners and has a positive effect on the energy in the house. Experts advise placing it in the south at a high altitude so that the weaving leaves of the plant have somewhere to fall. Plectrantus is not a fan of the sun, so you should put it away from direct rays.
By the way, the Swedes have a popular belief: before going to get a lottery ticket, they put an ivy leaf in their pocket. It is believed that this creates a much better chance of winning!
The lemon tree is considered a symbol of good luck in all Taoist practices. Its magical energy will help keep harmony and treasure in the house. Experts advise planting the tree in a red pot and locating it in the southeast. Part of the first profit that you receive after the lemon appears in the house is offered to be donated to charity. It is believed that this is how you can open a financial flow.