7 hormones for a happy life

7 hormones for a happy life

7 hormones for a happy life

We present to you the female “hot hormonal seven” our health, mood, appearance, sleep, appetite, willpower and even intellect depend on it!

7 hormones for a happy life


The most famous female sex hormone that makes a woman a woman. Produced in the ovaries. Thanks to estrogen, our figure acquires a charming feminine roundness, and our character acquires pliability, softness, emotionality. It accelerates the renewal of body cells, preserves youthfulness of the skin, shine and splendor of hair, protects blood vessels from cholesterol deposits.

Excess estrogen often results in excessive fullness in the thighs and lower abdomen, the development of uterine fibroids (benign tumor). Lack of estrogen leads to increased hair growth where you would not want it: on the arms, legs, face, and also to rapid fading.


Testosterone in women is produced in small amounts in the adrenal glands and turns a sluggish doll into a lively and passionate lover of men. He makes us feel sexually attracted, makes us persistent and purposeful, able not only to wait for the approach of the male, but also to prepare traps for him, and even go hunting for him. The more testosterone a woman has, the faster she pumps up her muscles and the more she is fond of active games in the fresh air. With its excess, the character becomes hot-tempered and aggressive, acne appears on the skin. With a deficit, you don’t want sex.


This hormone of tender, long-term affection and care is also produced by the adrenal glands. In huge quantities it enters the bloodstream after childbirth during the contraction of the uterus, forcing us to love the tiny creature that we gave birth to. The female body reacts to any stress by releasing oxytocin, so we are looking for relief from melancholy and anxiety, feeding our husband and children, caring for an old lonely neighbor, picking up a homeless cat.


The hormone of the figure and mind. Regulates the rate of metabolism and thinking, which means both completeness and the ability to think. It makes the body slim, the skin smooth, movements are agile and graceful, the reaction to an interested male gaze is instant! It is synthesized in the thyroid gland located on the front of the neck. An excess of thyroxine makes you lose weight. Thoughts jump, it is impossible to concentrate, constant anxiety torments, not to sleep at night, my heart pounds and flies out of my chest. Lack of thyroxine leads to obesity, lethargy, drowsiness. Plus complete emptiness in the head and memory impairment.


The hormone of courage and rage. It is produced in the adrenal glands during times of stress. Many have heard of his partner, the fear hormone, which is responsible for fleeing from danger. So, norepinephrine prompts us to the opposite; it dilates blood vessels, blood rushes to the head, brilliant ideas come with her, the face is filled with a bright blush, wrinkles are smoothed out, eyes sparkle, and a woman who looks like a formidable and beautiful goddess says: “I bloom from stress!” She throws herself into trouble with her chest, successfully solves all problems and at the same time looks great and sleeps soundly at night. We wish you all to have enough norepinephrine to overcome any stress!


The “sweet life” hormone. Comes from the pancreas, monitors blood glucose levels. It is he who breaks down all the carbohydrates we eat, including sweets, and sends the glucose obtained from them (a source of energy) to the tissues. As a result, we are full and we have the strength to live.

Some people from birth produce slightly less insulin than everyone else, or it is not as active. When more flour and sweets are supplied than insulin is able to process, excess glucose “staggers” throughout the body and severely damages all its cells and blood vessels. The disease develops diabetes, the risk of which is especially high if someone from your loved ones suffered from it.


The hormone of strength and harmony. It is produced in the pituitary gland by the endocrine gland located directly in the brain. If you visit the gym, do fitness and shape the figure, then you’ve probably heard about the growth hormone of the idol of sports instructors and bodybuilding trainers. He is responsible for building muscle and burning fat, for the elasticity and strength of the ligaments. By the way, including those that support the chest.

An excess of somatotropin in childhood and adolescence leads to a two-meter, like Philip Kirkorov’s, growth. In adulthood, what is still able to grow increases: the nose, chin, knuckles. The natural abundance of growth hormone during pregnancy leads to some enlargement of facial features, feet, hands, but after childbirth, all changes disappear. The lack of this hormone in children is fraught with a slowdown and complete cessation of growth. If you constantly lack sleep, overwork and overeat, then the level of growth hormone in you will decrease, the muscles will be flabby, weak, the bust will lose its shape and sag, and no intensive training and aerobics will correct the situation.

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