7 herbs, 10 foods and 3 drugs that remove uric acid from the body
7 herbs, 10 foods and 3 drugs that remove uric acid from the body

Uric acid is a breakdown product of purines and proteins that enter the body with food. If its level exceeds the norm, a person develops gout and kidney failure.

According to statistics, elevated levels of uric acid are observed in 1/3 of all inhabitants of the planet. This phenomenon in medicine is called hyperuricemia. It is impossible to ignore the problem, it is necessary to take measures aimed at cleansing the blood of uric acid. And this begs the question, is there a way to remove uric acid with folk remedies at home? Herbs can help with healing.

How effective is phytotherapy?

7 herbs, 10 foods and 3 drugs that remove uric acid from the body

In the arsenal of herbal medicine, there are numerous recipes to reduce the level of uric acid in the body. Moreover, some of them have been adopted by official pharmaceuticals, as their effectiveness has been scientifically proven. The use of medicinal herbs allows you to reduce the level of uric acid in the body, contributes to the normal functioning of the kidneys. Phytotherapy takes place without harm to human health.

Herbs can be taken both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. In parallel, a person must follow a diet, stop drinking alcohol, reduce the intake of salt and products that are sources of purines and oxalic acid.

When choosing a herb suitable for treatment, one must take into account the medical history of a particular patient, since each plant has its own indications and contraindications for taking. Treatment is started only after consultation with a specialist.

Why is excess uric acid dangerous?

If the values ​​of uric acid exceed the permissible norm, pathological processes are triggered in the body.

They can become a triggering factor in the development of diseases such as:

  • Osteochondrosis.

  • Arthritis and arthrosis.

  • Gout.

  • Rheumatism.

Patients complain of joint and muscle pain. The lack of timely treatment leads to the destruction of articular units, the development of gout, urolithiasis and other serious diseases.

Herbs have a diuretic effect, remove excess water, harmful substances, and pathogenic flora from the body.

7 Plants to Lower Uric Acid Levels

7 herbs, 10 foods and 3 drugs that remove uric acid from the body

  1. Cowberry leaves. They have a strong diuretic effect. They insist, brew, drink in the form of tea. Lingonberry leaves help to normalize the water balance in the body, eliminate edema, and allow the dissolution of stones. They are actively used to treat cystitis, to cleanse the vessels. It is contraindicated for admission with hypotension, gastritis, acute liver failure, and individual intolerance.

  2. Angelica. Among the people, angelica is called cowshed, female ginseng, and angelica. To reduce the level of uric acid, the roots of the plant are used, which are harvested in the first year of its growth. Contraindicated for use in pregnancy, tachycardia, bleeding and headache.

  3. Burdock. To get rid of gout and remove excess lactic acid from the body, the root of the plant is used. You can take a decoction based on it only in short courses, with obligatory breaks. Burdock root is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

  4. Erva is woolly. Grass is a strong diuretic, but its intake does not violate, but, on the contrary, normalizes the water-salt balance in the body. It promotes the removal of excess uric acid, urea and chlorides. In parallel, inflammation is removed from the organs of the urinary system.

  5. Bearberry. This plant is well known to all people suffering from urolithiasis. Bearberry is not only a diuretic, but also a natural antibiotic. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the inclusion of arbutin, methyl ester of gallic acid and hydroquinone in the composition of the plant. Reception of bearberry contributes to the disinfection of urine, increases the strength of the membranes of nephrocytes.

  6. Rose hip. Rosehip roots are used to reduce the level of uric acid in the body. A decoction based on them allows you to normalize the salt balance, which is the main measure for the prevention of stone formation.

  7. Horsetail. The plant has a pronounced diuretic effect, has an antibacterial effect on the organs of the urinary system, and also acts as an antioxidant. The maximum duration of the horsetail course is 6 weeks. If these periods are exceeded, there is a risk of developing seizures against the background of potassium leaching from the body.

Herbal Recipes

Course intake of medicinal herbs helps to get rid of excess uric acid, preventing the development of serious diseases.

Horsetail infusion

To prepare the infusion, you need 4 tsp. finely chopped horsetail herb. It is poured with 0,5 liters of boiling water, insisted for 20 minutes and passed through a sieve. You can take the remedy in a warm form, 3 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.

Decoction of lingonberry leaves

To prepare it, you need 2 tbsp. l. lingonberry leaves and a glass of boiling water, which is poured over vegetable raw materials, covered with a lid and placed in a water bath. Half an hour later, the gas is turned off. The composition is infused for 10 minutes and filtered. Raw material is squeezed through gauze.

Another 200 ml of boiled water is added to the resulting broth and stored in a cool place. The shelf life of the drink is 2 days. Take it in 60-80 ml, 2-3 times a day.

Decoction of woolly herva

Method of preparation:

  • 3 tsp dry plant material is poured into 0,5 l of water.

  • Put on fire, bring to a boil and incubate for 5 minutes.

  • The broth is filtered and cleaned in a dark place for 2-3 hours.

Every day a fresh portion is prepared, the product is not subject to storage. Take the composition 3 times a day, 100 ml, 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days, it needs to be repeated after 3 months. To achieve a lasting effect, you need to take 3 courses a year.

10 foods that dissolve uric acid crystals

7 herbs, 10 foods and 3 drugs that remove uric acid from the body

In addition to medicinal herbs, there are 10 foods that remove uric acid:

  1. Broccoli and cucumbers. Eating them helps reduce the production of uric acid in the body and prevents the formation of crystals that lead to joint pain and deformation of cartilage structures.

  2. Bananas. These fruits are a source of potassium, which the body needs to reduce uric acid levels.

  3. Carrot. It should be included in the diet as often as possible. It is good to eat fresh carrots.

  4. Cherry. The berry contains anthocyanin, which controls the production of uric acid in the body and also prevents the formation of crystals around the joints. 

  5. Celery. The vegetable helps the body get rid of excess uric acid.

  6. Apples. Fruits help to remove intoxication from the body, help eliminate excess uric acid.

  7. Lemon. In violation of metabolic processes, it is useful to drink lemon water. It is best to do this after each meal, after 30-40 minutes.

  8. Green tea. It is taken to prevent gout and hyperuricemia. Drink 1-2 cups of green tea per day.

  9. Black radish. Of particular value is its juice, which helps to remove salt from the joints and strengthen them. Apply only freshly squeezed juice, starting treatment with 1 teaspoon. As the body becomes accustomed, the dose is adjusted to half a glass.

  10. Water. You can lower your uric acid levels by following a drinking regimen. In parallel, harmful substances, toxins and slags will be removed from the body.

[Video] Dr. Berg – How to remove uric acid?

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