Even those who do not particularly like to cook and prefer to do without culinary delights keep a bag of dry bay leaves in the kitchen cabinet. We add it literally everywhere, except for desserts, and we don’t even know what kind of treasure we have at hand.
It turns out that a simple spice has an antioxidant and antiseptic effect, fights infections, strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and that’s not all. But before using laurel for medicinal purposes, you should definitely consult a doctor. There may be contraindications to the use of bay leaf, it can cause allergic reactions, and only a specialist will help dispel your doubts.
In the meantime, we will study the history of this interesting and mythical plant and figure out how it can be used.
Laurel wreath of Apollo
People paid attention to the miraculous power of an evergreen plant in ancient times. The ancient Greeks and Romans set fire to its leaves and fumigated their houses and temples with smoke to earn the mercy of the almighty inhabitants of Olympus. Apollo was especially revered, who was depicted in a magnificent laurel wreath. This attribute appeared not by chance.
According to the myth, the golden-haired god of beauty, seized with passion, began to pursue the beautiful nymph Daphne, but she did not share his feelings at all. When he managed to catch a chaste girl, she in desperation called for help from her parents. They were also gods, and instantly turned their daughter into a laurel tree. The inconsolable young man immediately declared the laurel his favorite plant, after which it became a spiritual symbol for the ancient Greeks.
Laurel wreaths were awarded to the winners of the Pythian games dedicated to Apollo. The victors wore them as a sign of glory, the priests – during sacred rituals. It was believed that laurel leaves open the future, so they were constantly chewed by soothsayers.
What is the laurel famous for today
Our reality is much more pragmatic, but still the humble bay leaf has many interesting properties. If set on fire, it will begin to smolder and give off a tart aroma that soothes the mind and body. Esotericists believe that in this way space is cleared of negativity. Inhaling healing smoke is unlikely to cause insight, but it will certainly reduce stress, sharpen attention, help focus and relax tense muscles.
Connoisseurs claim that this practice brings them into a state of awareness and peace, and compare it with mindful meditation.
What else is bay leaf useful for?
- Contains caffeic acid, which strengthens the walls of the heart vessels.
- Clears the airways, so it is used for sinusitis, rhinitis and bronchitis. Fresh leaves are soaked and filled with an infusion inhaler, or a few drops of laurel essential oil are added to the water. You can simply boil the broth and breathe in the steam. In addition, oil is advised to rub the chest with asthma and allergies.
- Since laurel is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, its essential oil is recommended to rub sore joints.
- A study published in the Journal of the US National Library of Medicine found that 1-3 grams of bay leaf per day lowered blood sugar levels.
- A mask of ground laurel leaves and jojoba oil helps get rid of dandruff. The mixture is applied to the scalp, left for one hour and washed off with shampoo.
- Bay leaf stimulates appetite, improves digestion and speeds up metabolism.
In addition, there are people who seriously believe that if you write a wish on a dry bay leaf and then burn it, it will certainly come true. Why not try?
And one more thing: if you are lucky enough to live in the southern region, be sure to plant a noble laurel bush in your dacha. An unpretentious plant will live from 100 to 400 years and provide several generations with healing leaves.
Before use, be sure to consult with your doctor.