7 habits to help protect yourself from cancer
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And how to identify the disease in the early stages.
Every year in Russia, about 480 thousand new cases of cancer are recorded, and more than 280 thousand cases die. One of the main problems in oncology is that many cases of cancer are diagnosed too late.
Even in countries with optimal health systems and services, many cancers are detected at advanced stages, when treatment success is more difficult. Leading doctors in the world at the moment say that cancer screening should be massive and inexpensive.
Since 2018, in our country, oncological screening has been included in the free clinical examination to detect various types of cancer at an early stage. Starting from 2018, the study can be carried out more often – once every 1 years.
Mammography is now performed for women aged 51 to 69 years, and fecal occult blood tests – for citizens aged 49 to 73 years. There are also time limits for waiting for the provision of specialized medical care for patients with cancer. They should not exceed 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the results of histological examination or from the date of diagnosis.
Infections and provoking factors
Cancer, along with diabetes, cardiovascular and chronic lung diseases, belongs to chronic non-infectious diseases.
There are infections and viruses that provoke the appearance of cancer and contribute to the development of chronic inflammatory processes. Some of these infections are quite common, and their carriers are not aware of the possible impending danger.
Cancer risks increase if you have ever been diagnosed with the following viral diseases: human papillomavirus (No. 16 and 18), hepatitis B and C viruses, HIV, herpes simplex virus type 8 (HHV-8), Epstein-Barr virus. In addition, there is evidence that the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (the causative agent of such a dangerous disease as Helicobacter pyloriosis) can cause oncological lesions of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Chronic inflammation is one of the risk factors for cancer.
Recently, there has been a tendency towards a significant increase in the number of skin melanoma diseases in the world, especially in young women. The statistics on the incidence of skin melanoma in Russia are disappointing. Growing through all layers of the skin, tumor cells with blood and lymph flow spread throughout the body, forming distant metastases (secondary tumor foci) in the lungs, liver, and brain. Mortality in skin melanoma reaches 50%. In this regard, it is especially important not to allow the influence on the skin of factors that provoke the development of this disease. And the main factor is the effect of ultraviolet rays on the skin.
According to experts, it is worth worrying and go to the doctor’s office if a mole begins to change shape, size, structure for no reason, it itches, becomes inflamed, changes color or shade, bleeds.
A list of recommendations on nutrition and physical activity for the prevention of cancer has been developed.
1. Maintain a balance between calorie intake and physical activity.
2. Maintain a normal weight throughout your life, and avoid excess weight gain. If you are overweight, try to reach and maintain your normal weight.
3. Lead an active lifestyle. Adults should do at least 5 or more days a week for 30 minutes a day of moderate to vigorous physical activity in addition to their daily activities. Children and adolescents should do these exercises at the same frequency for at least 60 minutes a day.
4. Eat 5 or more different types of vegetables and fruits daily.
5. Prefer whole grains.
6. Limit your consumption of cooked and red meat.
7. Stop drinking alcohol.
Thus, proper nutrition and exercise reduce not only the risk of developing cancer, but also many other chronic conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension and diabetes.
Free diagnostics are real
Regular preventive medical measures prevent the development of many diseases at an early stage of their development. The SOGAZ-Med insurance company actively invites insured citizens to undergo medical examination and reminds of dispensary registration. The compulsory medical insurance policy allows the entire adult population to undergo a health check every three years starting from the age of 21, and in certain age groups – every two years. To do this, you must personally come with your passport and compulsory medical insurance policy to the clinic to which you are attached. It is important to know that preventive medical measures are free for the insured.
“Responsible attitude to one’s own health is a private matter for everyone, and the task of an insurance medical organization is to help people learn about their rights and receive high-quality free medical care,” says Tatyana Serebryakova, executive director for the protection of the rights of insured persons at SOGAZ-Med.
If you are insured with SOGAZ-Med and you have any questions related to the receipt of medical care in the compulsory medical insurance system or the quality of medical services, please contact SOGAZ-Med by calling the 8-hour contact center phone number 800-100-07-02 −XNUMX (call within Russia is free). Detailed information on the website
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The SOGAZ-Med group of companies has been operating since 1998. The number of insured persons is over 19 million people. Regional network – more than 660 subdivisions in 40 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. SOGAZ-Med carries out compulsory medical insurance activities: it controls the quality of services provided to the insured when receiving medical care in the compulsory medical insurance system, protects the rights of insured citizens, and restores violated rights of citizens in the pre-trial and judicial order. In 2018, the Expert RA rating agency confirmed the rating of the reliability and quality of services of the SOGAZ-Med insurance company at the A ++ level (the highest level of reliability and quality of services in the framework of the CHI program according to the applicable scale). For several years now, SOGAZ-Med has been awarded this high level of assessment.