Why is it that with a new person who, in all respects, should have been “ours”, we are mortally bored, and a conversation with a random stranger suddenly turns out to be extremely exciting? What distinguishes really interesting interlocutors and is it possible to learn something from them?
1. Interesting people live their own lives.
Such interlocutors usually have their own range of interests. They are self-confident and do as they see fit, without looking back at the opinions of others. They “light their own fire” and their enthusiasm is contagious in a good way. Therefore, everyone is drawn to them, even notorious cynics.
2. And are sincerely interested in what is happening in our
With such a counterpart, it is easy to feel like the most interesting interlocutor in the world – he responds so vividly to our story and asks such deep questions. I want to share with him, talk about my old dreams, about what really worries us. And, of course, there is a desire to stay in his company as long as possible.
3. They know how to see interesting even in the most boring things.
It’s easy to say about a movie, series, book, show, event, or activity that it’s “dumb,” boring, or interesting. However, truly interesting people do not rush to conclusions and do not hang labels. They try to find something curious and attractive in everything. They know how to remain curious.
4. And not afraid to look stupid
The first step on the path to wisdom is to admit your own stupidity. This is exactly what interesting interlocutors do. They do not take themselves too seriously, they are not afraid to laugh at their own mistakes and oversights – simply because they are confident in themselves and that they will definitely fill in the gaps in knowledge.
5. They willingly talk about themselves.
The best conversationalists in the world know how much we all love to talk about ourselves, and give us the opportunity to do so. But they are not afraid to shift the focus of attention to themselves from time to time. They understand that communication is a two-way street. They listen to our reactions, don’t wait for us to ask them something, and strive to maintain a balance.
Often, their stories about themselves allow them to “melt the ice” at the beginning of communication, and we are more willing to open up in response. Importantly, such people do not try to show off our eyes and seem better than they are. In contrast, boring interlocutors often boast, exaggerate and embellish reality. And we tend to read it on an unconscious level.
6. And rarely offended
All because they are in peace and harmony with themselves. They have done a great job of learning to accept things as they are. They change what is under their control and do not try to control everything else. Of course, they do not necessarily succeed 100%, but at least they are confidently moving in this direction. This helps them to accept with all the shortcomings not only themselves, but also others.
7. They enjoy helping others.
It may be hard to believe, but such people are sincerely grateful to fate for the opportunity to help others. They understand how valuable it is sometimes to be distracted from their own worries and switch to something else (or someone else), to share their experience. At the same time, they do not give themselves entirely, do not sacrifice themselves and do not forget about their interests.
Well, to summarize, the formula is as simple as possible: if you want to be an interesting person, be interested. Oneself, the world and others.