
They have a special magnetism, tell incredible stories and live extraordinary lives. What is in them that we have not yet discovered in ourselves?

“Each of you is already an outstanding personality. But to make your life always interesting, do not forget two things — never lose your curiosity and follow what your heart tells you,» Travis Bradberry, author of the world bestseller Emotional Intelligence 2.0, gives us all this parting word.

1. They are passionate

People are drawn to those who are passionate rather than cold, who are not shy about their emotions, who are sincere in their reactions to events, or who sympathize with others.

Often at work we are serious and immersed in ourselves entirely. However, there are people who are attentive to others in any situation. They are sincerely interested in your life, and therefore it is interesting with them.

These people are communication geniuses.

But there are still those who firmly choose their path, not in the least embarrassed by the fact that they will be the first to follow it. These extraordinary people are unique. Like Jane Goodall. At 26, she left England and traveled to Tanzania to study chimpanzees. She had dreamed about it ever since she was given a toy monkey as a child.

Ask yourself: does this path have a heart?

Even the textbook fact that they use sticks as a tool was not known to her. The Order of the British Empire, the Order of the Legion of Honor of France, the International Peace Prize — this was later, and she did not count on them. Her passion was to explore, to discover new things.

Such people easily refute the old canons, they are original in everything, even in small things.

Before her, biologists gave their subjects only numbers — it was believed that excessive emotionality harms science.

Jane gave names to all her chimpanzees: David and Goliath, old aunt Gigi, mother Flo and the children… And since then, many scientists have begun to do this for her.

2. They share knowledge

These extraordinary people love to share their discoveries with others. They don’t just tell where they’ve been and what they’ve seen. They share their joy and inspire us to change.

A few days ago, I was looking on the Internet for how to learn how to paint with watercolors, and I found the site of an art teacher from California, who posts her lessons for preschoolers that refute all pedagogical canons “from simple to complex”.

«We combine pastel, watercolor and tempera.» “To work in the style of Jason Pollock, we took a skein of yarn, dipped it in tempera and gave free rein to imagination …” “Today in Mexico, Dia del Muertos is the Day of the Dead, and we drew those who are remembered in the family on this day.”

Her fantasy knows no bounds. Colorful houses and their reflection in the water. Night skyscrapers.

Self-portraits of six-year-olds in the style of Pablo Picasso. Not a single boring lesson. This blogger has a following of art teachers from all over the world, and they are all looking forward to new lessons.

3. They don’t care what others think of them.

These interesting and unusual people have habits that do not fit into the norm. Nabokov liked to catch butterflies, although many considered this activity ridiculous.

Warren Buffett still lives in the modest house he bought back in 1958 for $31. And he doesn’t care one bit that it doesn’t look like a billionaire’s house.

Moreover, one of the richest people in the world bequeathed after his death all his money to give to charitable foundations.

4. They are constantly learning

For interesting people, the world is full of opportunities. Whoever they are by profession, they are always hungry for something new.

For them, life is like a precious box from which you can get more and more treasures.

And it doesn’t matter what it is — to learn how to bake pies or to write a terrible, full of clichés and platitudes story about first love in old age — but with what pleasure!

5. They do what their heart tells them to.

In a speech to Stanford graduates, Oprah Winfrey once said: “Every right decision in my life I made when I listened to my heart, my inner instinct.

And every wrong decision was the result of listening to the voice of the ego. Stay true to yourself, not what will make you important in someone else’s eyes.»

6. They don’t follow in the footsteps of others.

There is nothing more boring than repeating after someone. A worthy person does not follow in the footsteps of others, said Confucius.

“Ask yourself – does this path have a heart?” — advised the writer and thinker Carlos Castaneda. If there is, then this path is good.

One path gives you joy, and as long as you walk along it, you are inseparable from it, and the other makes you curse life. One empowers you, and the other deprives you of it.

7. Interesting people try new things without being afraid to look ridiculous.

They boldly take a step into the unknown. In the minds of most of us, being a beginner is an underachievement. Trying new things means taking risks, failing, looking stupid. And no one knows how this enterprise will end each time. The more interesting!

As the publicist Frederic Begbeder said: «A blank slate promises so much» …

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