Whether you prefer it espresso, mocha or cappuccino, whether you have a preference for arabica or robusta, coffee remains the second most consumed drink in the world after water. Its flavors and aromas charm millions of consumers every day around the world.
However, as a lover of this drink, if you have ever felt guilty about your health, it is probably because you do not know the benefits of coffee for the body, especially when it is consumed in moderation.
Mike from The Best Coffee site explains why drinking coffee in moderation is great for us.

Coffee and caffeine
Coffee is the fruit of the coffee tree, a shrub that grows mainly in the tropical regions of the globe. But this is a misnomer, because coffee is actually the seed that is inside the fruit called the cherry.
After picking, the cherry is stripped of its pulp and the coffee beans, still green, are roasted. It is this operation that reveals the aroma so characteristic of coffee. There are several varieties, but the most consumed are arabica and robusta.
As for caffeine, this substance was discovered in 1819 by the German chemist Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge. This is the active principle contained in coffee, well known for its action as a stimulant of the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system.
The coffee seed is not the only food containing caffeine. It is also found in cocoa, tea leaves, guarana seeds, etc. Moreover, caffeine represents only 1,1% (arabica) to 2,2% (robusta) of coffee, against 2,5 to 5% of tea, for the same weight.
The benefits of coffee on intelligence and attention
In fact, in our brain there is an inhibitory neurotransmitter called adenosine. The latter’s role is to limit the effect of other neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine or that of dopamine, the famous pleasure hormone.
Thanks to the caffeine contained in the coffee you have consumed, your body releases substances which will in turn block the effect of adenosine, thus promoting an improvement in reflexes and alertness.
Thus, coffee taken sensibly decreases the effect of fatigue by stimulating the nervous system. It is probably for this reason that many like to have a cup of coffee after a few drinks of alcohol.
High in antioxidants
Coffee is well known for its nutritional richness, especially for its high content of antioxidants. As you already know, antioxidants are molecules that play an essential role in the body, more precisely that of protectors against cellular aging.
There are several kinds, but we find in coffee the most powerful antioxidants, mainly chlorogenic acid, an ester of caffeic acid and quinic acid.
Coffee, a good digestive and effective against migraines
It is a well-known tradition, especially in France, but also elsewhere in the world. After a good meal, having a small cup of coffee is not only a real moment of pleasure, but also coffee is known to aid digestion.
Indeed, when you take your coffee, the latter promotes the production of the secretion of saliva and digestive enzymes, which also facilitates intestinal transit.

A natural pain reliever
In addition, caffeine is also present in several anti-inflammatory drugs. This means that its action against pain is well known scientifically and already exploited by the pharmaceutical industry.
Indeed, according to a study from the University of Illinois, caffeine would relieve muscle pain.
But that’s not all. Have you ever tried to get rid of a migraine with a cup of coffee? You will be surprised with the result after a few minutes.
Indeed, caffeine causes constriction of blood vessels in the brain, which reduces the intensity and duration of headaches.
Preventive help against Parkinson’s disease
The antioxidant properties of caffeine which we have already mentioned above are the basis of its preventive effect on certain neurodegenerative diseases.
Indeed, observations made have shown that individuals who regularly consume coffee are less prone to certain diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, in particular males (source).
Thus, an average consumption of 10 cups of coffee per day would reduce the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease by 74%, against 38% for a consumption varying between four to nine cups per day.
Coffee for a significant improvement in sports performance
You’ve probably heard the expression “dope at the café” before. It also doesn’t escape you that your heart rate quickens after a cup of coffee.
Indeed, caffeine causes an increase in heart rate and an improvement in muscle contractions, hence its influence on your sports performance.
Caffeine in its action targets fat in adipose tissue as the main source of energy during activity. This mechanism therefore makes it possible to reduce the fatigue generated by the effort.
Coffee helps prevent cancer
Among the benefits of coffee, it is necessary to count its action against the development of cancer cells. Dr Astrid Nehlig, research director at INSERM, explains in her book “Coffee and health, everything about the multiple virtues of this beverage”: “Overall, the effects of coffee differ depending on the cancer.
In some cases, coffee has no effect, but in others it is protective. There is no case where coffee is a factor increasing the risk of developing cancer ”.
In addition, according to a study conducted and published in 2011 by researchers at the University of Havard, drinking four cups of coffee at least a day would help reduce the risk of developing endometrial cancer by 25%.
The same is true for liver cancer according to the American Association of Gastroenterology (source).
In conclusion, we will retain that the regular consumption of coffee is beneficial for our organism, as long as this consumption remains moderate. Several studies and observations carried out around the world confirm the benefits of coffee on our organs in general, and in particular on the brain, our muscles, and our liver.