Our natural defenses against viruses swarming everywhere can be compromised simply by unsuitable food.
What’s most annoying is that not all of these foods are really harmful. On the contrary, they are included in the shopping list of any fan of healthy food. However, it is not necessary to completely abandon them, you can just limit it a little.
It would seem that what could be more useful: they are rich in proteins and vitamins necessary for the body. But there are nuances. It turns out that fish and all sorts of delicacies and shellfish such as shrimp, mussels, squid and oysters are in different evolutionary chains. This means that fish meat is easily absorbed by the human body, and the protein of sea reptiles is a potential pathogen for humans. Shellfish meat is a powerful allergen, and even if the allergy does not manifest itself physically, these products have a depressing effect on human immunity.
Nutritionists advise eating the proteins of sea reptiles 1-2 times a week, not more often! The only category of people who can eat shrimp, mussels and other products of this area are those who were born by the sea and have eaten them since childhood.
There is so much controversy about this drink! Some argue that it is beneficial for the general level of human health, while others recommend eliminating coffee from the diet or replacing it with chicory.
Indeed, nutritionists attribute negative properties to the invigorating drink that it has on the immune system. But there is one big “but”: coffee is harmful only in large doses, when, against the background of stressful situations or a huge amount of work, a person brews an energy drink for himself every hour! One, two, or even three cups of coffee a day will not negatively affect your body.
Cheese was included in the list of negative products that suppress human immunity because of listeria. These are bacteria – causative agents of infectious diseases in humans and animals, affecting the nervous system, lymphoid tissues, and so on. It is found in soft, unpasteurized cheeses. In the body of a healthy person without gastropathologies, gastric juice is able to destroy these and any other bacteria and viruses, so if you do not have stomach problems, you will not be afraid of any cheese. And if you are a “happy” owner of even the mildest gastritis, then you had better refrain from this product or minimize its consumption.
Happy families tell us about the benefits of breakfast cereals on TV screens. But nutritionists believe that all these instant mixtures a priori cannot be useful, since they contain a large amount of starch and they have undergone such a tough processing, after which there is no value in the products. And the content in the body of a large amount of starch requires vigorous physical activity in order to process it, and not leave it acidic in the stomach. Such processes just lead to a decrease in human immune functions.
They call it sweet poison, and for good reason! Studies have shown that people with a sweet tooth are more likely to catch colds, even during the warmer summer months. This is due to the fact that sugar, entering the body, has a depressing effect on white blood cells and blocks the functions of the thymus – the organ that protects our entire body. Therefore, sweet snacks harm not only the figure, but also the immune system. Other foods from the fast carbohydrate series fall into the same category of unhealthy foods: flour, soda, chewing gum, and so on.
This solar product is rich in fiber, vitamins, fatty and essential oils, minerals such as magnesium, calcium, manganese, zinc, iron, phosphorus and others, di- and monosaccharides … The list goes on. However, with all the miraculous properties of corn, frequent consumption of this cereal can adversely affect human immunity. If you eat corn daily or every other day, then tissue demineralization will occur – the loss of minerals and salts necessary for the body. Its grains are considered heavy food, difficult to digest, therefore, frequent consumption of corn will also provoke congestion in the stomach and intestines. All this together provokes suppression of the immune system.
Many people find it beneficial to drink raw eggs. But this product is also in the immunity-hazardous category! If you regularly indulge in such a treat, there is a risk that the intestines will stop absorbing biotin, which is responsible for the body’s enzyme systems and regulating metabolism. Lack of biotin negatively affects health: immunity decreases, bone marrow, thymus gland and lymph nodes are especially severely affected. Another harmful property of raw eggs is the weakening of the energy function of the blood. This is due to the fact that the product interferes with the natural process of protein absorption.
“People who do not know are sure that it is enough to periodically drink a course of vitamins, and everything will be fine. But in fact, in the fight for strong immunity, all components are important: from a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition to timely visits to the doctor. The micronutrients and macronutrients that we get from food are the very building blocks that lay the foundation of our health. And very often people do not imagine how this or that product affects our body. No wonder they say that everything is good in moderation. After all, they still remember that even water can be fatal if its content in the body is in excess.
The main rule of a healthy diet is to maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, monitor a variety of diets, do not get carried away with harmful foods and listen to your body. He will always give a bell if something is wrong! “