7 favorite foods that lead to disease
“Where feasts and teas are, there are dumb people” – a Russian proverb hints. What’s incomprehensible here, we all know that indiscriminate food and a lack of a sense of health do not add to us. We’ve rounded up seven popular foods in our kitchens that make us sick if eaten long enough and regularly.
Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, as well as all my mother’s seaming for the winter from vegetables from the garden. In a word, everything that mom or grandmother says: “So I’ll see what you say when you open this jar in winter.”
In principle, we can already say something about the contents of this jar: the contents contain a lot of sugar and salt, as well as a huge amount of vinegar, which tends to irritate the stomach lining. That there is a direct path to gastritis and ulcers. In addition, pungent vinegar pickles can cause kidney disease. So if canned, then in brine or its own juice. Well it, this vinegar.
Say, they encroached on the sacred? But red meat grilled over charcoal is not a food to eat on a regular basis. The fact is that every dish fried on coals contains a carcinogen called benzpyrene. This is due to the hot fat falling on the coals – this is how benzpyrene is formed.
An appetizing “crust” on a fried piece of meat is a solid carcinogen. It is worth mentioning the dangers of fatty fried meat for the liver: they require a large amount of bile to process them, and the liver may simply not be able to cope.
A jelly-like dish made from meat, bones and cartilage is good for bones and joints, it is common knowledge.
But let’s not forget that the meat business is, in fact, a very thick broth saturated with extractive substances. This dish is a real challenge for the pancreas. If you eat jellied meat regularly, it’s not far from pancreatitis. In addition, mustard or horseradish, with which unleavened jellied meat is often eaten, are strong irritants for the gastric mucosa and can provoke an ulcer.
Relatively environmentally friendly potatoes, fried at home in quite high-quality vegetable oil, are tasty and satisfying, but unhealthy, alas. And the fries from chain eateries are even worse. Potatoes are primarily starch, that is, almost pure glucose. They say that one glucose molecule, when eaten, turns into two fat molecules. Starch, fried in fat until crispy, is another bomb for the body.
In fried potatoes, especially from snack bars, there is always a lot of salt, it retains water in the tissues of the body and provokes vascular disorders. This is how a logical chain is built: an abundance of carbohydrates, heated fats and salt – obesity – increased blood pressure – the risk of heart attack, stroke and diabetes.
In addition, excess weight puts pressure on the joints, and hot oil, which releases polyphenols, also leads to the development of malignant tumors.
And also all types of baked goods, both purchased and homemade – this hellish mixture of sugar, white flour and fat has never been useful to anyone. True, it brings pleasure.
Any combination of sugar and fat is a guaranteed excess weight for the consumer. If you are baking homemade cakes or making jams, at least the comfort is that you are free to use the best ingredients for this.
It is better not to feel illusions about store cakes: to reduce the cost of production, margarines and spreads are used in their manufacture, that is, trans fats are the most harmful type of fat.
Add to this chemical colors and flavors and stabilizers. All this leads to cancer and type XNUMX diabetes mellitus.
6. Salads with mayonnaise and sausage
Olivier, this symbol of an unhealthy New Year’s table, all kinds of “Mimosas”, herring under a fur coat and other “greetings from the USSR” generously flavored with mayonnaise, is long overdue to be classified as food taboos.
Let’s start with the fact that industrial sausage added to salads like Olivier is a real storehouse of bad fat, salt, preservatives and dyes. Calling sausage a source of protein is simply ridiculous, there is nothing left of meat for a long time.
There is a lot to say about mayonnaise, but the compliments will not be enough: this sauce contains trans fats, a lot of salt and sugar. Unless, of course, you do it yourself – then it will contain only oil, mustard, salt, sugar and vinegar. But in general, a jumble of products that are not useful in themselves (smoked meats, pickled cucumbers, canned peas), seasoned with mayonnaise, is a guarantee of future pancreatitis, obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system and malignant neoplasms.
A classic breakfast – fried eggs and toast with butter – with regular use, can thoroughly clog blood vessels with cholesterol. In addition, an excess of vitamin D contained in eggs provokes kidney disease. Nutritional advice – no more than two yolks a day.
I agree about French fries, sweets and marinades. As for the kebab: I think that it is not as harmful as people think of it, since the meat has no contact with the frying surface. Perhaps, meat fried in a pan is even more harmful. Aspic, nevertheless, I would not write down in unhealthy dishes: for many people with autoimmune diseases, for example, the thyroid gland, it is simply salvation, and the addition of seasonings is necessary to stimulate the breakdown of fat and improve the digestion process. Eggs – yes, harmful, but due to the fact that fried, cholesterol has nothing to do with it. In general, the total degreasing of food is very harmful. And cholesterol, I want to note, is a building material for the membranes of our cells and most hormones.