7 exercises for a flat stomach and elastic priests from Julia Ushakova

The world champion in body fitness Yulia Ushakova tells how to achieve such a desired result.

They say that there is no limit to perfection, but looking at Yulia Ushakova, it begins to seem that he still exists. Tall, slender, and what a body! This girl is equally envied by both women and men. However, Julia takes this calmly. After all, only she knows how much work has to be done.

Julia has been a sports child since childhood. Until the age of 14, she was engaged in artistic gymnastics, then she became interested in strength training. For the first time, Yulia performed in body fitness competitions in 2005 in the junior category at the championship of the Tyumen region. And immediately good luck – the girl took an honorable second place. Then there were the championships of Russia, Europe, the world …

Today Yulia Ushakova is an Honored Master of Sports of Russia in body fitness and an international master of sports of Russia. Her body is really perfect, but the most important thing is that the girl is ready to share her knowledge. We asked Julia to show us some of the most effective exercises for a flat stomach and firm butt. Try it and see for yourself: they really work.

Wide leg squats

How to do it right: we put our legs a little wider than the shoulders, the socks are divorced 45 degrees. The back is straight. We take the pelvis back, bend our knees and sit down to a right angle. Make sure that the knees do not go beyond the socks. Then we rise, push out with the heel and the outside of the foot.

How many repetitions: 20 times, 3 sets.

(If you have enough endurance, then you can do more – up to 50 reps per set.)

Bulgarian lunges

How to do it right: We put one leg on a dais, the working leg in front, the arms in front of us, the back is straight. We go down, bending the leg in front so that the knee does not go beyond the toe, we try to keep the knee slightly to the side. We go down, stretch the thigh and push up with the upper side of the foot.

How many repetitions: 2 sets, 15 times for each leg. We rest for a minute between approaches.

Mahi from the position on all fours

How to do it right: we get on all fours, we lift our right leg (slightly bent) up, imagine that we are pushing out the platform. Raise the heel up. At the top point, we fix the gluteal, artificially squeezing it, and lower the leg down to its original position. We perform 25 swings with each leg, half a minute rest between sets, 2 sets.

How many repetitions: we perform 25 swings with each leg, half a minute rest between sets, 2 sets.

Gluteal bridge

How to do it right: we lie on our back, we put the heels as close as possible to the gluteal muscles – this is the starting position. We raise the pelvis up, artificially pressing the gluteal muscles at the top point. We fix for a second and go down to the starting position.

How many repetitions: we perform such 30 repetitions in 3 sets. Rest is 1 minute between sets.

Press folds

How to do it right: slightly bend the knees, support on the fifth point. At the same time, we lower our legs and body down to the floor, this is all done while inhaling. Then, as you exhale, we pull the hips to the chest, while making sure to keep the back rounded.

How many repetitions: 20 times, 3 sets. Rest is 30 seconds between sets.


How to do it right: we lie on our back. The lower back is pressed to the floor, the hands are fixed under the pelvis. Legs are straight. We perform improvised scissors, alternately raising and lowering each leg.

How many repetitions: we perform this exercise for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds, such 3 approaches.

Sophisticated one-point break bar

How to do it right: withstart to get into the classic bar. The shoulder is perpendicular to the floor, the back is straight, we do not allow deflection in the lower back. Keep the abdomen and core muscles pulled in and then rip off one leg. We stand in this position.

How many repetitions: 20-30 seconds. Then we lift the other leg and do the same. Such a couple of approaches, between approaches rest – 1 minute.

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