7 Effective Ways To Treat Babies’ Intestinal Colic
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Although intestinal colic results from the immaturity of the baby’s digestive system and resolves spontaneously, its appearance is one of the most stressful moments for the baby and its caregivers. How to relieve the symptoms of colic and which solutions will give the best results? Check out 7 proven ways!

1. Tul and stay close

Calming a child’s legs during intestinal colic is not an easy, but very important task. Providing an infant with a sense of security and closeness of the parent is one of the important behavioral methods that build a natural bond between the child and the caregiver. Cuddling, gentle rocking, humming, preferably in a quiet and cozy room with dim light – it will reduce the baby’s anxiety and contribute to shortening the crying time.

2. Prepare a warm bath

A tender touch of a parent, a gentle massage of the tummy and the whole body, as well as a bath in pleasantly warm water, are conducive to relaxation and relaxation. These are another, long-known, effective behavioral methods that were successfully used by our mothers and grandmothers. When bathing, it is best to put the baby on you so that its belly touches your belly. This position and gentle back massage will help the child get rid of accumulated gases. It is also a good way to calm down your baby – a warm bath will put your baby in a good mood and help him fall asleep peacefully. You can read more about the sleep rituals in the article: Guide for parents | Putting the baby to sleep – ways.

3. Provide a quiet space

Make sure that the space in which you are with your child is conducive to relaxation and rest. Peaceful surroundings, pleasant, delicate sounds or those imitating the so-called According to many mothers, white noise also brings relief during intestinal colic. The favorite lullaby and the gentle, subdued voice of the caregiver can also effectively soothe the toddler’s anxiety.

4. Develop an appropriate feeding technique

Proper breastfeeding technique is important in preventing an infant from swallowing too much air, which may contribute to the occurrence of flatulence. Sometimes the help of a lactation adviser is recommended in this regard. If you are feeding your baby formula, make sure you choose the right bottle and nipple. It is often recommended to change the basic milk formula (infant milk) to a formula dedicated to abdominal problems – colic, flatulence and constipation.

5. Supplement your diet with probiotics

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that have a positive effect on the growth of normal intestinal microflora, and thus reduce the risk of intestinal colic. Lactobacillus acidophilus is considered to be a particularly important bacterial strain, which you will find in specialized preparations dedicated to babies from birth as a support in the fight against intestinal colic. One of such supplements – recommended by the community of pediatricians and mothers – is Humana benelife AColic, which is a combination of safe extracts of chamomile and lemon balm and probiotic bacteria.

6. Use safe herbs

Phytotherapy, i.e. herbs that are safe for a child – chamomile and lemon balm – are known to support the digestive tract, have an antispasmodic effect and reduce the amount of gas. The administration of herbs to infants should take place through dedicated 0m + products, in which herbal extracts are adapted to levels that are safe for an infant. Attention! Herbal teas are not recommended, especially fennel tea, which should not be given to infants and young children under the age of 4.

7. Don’t blame yourself!

The belief that when a baby has a stomach ache, it must have been hurt by the bloating or hard-to-digest products that mom ate is one of the most frequently repeated myths. Don’t blame yourself! There are no special indications for the dietary restrictions of a breastfeeding mother when an infant has intestinal colic. Intestinal colic is also not an indication for the elimination of dairy products as those to blame for a sore belly. First of all, remember that a happy and calm mother is a happy and calm child!

Another sleepless night behind you due to intestinal colic? Relax! There are proven ways to soothe your baby’s crying and anxiety caused by abdominal pain. Introduce the methods discussed above patiently, gradually and in order – check which one will be most effective in your case. Good luck!

Author: Diana Wolańska-Buzalska, clinical nutritionist

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