7 effective ointments for scabies
Mankind has not been able to defeat scabies for centuries. However, effective drugs for the treatment of this disease still exist. We will find out from an expert what ointments exist that will help get rid of scabies, and how to apply them correctly

Scabies is a contagious parasitic skin disease caused by scabies mites.1. Female ticks settle in the epidermis and, after fertilization, gnaw through its upper layer, feeding on it, making passages in it and laying eggs in them. 3-4 days pass, and larvae hatch from eggs, which have even greater mobility. And the disease begins to progress.

As our expert points out – Sanitary Doctor, Disinfectologist (Epidemiologist), Medical Organizer – National Research Institute of Public Health Nikolai Dubinin, scabies can be cured with medication, observing certain prevention.

– A doctor should choose an ointment for scabies. The specialist determines the duration of treatment, how often the medicine should be applied, and provides additional recommendations, the doctor says.

Together with an expert, we ranked inexpensive and effective scabies ointments and discussed when and how to use them.

Rating of the top 7 inexpensive and best ointments for scabies according to KP

1. Permethrin ointment

Opens our rating permethrin ointment. The active substance permethrin has an insecticidal effect, stops the development and leads to the death of larvae, as well as adult ticks. Permethrin practically does not enter the systemic circulation and is not toxic to humans.

Permethrin ointment is available in convenient tubes of 30, 50 or 90 g. A big plus of using the ointment is that tick resistance to permethrin is less common than to other drugs2. Permethrin is also available in the form of a solution and spray, but they are more suitable for the treatment of head lice.

Противопоказания: individual intolerance to the components of the ointment. Pregnant and lactating women should consult a doctor before use.

effective remedy, reasonable price, suitable for the treatment of children, non-toxic.
there is a risk of eye contact, so be sure to use personal protective equipment.

2. Sulfur ointment

The well-known sulfuric ointment is also an effective remedy for scabies mites. Sulfur acts as an active component here, which has an antimicrobial and antiparasitic effect. Due to the presence of paraffin in the composition, the product is easily applied to the skin and difficult to remove. The active substances of the ointment do not enter the bloodstream and do not have a toxic effect on the body.

The course of treatment with sulfuric ointment is 7 days. The ointment is cheap, works effectively. However, she also has a lot of disadvantages – she stains clothes, because of her contact dermatitis can develop, it is quite difficult to use the ointment in the heat.

Противопоказания: individual sensitivity to the drug, childhood, pregnancy, breastfeeding3.

cheap and effective drug, substances do not enter the bloodstream.
inconvenient to use (for a long time it is necessary not to wash off the ointment), eyes and respiratory organs can be irritated, stain clothes, pungent odor.
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3. Benzyl benzoate

The drug has a toxic effect on scabies mites and guarantees the death of mites in 7-32 minutes4. However, our expert warns that benzyl benzoate only kills adults and larvae, not eggs.

The medicine is very cheap, it comes in a convenient tube. The treatment is mainly 5 days, and only on the fifth day the ointment can be completely washed off. Cannot be used during pregnancy and children.

Противопоказания: children under 18 years of age, pregnancy, lactation, sensitivity to the drug

cheap and affordable means, ticks quickly die.
does not affect eggs, an allergic reaction is possible.
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4. Medifox

Medifox is a concentrate for the preparation of an emulsion for external use in the form of a clear, colorless or light yellow liquid. In its composition, Medifox contains permethrin, which fights ticks and is of low toxicity to humans. The drug acts quickly and effectively destroys scabies mites.

The finished emulsion can be used for children older than 1 year. The biggest drawback of the drug is that patients need to prepare the solution themselves before use, which has a short shelf life – only 8 hours. Also, some patients note that itching after the first treatment may increase.

Противопоказания: children’s age up to one year, from 1 to 5 years – as prescribed by a doctor, individual intolerance to the components. Lactating women during treatment should stop breastfeeding.

effective remedy, can be used by children.
the treatment should be carried out carefully, in a ventilated room, the drug should not be allowed to get on the mucous membranes, the drug has to be diluted by yourself, itching may appear after the first application.
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5. Zinc ointment

Zinc ointment cannot be called a remedy that is directly involved in the destruction of scabies mites, but the ointment will be needed to recover from the disease. Zinc ointment helps to accelerate skin healing, removes itching and redness, which can bother a person for some time after recovery.

The ointment is applied in a thin layer, if necessary, a gauze bandage is applied. If you have a small child at home, and you use Sudocrem for diaper dermatitis, then use it instead of zinc ointment. Sudocrem also contains zinc, the product is very effective, the result is noticeable immediately.

Противопоказания: individual intolerance to the components, can not be used in acute purulent-inflammatory skin diseases.

heals wounds after illness, suitable for children.
does not fight directly with ticks, do not allow the product to get into the eyes.
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6. Miramistin

The main active substance of the product is an effective antiseptic. The ointment is used for bacterial complications caused by scabies mites. It destroys a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, activates the processes of restoration and healing of tissues.6.

Miramistin has side effects: burning and dryness may appear at the site of application of the ointment. However, this all goes away on its own, it is not necessary to stop using the drug.

Противопоказания: children’s age, sensitivity to components, pregnancy, lactation.

has an antiseptic effect, helps with bacterial complications from ticks.
burning sensation may occur, should not be used by children.
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7. Spregal

Completing our rating drug Spregal. However, it does not apply to ointments, it is an aerosol for external use. It contains esdepalletrin, which is a neurotoxic insect poison.

Treatment with the drug is recommended to start in the evening so that it “works” at night. Do not wash after application. The spray must first be applied to the torso, and then to the limbs. Especially carefully distribute the product between the fingers. Usually one application is enough to effectively get rid of scabies mites. But even if the treatment was effective, itching and other symptoms of the disease can still be observed within 8-10 days.7.

Children Spregal can be used according to the dosing regimen. The most important thing is to cover their nose and mouth with a tissue while spraying.

Противопоказания: individual hypersensitivity to the drug, asthma, bronchitis, breast-feeding, with caution – during pregnancy.

often enough one application, can be used for children.
itching can be observed, many contraindications.

– If a week after applying the ointment from scabies, new moves appear on the skin, you must re-consult a doctor to adjust the treatment. This also applies to those cases when a rash or itching continues to be observed after a month, – emphasizes Nikolai Dubinin.

How to choose an ointment for scabies

If you suspect that you have scabies, then first of all you need to consult a doctor – he will perform a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. Therapy of the disease is to reduce itching and the destruction of scabies mites. For symptomatic treatment, the doctor prescribes antihistamines and special antipruritic creams. In severe cases of the disease, hormonal ointments with corticosteroids are prescribed.

– Various local remedies are used to destroy scabies mites. Most often they are presented in the form of ointments, which must be used for at least 4 days. Treatment continues until all adults and their larvae have been killed. Scabies ointments are applied to the skin in the evening. You do not need to wash immediately before using the product. Before applying the medicine, the skin should not be wet. Skin itching can last for several days after the end of the course of treatment. This is due to an allergic reaction of the skin to substances that are secreted by mites. After 10 days, the number of rashes should significantly decrease, the expert says.

Popular questions and answers

Our expert Nikolai Dubinin, sanitary doctor, disinfectologist (epidemiologist), healthcare organizer – National Research Institute of Public Health answered popular questions about scabies.

What does a scabies rash look like?

– The main clinical manifestation of scabies is the appearance of a rash on the skin in the form of small papules, which can be multiple or single. With a significant spread of ticks throughout the body, the formations merge with each other.

Over time, the rashes transform into vesicles (vesicles), and when they open, bloody or purulent crusts form. This is the result of the development of a bacterial infection, which happens when local immunity decreases.

Scabies can also be diagnosed by other signs:

• itching in the area of ​​the rash, which intensifies at night;

• scabies in the form of thin whitish stripes form on the surface of the skin;

• rashes are mainly localized between the fingers, in the area of ​​the hands, in the armpits, less often on the trunk, genitals or feet.

A complication of scabies is dermatitis. When, against the background of allergic inflammation, a person begins to comb the rashes, the inflammatory processes on the skin intensify even more.

When does scabies stop being contagious?

– Scabies mites are contagious at any stage of their existence. A sick person becomes a source of infection even before the development of symptoms. When, as a result of treatment, new rashes cease to appear and signs of inflammation disappear, we can talk about recovery.

This feature of the course of the disease is associated with the life cycle of scabies mites. After entering the human body, the female parasite makes specific passages under the stratum corneum of the epidermis, where it lays eggs. Of these, after 3 days, adults appear that live for 1-2 months.

What should you do to avoid getting scabies?

– In order not to get scabies, you must follow a few simple rules:

• use your own towels, linen, which is especially true for public places (hotels, sanatoriums);

• follow the rules of hygiene – take a shower regularly, change linen;

• avoid using other people’s things (gloves, washcloths);

• wash underwear and bed linen at high temperatures, then carefully iron it;

• keep hands and nails clean;

• regularly clean the house;

• adhere to the rules of hygiene in baths, saunas, public showers. 

When scabies is detected, all family members of the patient and people who are in close physical contact with him should undergo prophylactic treatment. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor based on the severity of the disease. Most often, ointments for scabies are prescribed, which are able to quickly and effectively destroy scabies mites and their larvae.

Sources of:

  1. Scabies: a dermatologist’s point of view. Kosheleva I.V. Journal “Infectious Diseases: News. Opinions. Education”, 2014. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/chesotka-vzglyad-dermatologia
  2. Scabies and pediculosis: old problems in the new time. Delyagin V.M., Rumyantsev A.G., Shugurina E.G. Medical business magazine, 2007. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/chesotka-i-pedikulez-starye-problemy-v-novom-vremeni
  3. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Sulfuric ointment https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/sulfuric-ointment-simplex
  4. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Benzylbenzoate https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/benzylbenzoate__16407
  5. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Zinc ointment https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/zinc_ointment__39646
  6. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Miramistin ointment https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/myramistin
  7. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Spregal. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/spregal__775

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