Many of us from time to time have a disbelief in our own strengths: suddenly something doesn’t work out, our hands immediately give up, self-esteem decreases, apathy arises. And what to do with it? I am ready to suggest things that work well for you, and unless you are a deeply insecure person, they will help you.
I am sure that normal, mentally healthy people in such situations are quite able to help themselves. I do not promise that my tips will change your self-esteem seriously and for a long time: no, my quick and easy ways will help you in those moments when you suddenly have a crisis. In these moments, you need to stop and think. You need to ask yourself the right questions and find new answers to them. I will help you with this!
I will offer you 7 exercises, and in each of them there will be 7 more simple tasks. Do everything in writing, or more precisely, with your own hand, pen on paper.
Attention: only writing on paper forms a connection between what we write and the brain. The keyboard does not do this, so all entries related to working on yourself, personal growth — do only on paper, no matter how antediluvian this method may seem to you. Take a pen and a piece of paper.
So, with your hand on paper write:
7 of my strongest qualities
And then in a column under these words you list them. Get started!
Please start doing it right away, don’t put it off until later. “Later” is a very strange word: it never comes. Therefore: take a piece of paper and do this exercise. And only then move on to the next one.
7 of my bright personality traits
Again: don’t just think about it, write it right away.
If, for example, you wrote 5, but you can’t think of 2, I “don’t believe,” as Stanislavsky said. Think until you come up with. Do not give up! It’s up to you. That’s right, they did it! And so on for each exercise.
After that write:
7 people who think highly of me
It is not necessary to write what exactly they appreciate. Some people appreciate you just for who you are. Friends, relatives — who will it be in your case?
The following exercises are of the same type. Write:
7 of my biggest successes in life
7 situations where I liked myself (or am proud of myself)
You do not need false modesty here: you write this list for yourself. And to like yourself is normal and natural. Self-esteem should be real, and if you deserve praise, then praise yourself.
But then the most important exercise, pay special attention to it:
7 things you will do well tomorrow
It is surprising that in general I do the exercise from time to time, and the idea that this is it — “things that I will do perfectly well tomorrow” — can be entered into the diary at least every day. Not just how things are, but how what I will do perfectly well, illuminated me now for the first time. How useful it is to review old success diaries!
And the 7th exercise is also about your tomorrow:
7 people who will rejoice at my success
But now that you have written this, re-read it and say: do you have a reason to doubt yourself? In the fact that you are capable of much, in your abilities? How much you already have to be happy and rejoice!
Save this sheet. And take it out from time to time and reread it. Or do the task again. Joy to you!
By the way: below the article, in the comments, you can share what this exercise gave you. If it really turned out to be useful for you, lifted your mood and self-esteem — be sure to write about it!