7 dangerous foods that damage teeth

7 dangerous foods that damage teeth

Since childhood, we have been frightened that by eating sweets we spoil our teeth, that we cannot gnaw seeds with our teeth. And what else is harmful to our teeth, we asked the head physician of the Medas dental clinic, Alexander Nikolayevich Lubyanoy.

“The use of the same product can be both a preventive measure to prevent one disease and an accelerating factor for the development of another,” said the dentist. – Therefore, I would not get stuck and remove from the diet foods that are not entirely healthy for teeth. A measure is needed in everything.

The conditional list of harmful products for teeth looks like this

1. Nuts and seeds

But only if you often gnaw the shell with your teeth. The kernels themselves are healthy, so try to eat peeled nuts and seeds.

2. Sweets

Perhaps this is one of the most harmful categories. Getting on the surface of the teeth, this food creates a favorable atmosphere for the development of pathogenic microflora and the occurrence of caries. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you eat cakes, sweets or jam. But, on the other hand, it is impossible to have a good mood without sweets, so lovers of such doping need to rinse their mouth with clean water or brush their teeth immediately after using it – this will neutralize the harmful effect.

Toffee, gummies and hard candies are on a separate list: they get stuck in the teeth, injure the tooth enamel, and sometimes can accelerate the decay of the filled tooth. Better to forget about them. They are also prohibited for use by people with prostheses, crowns and artificial teeth.

3. Citrus

It is scientifically proven that acidic fruits destroy the hard tissues of the tooth. But we are not talking about one or two oranges a day, eaten for dessert, but about eating them daily in kilograms. In dental practice, there are cases when tourists, after a long stay in exotic countries, returning, complained about damaged tooth enamel. After finding out, it turned out that such travelers were overeating local fruits, as they say, “from the belly” or “for the rest of their lives.”

4. Carbonated drinks

When combined with water, carbon dioxide in soda forms carbonic acid, which destroys tooth enamel. Such drinks are “champions” in a large amount of dyes, sugar and phosphoric acid. This killer mixture can easily “paint” age spots on your teeth and deprive you of a snow-white smile.

5. Coffee and tea

Yes, these products change the color of the tooth enamel. But they are so delicious … They help so well to have a conversation with a girlfriend over a cup of tea or to confess love over a cup of cappuccino. How can it be without them? Agree, no way. Well, drink to your health, but do not forget to drink a glass of water after drinking. By the way, nutritionists always recommend drinking two glasses of water immediately after one cup of coffee. Heed the advice and enjoy.

6. Cold and hot food

The most dangerous for the teeth is the alternation of cold and hot. For example, let’s say you eat ice cream with coffee. This is not worth doing, because sudden changes lead to rapid destruction of the tooth surface.

In second place in terms of harmfulness is the consumption of very (this is the key word!) Hot food: the enamel of the teeth expands, cracks form. Subsequently, through them, harmful bacteria enter the tooth tissue. Cold foods are in third place in terms of harmfulness.

7. Cigarettes and alcohol

But this is not good for our entire body. And the point!

What neutralizes the harmful effects on the teeth:

– rinsing the mouth with clean water;

– chewing gum. When you chew it, the process of salivation begins, which means that the earliest natural cleansing of the mouth;

– brushing your teeth with a brush or dental floss.

Do not forget that oral hygiene procedures should be performed twice a day.

1 Comment

  1. jino langu limetoboka pembeni nitumiye dawa gani

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