7 causes of stress in a married woman

Passionate love and honeymoon ends. A life full of disappointments and everyday problems begins. Family therapists have found seven reasons why women are unhappy with their marriage.

Perhaps you often get tired and irritable, sometimes you don’t feel like going home, and here’s why.

1. You have to do everything yourself.

Your husband jokingly calls you “superwoman,” but even superheroes need a break. Men rarely realize how difficult it is to combine work and raising children.

“If a woman tries to be a conscientious worker and a caring mother, conflict almost always arises. Either she works hard and neglects children, or she takes care of a child, but her career suffers, ”explains psychologist Ryan Hawes.

2. You need time for yourself.

It disappears with the advent of children, but does not cease to be necessary for both parents. “A woman’s self-care is important for the well-being of the family, and the modern woman is overwhelmed,” complains family therapist Talya Wagner.

3. Husband does not pay attention to children

In most families, the mother takes care of the children. She does homework with them, takes them to additional classes and to the doctor, takes care of nutrition and appearance. “Think about how to make life easier for your wife. You can take a walk with your child in the evening or cook dinner for the family on Sunday. Show interest in what your children are doing,” says psychologist Laurel Steinberg.

4. Relationships are no longer romantic.

Family life is not a reason to forget about romance. “Memories of what the relationship with a partner was like right after they met, makes a woman take a fresh look at marriage. She begins to feel like she was being used,” Talya Wagner explains. She advises occasionally to invite a nanny and go somewhere together.

5. No balance between life and work

Men are more interested in the work itself, for a woman it is often just a necessary component to maintain a normal life.

“Men need to tell their wives more not about projects and bosses, but about how work can affect family life,” says Ryan Hawes.

6. You feel like a project manager

Some men do not even think about why everything is so well arranged in their house. They take hot meals, clean floors, and straight-A students for granted. However, all this is the result of the daily work of a woman.

“It is often thanks to a woman that family life becomes a single well-oiled mechanism. There is a lot of information in her head. She knows where to find her husband’s tie, when it’s time to pay the bills, what suit to sew for a matinee in kindergarten. She masterfully manages the life of the family and solves the problems of her husband and children on the go. But she dreams that her husband will relieve her of a small part of the responsibility, ”reflects Talya Wagner.

7. You stopped talking

This is not about the phrases “What are we having for dinner tonight?” or “Will you pick up the child from the gym?”. Thanks to modern technology, we effectively exchange information, but we do not really communicate.

“Women are more sociable and talkative, messages do not help them when real support is needed,” says Ryan Hawes. To maintain a close relationship, spouses need to spend at least a few minutes alone every day.

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