7 best hemostatic drugs
If you accidentally cut your finger, then nothing will happen to you from the loss of a couple of drops of blood. But if the wound is deep, and the blood does not stop, then this is a direct threat to life. No less dangerous are internal bleeding, which can occur with certain diseases.

Blood loss is a serious threat to human health and life. Of course, with massive blood loss, it is impossible to self-medicate, only emergency medical care will help here. In addition, there are diseases that are characterized by impaired blood clotting and a tendency to internal bleeding. To treat this problem, the doctor may prescribe special drugs that speed up the blood clotting process.1.

There are several groups of hemostatic drugs:

  1. fibrinolysis inhibitors that prevent the dissolution of blood clots (tranexamic acid);
  2. drugs that activate the synthesis of platelets and the formation of blood clots;
  3. enhancing coagulation (vikasol, hemostatic sponges);
  4. reducing vascular permeability (ascorbic acid and rutin).

List of top 7 inexpensive and effective hemostatic drugs according to KP

1. Tranexam

The hemostatic drug Tranexam is available in the form of tablets and solution for injection. Both forms of the drug contain tranexamic acid, which prevents the body from dissolving blood clots and helps stop bleeding, and also has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.2.

Most often, Tranexam tablets are prescribed for diseases associated with blood clotting and menorrhagia (heavy menstruation). Tranexam can also be used for prophylactic purposes – for example, in patients with hemophilia who are awaiting tooth extraction.

Tranexam in the form of a solution for injection is recommended for the treatment and prevention of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, after operations on the prostate gland and urinary tract, during surgical interventions in the nasopharyngeal cavity, bleeding during pregnancy, etc.

Противопоказания: venous or arterial thrombosis, subarachnoid hemorrhage, renal failure, convulsions, age less than 3 years.

the drug can help with uterine bleeding
vomiting and dizziness may occur after consumption, appetite may decrease

2. Dicinone

Dicynon is a hemostatic drug that stimulates the formation of blood clots (thrombi) and reduces the permeability and fragility of blood vessels.3. The drug stimulates the formation of platelets (blood cells from which blood clots form) in the bone marrow. Bleeding is stopped or reduced by the hemostatic action. Dicinon helps prevent or stop bleeding, is used during and after operations: urological, gynecological, during tooth extraction, etc.

Показания: prevention of bleeding during surgical interventions, intestinal bleeding, bleeding in diabetes mellitus, epistaxis

Противопоказания: with thrombosis and thromboembolism, severe violations of the liver and kidneys.

good for bleeding
may experience headache, heartburn, nausea

3. Etamzilat

It is a hemostatic agent that reduces the permeability of blood vessels, activates the synthesis of platelets and the formation of blood clots – thrombi.5. The drug does not constrict blood vessels, improves microcirculation and restores the normal duration of bleeding. With intravenous administration of Etamzilat, the effect may appear within 15 minutes.

Показания: prevention and stop of bleeding, including traumatic and surgical.

Противопоказания: pregnancy and breastfeeding, liver dysfunction, thrombosis and thromboembolism.

effectively stops bleeding
heartburn, heaviness in the epigastric region, allergic reactions may appear

4. Ascorutin

This is a combined medicine, which contains active ingredients – ascorbic acid and rutoside. The first regulates redox processes, blood clotting and is involved in healing processes.6. The second strengthens blood vessels, improves microcirculation. It is recommended for use for the prevention and treatment of capillary lesions and lack of ascorbic acid. It can also be used for hemorrhagic diathesis, allergies. 

Indications: lack of ascorbic acid, increased fragility of capillaries

Contraindications: children’s age, sensitivity to the components in the composition, the first trimester of pregnancy

has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces swelling in venous insufficiency
allergies, dyspeptic disorders, headache may appear
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5. Hemostatic sponge with collagen

Hemostatic agent for local use. The sponge contains collagen, nitrofuran and boric acid – substances that have an antiseptic and adsorbing effect, accelerate tissue healing. The sponge is indicated for bleeding from the muscles, gums, nosebleeds. Note that the sponge can be used by patients with thrombocytopenic purpura, leukemia, hemorrhagic thrombocytopathies, while most of the drugs from the rating are prohibited for them. The sponge must be applied to the wound, after 3-5 minutes it will be saturated, if the bleeding continues, then a second layer of the sponge is applied7. The sponge left in the wound or cavity completely dissolves.

Показания: capillary bleeding, trophic ulcers, bedsores, skin lesions, nosebleeds

Противопоказания: sensitivity to drug components, arterial bleeding

high efficiency, result in 2-3 minutes, convenient packaging, you can carry it with you
she is powerless against arterial bleeding
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6. Vikasol

This hemostatic agent is a synthetic analogue of vitamin K. In the body, the drug is converted into vitamin K2, which acts in the liver and stimulates the synthesis of clotting factors – proteins that are involved in the blood clotting process. Many hospitals give injections of vitamin K (Vikasol) to newborns to avoid hemorrhagic disease.

Vikasol is also used for bleeding after injuries, various injuries and surgical interventions. The drug is also shown in gynecology – with uterine bleeding. The drug should be used with caution in patients with hepatic insufficiency.

Показания: prevention and treatment of hemorrhagic disease, wounds, uterine bleeding.

Противопоказания: thromboembolism, pregnancy, breastfeeding, increased blood clotting.

increases blood clotting, has a hemostatic effect
possible allergic reaction

7. Ascorbic acid

The well-known “ascorbic acid” is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of scurvy. She is also a real helper for bleeding, namely – nasal, pulmonary, uterine. The drug is safe for pregnant women and can be prescribed for nephropathy in a future mother. Ascorbic acid restores, regulates carbohydrate metabolism and blood clotting.

Показания: nasal, uterine, pulmonary bleeding, hemorrhagic diathesis

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity to the drug, diabetes mellitus

can normalize oxidative processes, restores blood clotting
people who have an ulcer, gastritis or other stomach problems need to be careful.
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How to choose hemostatic drugs

Which drug to use depends on the type of bleeding.

Tatyana Pliner, cardiologist, arrhythmologist, functional diagnostics doctor, candidate of medical sciences, notes that if the bleeding is external and small, they can be stopped at home with the help of hemostatic fluids, namely a special hemostatic sponge, a pressure bandage, cooling the injury site with ice and creating an elevated position if it is a limb.

“It is necessary to have in advance in the home medicine cabinet such products as hydrogen peroxide, hemostatic liquid for superficial wounds, hemostatic sponge, bandage, gauze wipes, adhesive plaster,” says the doctor.

Some small external and internal bleeding is stopped by taking special hemostatic drugs. Such drugs are prescribed by a doctor after determining the type and source of bleeding. They are prescribed in the form of a solution, tablets or injections. These include, for example, the drug thromboplastin formation activator. It stimulates the formation of platelets and their exit from the bone marrow; or a drug with an antifibrinolytic effect that suppresses the activation of plasminogen, a specific blood protein that destroys fibrin clots.

Minor bleeding does not pose an immediate threat to life, but if it occurs constantly, it can lead to anemia. These are, for example, bleeding from the gums in chronic periodontitis, from varicose venous plexuses in chronic hemorrhoids, small persistent blood loss in erosive gastritis, and menstrual irregularities.

In some cases, even small vascular bleeding is difficult to stop at home, due to the fact that a person has a congenital pathology of the blood coagulation system, or the patient takes special blood thinners. For a number of antithrombotic drugs, there are specific antidotes that can be administered in a hospital setting if necessary; other drugs irreversibly block the hemostasis system, and then the solution is to replenish the volume of lost blood with the help of special replacement solutions or blood cells.

The most dangerous is arterial bleeding. The body loses a lot of blood in a short time, there is an immediate threat to life, and immediate medical intervention is required. In this case, it is possible to help someone present or self-help in the form of direct pressure on the wound, the application of a pressure bandage, digital pressure on the artery, maximum flexion of the limb in the joint, and the application of a hemostatic tourniquet.

In the presence of prolonged bleeding or in case of loss of a significant volume of blood, it is necessary to consult a doctor to assess the significance of bleeding and determine tactics to replenish blood loss, the doctor says.

Popular questions and answers

Popular questions about how to stop bleeding at home when it can be life-threatening will be answered Vasily Gavrilov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, operating surgeon, proctologist.

How to quickly stop bleeding at home?

Conventionally, bleeding can be superficial (from a wound) or internal (arise from internal organs). The most frequent bleeding from internal organs is with stomach and duodenal ulcers, uterine bleeding and diseases of the rectum (hemorrhoids, anal fissure, etc.). Such bleeding is dangerous to health, especially since the patient, as a rule, cannot independently determine the cause.

If nosebleeds, gingival bleeding, hemorrhoids are “annoying”, periodically recurring, then it is better to contact a specialized specialist. Especially since today there are “lightweight” ways to treat high-risk patients.

External bleeding is the most simple situation if large vessels are not damaged. If this is a superficial cut, then washing the wound with 3% hydrogen peroxide will help stop the bleeding. If the cut is very deep and blood comes out of the wound under pressure in a pulsating stream, you can apply pressure to the wound with a sterile drape, use a pressure bandage, tourniquet, or apply maximum flexion of the limb. In any of these cases, you should definitely consult a doctor.

When can bleeding be life-threatening?

Any bleeding can be life-threatening, especially from internal organs. Even minor bleeding is especially dangerous in the following groups of people:

• patients taking blood-thinning drugs;

• patients with diseases that violate coagulation;

• patients after surgery who are at home.

Such people, especially older ones, need to monitor their condition very carefully, and seek medical help at the first sign of blood loss.

What to do if the bleeding does not stop?

If the bleeding does not stop, call an ambulance or see a doctor immediately. Moreover, it is better to do this even before the consequences of blood loss begin or a loss of consciousness develops.

Sources of:

  1. Treatment of bleeding in the prehospital stage. Ekibaeva A.A., Nurzhanov D.S., Feoktistov V.G., Zhakieva G.R. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/lechenie-krovotecheniy-na-dogospitalnom-etape
  2. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Traneksam. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/tranexam-2
  3. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Traneksam. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/tranexam__24038
  4. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Dicynon https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/dicynone__6476
  5. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Etamzilat. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/etamsylate__6479
  6. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Askorutin. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/ascorutin
  7. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Hemostatic sponge with amben https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/hemostatic_collagen_sponge__20740

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