7 best analogues of Xarelto
The anticoagulant Xarelto is an effective drug for fighting blood clots. Xarelto is prescribed for people with cardiovascular disease, diabetes and coronavirus infection. We tell you what analogues of Xarelto exist and how to use them

The active ingredient in Xarelto is rivaroxaban.1. It reduces the production of the protein thrombin, with the participation of which platelets “stick together” and blood clots form. Xarelto is used to treat and prevent diseases that are accompanied by increased blood viscosity: thrombosis, thromboembolism, stroke, myocardial infarction1. The drug also prevents the formation of blood clots in coronavirus, after operations to replace heart valves and joints of the lower extremities. The release form of Xarelto is tablets with a dosage of 2,5, 10, 15 and 20 mg.

Rating of the top 7 inexpensive and effective analogues of Xarelto according to KP

Together with an expert, we selected the best Xarelto analogues and found out how this or that drug works. However, doctors warn of the dangers of self-replacing the drug. The list contains Xarelto analogues with different mechanisms of action and dosage, so only a doctor can recommend a medicine that will not harm health and provide the desired result.

1. Eliquis

Opens the list of the best analogues of Xarelto drug Eliquis. Its active ingredient is the anticoagulant apixaban.2. Like rivaroxaban, it “slows down” the production of the thrombin protein and prevents the formation of blood clots.2. The drug is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and begins to act 3-4 hours after ingestion.2. Available in tablets with a dosage of 2,5 and 5 mg.

Contraindications for use: active bleeding and a tendency to them, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, impaired renal function, pregnancy, lactation, age up to 18 years.

efficiency; mechanism of action identical to Xarelto; almost always available in pharmacies.
high price in the segment.

2. Prodaxa

Pradaxa contains dabigatran etexilate, a direct anticoagulant that reduces the activity of the thrombin protein and prevents the formation of blood clots.3. The mechanism of action of Pradax is slightly different from Xarelto, but it helps with the same diseases. The drug is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of strokes, heart attacks, venous and systemic thromboembolism, deep vein thrombosis3. Release form – capsules with a dosage of 150 mg.

Pradaxa should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents under 18 years of age, people with renal insufficiency, liver dysfunction, active bleeding.

efficiency; available in most pharmacies.
high price in the segment.

3. Warfarin

Until recently, warfarin was the most popular drug for the long-term prevention and treatment of thromboembolism and thrombosis. Unlike Xarelto and other direct anticoagulants, Warfarin works differently: it blocks the production of proteins in the liver that increase blood clotting.4. As a result, the concentration of these proteins in the body decreases, and the formation of blood clots slows down. Release form – tablets 2,5 mg4. The drug begins to act 36–72 hours after ingestion, and the maximum concentration in the body is observed on days 5–7 of treatment.4.

However, the effectiveness of Warfarin is strongly influenced by concomitant factors: the state of health of a person, the foods that he eats, and the medications that he takes.4. Therefore, there is always a risk that while taking the drug, the blood will be too thin or thick. To monitor blood counts and, if necessary, adjust the dose of Warfarin, you need to take an INR analysis every 2-4 weeks. This study allows you to assess the state of the blood coagulation system.

Warfarin is contraindicated in people with or with a tendency to bleed, severe liver and kidney problems, severe DIC and thrombocytopenia, and pregnant women.

low price in the segment; time-tested efficiency.
differs from Xarelto in its mechanism of action; you need to constantly monitor the level of blood clotting.

4. Warfarex

The active ingredient of the drug is warfarin sodium, an indirect anticoagulant.5. Warfarex acts in the liver and slows down the synthesis of proteins that increase blood clotting5. The drug is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and myocardial infarction.5. Varfarex release form – tablets with a dosage of 5 mg.

The drug is contraindicated in bleeding and the threat of their development, severe renal and hepatic insufficiency, hemorrhagic diathesis, thrombocytopenia, severe DIC, stroke, exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, during pregnancy and under 12 years of age.

suitable for long-term use; low price in the segment.
acts differently than Xarelto; not always on sale; requires monitoring of the level of blood clotting during treatment.

5. Phenylin

The mechanism of action of Phenylin is similar to Warfarin. The active substance phenindione reduces the production of proteins that are formed in the liver and are further involved in the formation of blood clots. Phenylin is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and begins to act 36-48 hours after administration.6. Used for the prevention and treatment of thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, myocardial infarction6. Available in tablets with a dosage of 30 mg6. Like Warfarin, it requires constant monitoring of the level of blood clotting in terms of INR.

Contraindications: should not be taken with hemorrhagic diathesis, anemia, severe kidney and liver diseases, anemia, stomach and duodenal ulcers, during pregnancy and lactation.

low price in the segment.
a day you need to drink a large number of tablets (4-6); during treatment, constant monitoring of blood clotting is needed; should not be taken simultaneously with many drugs.

6. Clopidogrel

The drug belongs to the group of antiplatelet agents that prevent platelets from sticking together and forming blood clots.7. In addition, Clopidogrel dilates the coronary vessels and improves the blood supply to the heart muscle. The drug is prescribed to patients with myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke and acute coronary syndrome to prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels7. Clopidogrel release form – tablets with a dosage of 75 mg.

Clopidogrel is not used for active bleeding, during pregnancy and lactation, with severe renal and hepatic insufficiency, with lactase deficiency and lactose intolerance, under the age of 18 years.

the efficacy and safety of the drug are well studied; suitable for long term use.
on the mechanism of action differs from Xarelto; during the period of treatment, it is necessary to control the level of blood clotting.

7. Listab 75

Antiplatelet drug with the active substance clopidogrel8. It prevents platelets from sticking together and prevents blood clots from forming. Listab 75 is used to prevent stroke, myocardial infarction, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and other diseases that are accompanied by increased thrombus formation.8. Release form – tablets with a dosage of 75 mg.

Do not use Listab 75 during pregnancy and lactation, under the age of 18, with acute bleeding and severe liver failure.

well-studied drug that has proven its effectiveness.
the mechanism of action is different than that of Xarelto; during treatment, it is necessary to monitor blood coagulability.

How to choose an analogue of Xarelto

An analogue of Xarelto should be selected by a doctor. First of all, the doctor will take into account the reason why Xarelto was prescribed, as well as the patient’s state of health, what medications he is already taking. In most cases, before prescribing an analogue, blood tests are studied to assess the state of the coagulation system.

Reviews of doctors about analogues of Xarelto

Most doctors use Xarelto analogues in their practice. Most often, Eliquis is prescribed, less often – Pradaxa, Clopidogrel, Warfarin. If during the administration of the drug it is required to control the level of blood clotting, the doctor will definitely warn about this.

Popular questions and answers

The tendency to form blood clots is a very common problem, especially among people over 40 years of age. Therefore, the issues of taking and replacing drugs for blood thinning are of interest to many people. Our expert answers popular questions – candidate of medical sciences, endocrinologist, nutritionist, therapist Tatyana Gudozhnikova.

When can Xarelto analogues be used?

– Xarelto’s analogues are used:

• for the prevention and treatment of venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism;

• to prevent blockage of blood vessels by blood clots in hypertension, stroke, diabetes, heart failure;

• to prevent thrombosis after replacement of the joints of the lower extremities and heart valves;

• in the complex therapy of patients with coronavirus infection.

What happens if you stop drinking Xarelto and switch to an analogue?

– Nothing will happen right away, since Xarelto remains in the body and continues to act for 2-3 days. It will be possible to evaluate the effect of the analogue after some time. If the drug is chosen correctly, it will have the desired therapeutic effect. But it is important to remember that you should not replace Xarelto with another drug on your own or stop treatment without consulting a doctor.

Sources of:

  1. Register of medicines of Russia. Xarelto. https://www.rlsnet.ru/tn_index_id_43277.htm
  2. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Eliquis https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/eliquis__38823
  3. Register of medicines of Russia. Pradax. https://www.rlsnet.ru/tn_index_id_42850.htm
  4. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Warfarin Nycomed. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/warfarin_nycomed__2536
  5. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Warfarex. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/warfarex__4225
  6. Register of medicines of Russia. Fenilin. https://www.rlsnet.ru/tn_index_id_5322.htm
  7. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Clopidogrel. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/clopidogrel__21851
  8. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Listab 75. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/listab_75__37477

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