7 benefits of flaxseed! Do you know its properties?
7 benefits of flaxseed! Do you know its properties?

Flaxseed – small, brown, shimmering seeds that many of us sweep with our eyes, and then immediately head for further shelves. Even fewer wonder about its health-promoting properties, which is a pity because it is rich in omega-3 polysaturated fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids.In addition, other ingredients play an important role, such as flavonoids, phytoestrogens, lecithin, zinc and vitamin E. Seeds are also rich in soluble and insoluble fiber.

  1. For inflammation of the digestive tractCommon flax, i.e. linseed, is used in gastric and duodenal ulcers, in inflammation of the digestive tract, as it regenerates and protects the membrane that lines it.
  2. For menopausal symptomsBeneficial effect in the fight against menopausal symptoms, flaxseed owes phytoestrogens and lignan, which successfully replaces soy isoflavns. However, it is worth using the seed as a support.
  3. Flaxseed and diabetesNot only does it avoid diabetes, but it is also recommended for diabetics because it reduces sugar spikes after meals. Diabetics who consumed mash with 25 g of flax during the study managed to save some money on the costs associated with taking insulin.
  4. Anticancer prophylaxisUnsaturated fatty acids together with phytoestrogens have a significant impact on the anti-cancer prevention of breast, prostate and colon cancer. Flaxseed may also benefit people already suffering from cancer.
  5. Against atherosclerosis and heart attacksIt reduces the risk of a heart attack and atherosclerosis, because it effectively reduces excess cholesterol in the blood. It contains lignan, an antioxidant that fights free radicals, and polysaturated fatty acids that reduce blood triglycerides. In addition, there is also magnesium, which hinders the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of the arteries.
  6. Seed for the skinRegular consumption of linseed will moisturize the skin from the inside, and may even be helpful in the prevention of AD – atopic dermatitis.
  7. For hair and nailsFor a few minutes, boil 2-3 teaspoons of linseed with a glass of water. Then strain and distribute on damp, clean hair for half an hour. It takes only a few repetitions of subsequent washing of the head to make the hair look healthy and fluffy. Seeds will also accelerate hair growth if, apart from the mask, we consume them every day. In the remains of the mask, it is worth helping your nails for a quarter of an hour – they will become strong and hard, they will grow faster.

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